the other day i was watching tv (wich is weird indeed) and i found out this show in wich was being disscused if Gays Couple Should or Should Not be able to adopt childens…
The disscution was a normal one overall, with people saying what they tought one the topic, etc, etc…
But one person caught my atention… it was an old man… He was on the ‘Should not’ group, he said ‘Why should we allow people who ‘naturally doesnt want to have kid’ adopt kids’.
I was pretty much surprised by such a comment, altrough it has many flaws in concept, it was something that left me thinking deeply in a topic that i dont really care about…
He said that homosexual people ‘Doesnt want to have kids’ (i mean the ‘normal’ -man/woman- way)…
I want to hear some opinions.
In my particular case, i agree with that man, but in the fact that i dont think that it’s good for a children to grown up in a place where they have 2 dads or 2 moms…
i dont know, its a deep-tought topic and this can end in People flaming at each other (and that’s something i dont really want…)
I hope my english were good enough to make myself 100% clear in this ‘serious’(??) topic…