I'm so bored.... Played a little sensei 2.... did I men

Hey everyone, I am pretty much stranded at home. I only have 5 bucks left >_< Not much gas money there. Anyways, I have been bored out of my mind, and after sucking at day of defeat for a while, I couldn’t take it anymore, and played a little Sensei 2.

I figure I will throw out my impressions of the game so far. The game actually seemed like it had a fairly decent story starting out… I was kind of intrigued by how the character might develop. Unfortunately that didn’t last long, the game pretty must turned him into a sick sex beast, but I haven’t finished the game yet so I don’t know what will happen next. I was suprised at the amount of decisions you get to make, I assume this is a multi ending game, so the decisions probably have a lot ofrelevance on who you go crazy on.

I’d like to talk about the character designs a little too. This is my own opinion keep in mind. Lets start out with the faces, they are butt ugly mainly do to the eyebrows and eyes. Do any of you out there actually think the facial area looks good? The rest of the body looks pretty damn good. The decensored drawings are some of the better that I have seen, but the pubic hair realllly looks bad. It does not match teh rest of the body at all. With that said, the background is fairly typical of most games, which is good.

I figure I will comment on the packaging too. It’s typical g-collections. No manual, and bland looking monoton cd. I really wish they would at least do a nice color label… Oh well, for the rate of games they are churning out, there is no reason to complain. Hell, I can’t even keep up with them.

All that said, I think anyone looking for a pretty freaky game should check this out. I will comment more after I finish the game.

I’ve been contemplating which games to get next, and I think I am going to snag some good ol c’s ware stuff. I’ve been wanting to play adam forever, along with maids story and gloria. There is something about c’s games that I love. I’ll let you know when I figure out what it is hehe.

guess I have burned up enough board space already. I think I will sit around thinking about getting a job.

First, I haven’t played Sensei 2 myself, so I won’t make many comments about what you said, only two things: I’ve sene what the faces looks like, and to be honest, I don’t like this style at all. sure,a smiliar style was used in Kana, but there, it looks kinda different from Sensei2’s faces.

Secondly, if there’ no manual to the game, then I certainly think that is a bad thing, since I’ve been getting a number of japanese b-games lately and almost all of them have contained a very nice-looking manual, unlike most of the b-games that gets released here in the west, and getting a nice-lookign maual together with a game and read it is half of the fun of getting a game, or so a gamer told me once . Maybe both PP and G-collections should put more effort into making good manuals?

None of the g-collections games contain manuals, thats just how it is. I will play devil’s advocate on a couple issues.

1. I didn’t mind the graphics of Sensei 2 which I stated in the past. They had a more asian look and I though color depth and quality wise they were above par. Also there was a definite uniqueness to each female that can be lacking in some other games.

2. Most of the gaming population does not bother to read manuals anymore. At least that is how it is with mainstream games. I would have no doubt believing less than 10% of the people who picked up Warcraft 3 read the manual. Most people don’t read the manual unless they don’t understand something. I probably read the manual of maybe 1 out of every 15-20 games I buy. So if it save G-collections money to not produce a manual and speed up release time then I say good.

On game manuals

I agree with Bigdog’s comments. I’m one of the handful of people who actually does read things like Help files and Game manuals. I’m of the opinion that "hey, I bought it, I might as well use it once."

Most mainstream games (the games you can buy at Best Buy or FYE) now have a tutorial (which isn’t often used either), or just have the first few minutes of the game be extreamely easy so you can get the controls and whatnot down.

Now, I will say that players do often use game manuals to at least see what the various controls do. Even if they don’t bother to read the rest of the manual.

Some game companies are now rewarding people who do read the manual with codes and secrets or coupons that players can use to unlock stuff or to get discounts on other games. For example, in the PS2 version of Halflife, the game manual gives you a code you can punch in. If you never read the book, you’ll never see the code. For a 2nd example, the Dot-Hack RPGs have coupons you can use to get $5 off and $5 back… though it requires you to cut up your manual.

admits that he doesn’t read the manual before playing

I actually enjoyed the artwork for Sensei2. No complaints about it.

as for manuals, while it’s nice to have one, it’s not really necessary in my view. Particularly if you think about the complexity (or lack of) for these games.

I’d much rather have additional goodies slipped on the disc, like PeachPri’s XC2 for example.

Hmm, actually I read the bishoujo game manuals more than I do most other game’s manuals. Usually it’s to get some hints and clues as to how to play each girl’s paths. Of course, since I’m focusing mainly on that, I do miss a few other things in the manuals…

As for the C’s ware stuff, havn’t played Adam either. I really should pick it and Eve up one of these days. Gloria will definitely keep you busy trying to get all the endings and CG’s. Maid’s Story I also enjoyed, although I wish they had taken out the ‘night lessons’. Then again, if it was a straight SIM, that game probably wouldn’t have been translated at all!

come on man, its those “night lessons” that give them special skills . I like manuals, and usually browse through them with any game I get, even if I can’t read 90% of it.

There are still a ton of games out there I want to get, a trip to japan I really need to take, and I am broke. It’s so hard being broke. I wish I could come up with a few thousand. Maybe I should start dealing drugs lol.

I could imagine the headlines…"B-gamer gets busted for selling dope to fund his game colelction"

Ohh, and I really want CRC. so far out of reach though ;_;

Originally posted by woodelf:
Other than full color printing I can't think how to improve the manual, looking at the X/2 manual.

If you were able of understanding japanese, I would highly recommend to you the manuals of:
- Air
- any FC&C-game
- any Studio e-go! game

in order to understand th edifference.
You get a first impression, if you look at the manual of Casual Romance Club.

Originally posted by smog:
come on man, its those "night lessons" that give them special skills [img]http://princess.cybrmall.net/ubb/wink.gif[/img].

True, but I also spent a lot of time thinking "okay, who the heck am I training these girls for?" I mean how does your alter-ego, who's only doing this training job for the first time, suddenly thinks "hey, I'll use this litterbox during tonight's training session..." (Okay, okay, I have issues, still enjoyed the game though)

Originally posted by Unicorn:
If you were able of understanding japanese, I would highly recommend to you the manuals of:
- Air
- any FC&C-game
- any Studio e-go! game

in order to understand th edifference.
You get a first impression, if you look at the manual of Casual Romance Club.

... and I'd perhaps be recommending the Darcrows manual [img]http://princess.cybrmall.net/ubb/smile.gif[/img]. I don't know if the manuals of alicesodt are this good in general, but if theya re... anyway, this manual has impressed me the most so far [img]http://princess.cybrmall.net/ubb/smile.gif[/img]. The Utsukushi Hime manual isn't bad either, althrough it pales quite a lot in comparisation to the darcrows manual [img]http://princess.cybrmall.net/ubb/smile.gif[/img].

Olf after disease broke out in my reef tank and I watche 9 of my 11 fishes die, I kinda gave up on it. It’s like through a period of 5 days I watched about 300 dollars worth of fish die. At the bright side, my most expensive fishes lived…

What I wouldn’t do to start it up again, but anyone who has a salt water reef tank knows how it goes. You start out with a small tank, maybe 10 gallons, then all of a sudden you have a 125 gallon tank in your room… Luckily for me my fish die odd occured right before I was about to drop some bennys on a big tank hahaha. So no more evil expensive fish. You’re right though, I could get a fish for 5 bucks, but it would cost me 5 bucks worht of gas to drive to where the fish was :P.

The 5 bucks ended up getting me a burger, fries, cok, and a 1 dollar keno ticket lol.

Originally posted by woodelf:
I thought that only applied for games with Cat girls. In [b]Smog's would that be mermaids and a fish tank. [img]http://princess.cybrmall.net/ubb/smile.gif[/img]

Now I'm having flashbacks to watching "Splash!" [img]http://princess.cybrmall.net/ubb/tongue.gif[/img]

*urk* Sorry, I was about to say something else but that would be a potential spoiler for some. I hate trying to remember what's still a "secret" and what isn't.