i'm in the twilight zone?

Until yesterday, i had a simple ADSL 512/128 conection. Now, about 24 hs later, i see something that cripples me. i’m uploading at 60kb!!!
How is that even possible!?, answer, it seems that right now, i got my up to 512 and my download to 2mb, the weirdest thing of all?
not only me, but also a friend of mine, who doesn’t have the same ISP had this “new” conection…
Not only that, i’m downloading at no more than 32kb/s!
My questions are:

Does anybody know wtf can be going on? (i dont really want to call my ISP and then find out that it was some “problem” and that they are going to fix it )

Does anyone know some web site where i can download “anything” (and i mean ANYTHING) that is hsoted on a fast server (fast enough to let me check if this new conection trully has 2mb -i mean, i need to see if it, at least, is beyond the 65kb/s-)

Sorry for all the trouble, its just that i’m pretty much confused here, i stillc ant believe that something like this is actually happening XD XD XD


If this, by any way, is a dream, please, dont wake me up!!!

Okay, I have something for you. Try downloading a sample “episode” of bishoujo game “Schooldays” that released in Japan today. This sample is over 700 MB. This game is supposed to be “nonstop animation.” In other words, it’s just like anime except you get to make choices as if it were an ADV game. The game costs a little more than the average b-game in Japan, but not that much more. They either plan to make a lot of sales on this, or the game itself is not very long. I’m not sure.

Link to download:


Link to info on the game :


Originally posted by The Unholy Avenger:
Does anyone know some web site where i can download "anything" (and i mean ANYTHING) that is hsoted on a fast server (fast enough to let me check if this new conection trully has 2mb -i mean, i need to see if it, at least, is beyond the 65kb/s-)

Have you tried running the bandwidth test at DSL Reports? I think they factor in the number of hops to your address to give you a true measure of upload/download bandwidth. You should get a report in the form:
2005-04-29 02:02:41 EST: 1254 / 312
Your download speed : 1284818 bps, or 1254 kbps.
A 156.8 KB/sec transfer rate.
Your upload speed : 320187 bps, or 312 kbps.

[This message has been edited by perigee (edited 04-28-2005).]

Thx both of you, when i’m back from school, i’ll test it.

Looks awesome. Not going to be translated. Time to go work on my language skills…

Originally posted by bishounen_blue:
Okay, I have something for you. Try downloading a sample “episode” of bishoujo game “Schooldays” that released in Japan today. This sample is over 700 MB. This game is supposed to be “nonstop animation.” In other words, it’s just like anime except you get to make choices as if it were an ADV game. The game costs a little more than the average b-game in Japan, but not that much more. They either plan to make a lot of sales on this, or the game itself is not very long. I’m not sure.

Link to download:


Link to info on the game :


Wow I tried the demo and it looked like an interesting game. Then I saw these:



Man, this game looks fantastic. It reminds me of the old Playstation ADV: “Double-Cast” Anyway this game has gone right to the top of my shopping list. It will probly take me a few months to get the money though…

bishounen_blue, you should feel proud of your self, this demo is awesome and, even when its on Japanese, i’ll buy it right after it comes out!