Insanity thread 2

This is the follow-up of the “Refresh my memory, Lamuness…” thread.

Please start posting here.

Yeah, sure… but first you have to figure out what everyone is talking about…

Random insanity.

As opposed to orderly insanity?

From the looks of things, people still seem to be content to go to the 50th page of the Lamuness thread and post there…

[This message has been edited by Wolfson (edited 07-03-2004).]

Yes orderly instanty ranks up there with organized choas, to be honest I wonder how many pages “Refresh my memory, Lamuness…” will someday end up being since it is about 50 and growing.

It is fifty pages. When I first came onto the BBS, I tried to read all the recently posted messages, and the Lamuness thread was one that had recently been posted to. I quickly gave up on trying to read my way through that one to figure out what was going on

Okay, this insanity thread will be about…
funny IRC channel quotes at #b-games!

I’ll start:

Well, playe done or two of the very earliest doom-games. but I’m not found of FTP’s either ;p
*smog remembers fists for shadow warrior w
File Transfer Protocol?
looks forward to VtM: Bloodlines
Horrible typo, Spectator.
B: Whopps, meant FPS. not FTP’s ^^;;;;;

shadow warrior and duke nukem were cute. semi-parodies of the fps and not taking its creation too seriously.
Duke Nukem = porn
in more ways than one.

I better go get coffee and get out of this conversation
Get your daily dose of oppai, eh?
=-= smog is now known as smog[coffee]
<smog[coffee]> nope
I wouldn’t mind some oppai while getting coffe

[This message has been edited by Benoit (edited 07-05-2004).]

Oka-a-a-y, Benoit… I think you’ve been drinking too much smog…

oh btw spec, how did your girl hunting go on your vacation ?
Heh, I didn’t really do anything of that, especially not since the family was together at all times :9. But I saw a few nice ones at the beach, yeah ^^
show us their pics
or their oppai

G: Indeed xD. I’ve had my fair share of drunk old men remembers, with a seer, a drunk when I was a kid who throught my fine toy postol was a real one and therefore threw it away :/. Got quite PISSED OFF at him
or rather, gun
* Benoit shoots Spectator with a gun.
hehe sounds rather kinky the way you say it spec “I"ve had my fair share of drunk old men”
yeah, you may want to rephrase that
… or, I dunno, you may NOT want to …
* Benoit shoots Nandemonai with a gun.
Before benoit posts it in the bbs
Yaay, gurvon saw my thread! dances
XD. Well, change it to “I know how drunk old men is”, then… Better?
rises from the dead, grinning
* Spectator rises fromt he dead, grinning MADLY
no that sounds grammatically wrong also
or depends on how you look at it I guess :stuck_out_tongue:

Then how about “I know the Ways of the Drunks” XD
Then it sounds like you are the drunkard :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:
This is SO getting posted.
Then I’ll change it to 2I’ve seen/encountered my fair share of drunk old men". Better?
Yeah that will do =)

[This message has been edited by Benoit (edited 07-05-2004).]

Nande: magic words?
Good morning
“Magic words”?
As I mentioned Chain, you woke up. :slight_smile:
nah, it’s just time for me to get ready to go to work
6:20 AM
Nande: 6:20 AM. Wow, that hurts. :wink:
13:20 PM here
Just became 20.
man, N’s up before I sleep again
I’ve truely become a creature of the night :stuck_out_tongue:
… uh, yeah, you have
even I didn’t usually stay up past 5 AM or so, and I was pretty bad
Dodler: hi.
Nande: Well, you are young (are you right?), you’ll survive. :slight_smile: