Infinite Undiscovery

Just a note that Infinite Undiscovery has released by Tri-Ace and Published by Sqare-Enix.

The main thing to take notice of is the world was designed by Ryo Mizuno, creator of Record of Lodoss War and Legend of Crystania.

Even though it’s unlikely that I’ll play it, I have been kind of curious as to what this game was about due to the commercials they’ve been running.

This is a game you’ll want to rent before you own. Where it excels it does a good job, but where it fails it hits rock bottom. I haven’t done any formal research into the development of the title, but my gut instinct tells me the game designers were aiming too high for their innovative features. It has all the signs of a dev team running out of time, money, and direction.

Overall it feels average… just plain average.

From what I’ve read it looks like what Narg said is mostly true. Newcomers with grand visions not knowing how to impliment them and when to cut things out.

Unlike what some people say though, I do like having more story content in harder modes, not just tougher enemies and more bosses. More storyline content imo is good way to get others interested in the story to replay the game. However, it shouldn’t be at the expense of constancy. You shouldn’t have a WTF moment about how someone knew, did or had something they shouldn’t.

And given the age we’re in, new game replays for longer games, a new game + should have been used, even if it was just minor benefit.

Ya I thought the opening escape sequence, the chase through the forest , and then Carrying Aya to Noolan, were absolutely Dreadful. It’s improved greatly now that I’ve reached Castle Privance.

-Just a note that Narg is right, you’re better off renting it, just to check it out 1st.

I absolutely love the game with it’s faults and all. While there is always a nagging feeling that this should change or that is just such a crappy design decision at no time during my playthrough did I feel that I wanted to stop because of the problems. However doing CA in towns got real old and I probably skipped a number of sidequest because of that. :lol: Seraphic Gate really kicks a whole lot of ass though. Hopefully their next effort will be better although they have improved quite a bit since most of the staff in this game worked on Radiata Stories and that was one game I definitely felt had a lot more faults.

Being a total Tri-ace fanboy it’s time to look forward to Star Ocean 4. :smiley:

There are people who curse the name of Star Ocean 3. :wink:

I generally enjoyed SO3, but found the English voice acting to be horrific. Given that Square Enix is now MUCH better at finding English VA talent, I assume SO4 will not suffer this fate. :expressionless:

The only thing that I’ve heard people complain about in SO3 is the story and somehow that one aspect of the game completely nullifies any good that game possibly had. It definitely didn’t bother me and the combat, characters, and crafting were really fun.

Remember that SO4 will be published by SE, which is the same situation as IU. The voicework in IU is pretty laughable (it really is quite horrible) not enough to be game breaking and you can turn it down but it is REALLY bad. :lol:

I really wish I had seen this topic before I ordered it over the weekend. Well, this and Tales of Vesperia. I wouldn’t be a tales fan if I didn’t support my guys, ya?

Oh, man. I remember Star Ocean 2. The dubbing was hideously bad in that game. Whenever I’d send Rena (the girl lead) off to a point on the battlefield, she’s scream out “I’M COMING!”. I’m assuming it was supposed to be something like “On my way”, but it came out as … something rather more excited.

Dubbing was really the only bad thing in SO2. Claude at least, during certain lines, sounded good…mostly the intro, which is the part they probably spent the most time on.

SO2 though gameplay-wise and translation-wise imo was superior because I liked the secondary skills and the more direct translation (they did not try to westernize anything in the game, unlike other titles).

Hideously bad? Or secretly awesome? I remember Celine saying such wonderful gems as “From behind?” and “You’re too easy!”