In my opinion Bishoujo games are too expensive

Persona 4 and Eternal Poison for me. Though if Atlus does indeed bring over Devil Summoner 2 as well, I’ll be nabbing that too. It’s supposed to be much better then the first, faster paced battles, more then one summon at a time in battle, demon negotiations in battle is back as well.

That doesn’t work so well when you have a photographic memory.

On the plus side that means I still remember pretty much where I left on DQ8 6 months ago and .hack 12 months ago and could pick it up within less than 5 minutes…usually within 1 minute.

I looked at Eternal Poison and I’m not sure about it…I wish they had a demo out for it. I might put it down to get the free pre-order stuff and decide later.

Use your photographic memory to learn Japanese!

Having a photographic memory certainly made it a lot easier for me…

I am…unfortunately it’s better at reading hiragana than listening to the teacher and comprehending what she says when it’s in Japanese.

Hey, at least for the most part a teacher will stick to what you are supposed to have learned and speak at a pace a bit slower than you usually hear in spoken Japanese. Me? I’m lucky if I can pick out a few words of a conversation between the older Japanese women at the Buddhist temple when I’m there to help make manju, given how fast they speak and how many words they use that I don’t know, or in the case of (mostly) verbs, a form of the word I haven’t learned yet.

2nd if you have Japanese magika artists as staff, 3rd if you don’t I’d bet.

For PC games yes, because most PC games have no long-term resale value. Those that do, are so rare that finding a copy becomes not worth the time and money, unless your a collector.

Well you did forget to mention that it does add the cost for bandwidth, which much be able to not just handle a lot per day, but a lot all at once.


Alot of games show up in’s weekly special bin, some in the $10-20 price range. It’s just random what’s in there every week.