I'm getting a Black Screen on Chain and Do You Like Horny Bunnies?

I’m new here and for the past year or so. I’ve been having issues with two JASTUSA games. I already contacted support for both games and all the suggestions they gave me didn’t work.

I already try compatibility mode, Turning off my virus protection and reinstall the game, and downloading and installing Direct9x

What I do find weird is that when I first install these two games they work fine but when I try to launch them again. That when I started getting the black screen.

Now I sometimes did get Chain to work but that after I shut down my computer and boot it back up and hurried up open up the program. That method sometimes works but sadly doing it with Do You Like Horny Bunnies? doesn’t.

So if anyone has a better solution on how to fix this. You would really be a life savoir.

Horny Bunnies is getting a remake, so that should fix your problem.