Importing PC games to England

Hi folks,

Just wondering if anyone had experienced any problems (ie. UK customs) when importing adult PC games into England.
I am very interested in buying some, but am afraid they may never reach me…!

Many Thanks,


Hey there

In two or three years I’ve been importing anime goods from various countries I’ve only had one package opened; it contained adult game Come See Me Tonight and was sent on to me.

As far as I know, it isn’t illegal to import explicit adult material into the UK unless it falls foul of obscenity laws. These include sexual violence, which is heavily frowned upon. Be careful of importing games such as Tsuki and Sensei 2 which make no attempt to hide the nature of their content. That type of title doesn’t appeal to me anyway, so it’s not a problem. Games like Brave Soul and Tottemo Pheromone I see no problem with.

Hope that helps.

Thanks, Interzone, for replying to my earlier post and answering my questions. I have not played a bishoujo game yet but have watched anime and think that these games sound like great fun.
But, I am just trying to make sure things do not go “sour” when I try to buy them.

Do you think anyone at “Peach Princess” will know what’s allowed to enter England.
I am interested in the X-change series and also you mentioned Tottemo Pheromone - that sounds cool…!

Many thanks

I am sure people at Peach Princess will be more than happy to answer your question. Now if I may, please allow me to suggest some bishoujo game titles to you …

Besides Peach Princess, G-Collections also has many great game titles … for example, the game you mentioned above, Tottemo Pheromone, is released by G-Collections… Now… I think G-Collection’s releases, Kana and Private Nurse, are must play for B-Game fans as those games have GREAT story plots and CGs. In fact, those are the only 2 B-games in English that are powerful enough to make me shed tears. Trust me, I am no crybaby. Besides the above 2 game titles, I personally think PP’s Brave Soul is a must play game as well.

If you need any more information about current B-Gmaes that have been released to English Speaking world… I think reading reviews and explanation for the game titles is enough…but in case it is not, I will be more than happy to give you my thoughts about each game if needed.

Yeah I know…I am being nosy here :slight_smile:

I am grateful for the useful info, it will help me with my choice of games…

Now to figure out how to buy them!


Originally posted by shadowweaver:
Now to figure out how to buy them!

Well, it's like buying anything else online, innit? [img][/img]

I have bought games from here at Peach Princess, J-List, and Archonia, who are based in Belgium and will have the games to you a little quicker (plus VAT is included so you won't get customs charging you). They are slow at getting newer titles in and very slow at restocking, though.

My recommendations?

Brave Soul - for the wonderful gameplay.
Crescendo - for the beautiful and moving storytelling.
Tottemo Pheromone - for something lighter and plenty of, uh, you know [img][/img]

If you want a good story then Kana, Cresendo, Chain and Snow drop are for you.

If you want lighthearted fun then Tottemo, Tokemeki checkin, and Xchange 2 are good choices.

Brave soul is really the only action rpg out there so if you like rpgs then go with BS.

Originally posted by wanfu2k1:
If you want lighthearted fun then Tottemo, Tokemeki checkin, and Xchange 2 are good choices.

Warning: XC2 has rape sequences in it. Furthermore I personally am of the opinion that Do You Like a Horny Bunny is significantly better than Tottemo Pheromone.

Thanks to everyone that has answered my earlier questions, I do appreciate you taking the time to reply.
