Interesting, will check back later

This looks a lot like a hentai version of Sakura Taisen, believe it or not. Time frame is appropriate, storyline is set up in a similar manner, there are gameplay resemblances, there’s a lot of cuties, etc. I’ll definitely be giving it an extended look later.

That is not exactly a H-ST Cone.

This is.
Hell,they even got one of the people behind ST to design the chara for them.

Originally posted by Orochi:
That is not exactly a H-ST Cone.

This is.
Hell,they even got one of the people behind ST to design the chara for them.

...Planning and Scenario by Satoru Akahori. Oh, lord. Interestingly enough, the game's also going to be converted to a TV anime. Memo to self: pick it up for comparison to the ST TV series.

Honestly, I hate elf, I f*cking hate them. None of their game are great (especially the recent ones) and they tend to act classy and stuff. The worst thing is, they think their titles will sell simply because of the brand name label and they have enough money to hire the top famous guys to work for them.

Let’s take ashita no yuukinojyou. Like their next release, it’s a parody to a certain anime…and this time they put in lots of money to hire the infamous aoi nanase to do the chara design, and also her first time to work on a Hgame too. What do you get in the end-product: a very mediocre/boring story (elf’s writers SUCK, sorta a reference to kagami’s comment), and yeah they may have aoi nanase to do the chara design, but their colorists pretty much ruin the drawings since the coloring style simply do not match aoi nanase’s drawing style.

Sorry for ranting…it’s one of my major pet-peeves in the industry, another pet-peeve is studio ego which I won’t go into, but pretty much for the same reason: all their storylines for all their games are of no substance; only the graphics is the selling point.

I’d rather play titles from minor companies; at least they put their heart into their work

Originally posted by Orochi:
That is not exactly a H-ST Cone.

This is. me a 'permission denied'?

Since I’m not really keeping an eye on Elf’d games, I won’t say anything about those, but Lamunbess, why hack down on Studio E-Go’s games? most people I’ve meet who played the games by them seems to have loved them, not just because of thr good graphics…

Well, like what Kagami said, I must say that elf’s past fame is something they deserve with their old games…but now…

Leaf…at least most of their current titles is overall very solid and very well made (okay…better than the recent elf games at the very least)…speaking of tactics and leaf, does anybody here see their release of Kizuato and Moon respectively look like a internal battle between themselves?

About Studio E.go games…you will see how mediocre all their games are in terms of storyline when you actually play them. Yes, the graphics are very nice although I am not a fan of Yamamato Kazue, but their story is way too plain, and if I were to go bashful, unrealistic, lame, stupid, and has no substance at all. If it only applies one or 2 games on their list then I guess that isn’t so bad, but the unfortunate thing is: all their games are like that. SB, are the people you talked to Japanese players, or at least people who actually understands japanese enough to know what is going on in the story? I pretty much stopped playing all studio ego games since castle fantasia erencia wars…even for that game I gave up on the game about 1/3 when I got totally disinterested in the story despite it’s the first RTS bishoujo game with voice recognition input.

I guess the bottom line is, one should definitely not judge what game to play simply because of the company’s label. Just because one company makes one good game doesn’t mean they will make good games forever, or just because one company has a special and famous artist as their trump card doesn’t necessarily mean the game will be good overall. Don’t forget that we are consumers and we should judge by the product itself.

Sure, I may buy every single game with Misato Mitsumi’s art in it, but if it ends up like ashita no yuukinojou, I will bash it the same way. I play games for the overall presentation (story, art, music etc) as well as the mood; if I want only Misato Mitsumi’s art, then I could have bought the artbook only (which technically also cost cheaper), no?

[This message has been edited by Lamuness (edited 07-27-2002).]

I see… Well, the people I talked with were people who unsderstood Japanese well enough to be able to understand the story, and they did say that they liked the games by Studio e-go, so it might just be a matter of taste

Hmm, but if your opinion is so harsh on Elf and Studio e-go (but not without a good reason, of that I’m sure), who is praised for their games by many, what are you opinion on Crowd and Will then? From my experinces, their games are quite good, and different enough in many aspects, but maybe you don’t agree on that?

Originally posted by Spectator Beholder:
I see... Well, the people I talked with were people who unsderstood Japanese well enough to be able to understand the story, and they did say that they liked the games by Studio e-go, so it might just be a matter of taste [img][/img]

Hmm, but if your opinion is so harsh on Elf and Studio e-go (but not without a good reason, of that I'm sure), who is praised for their games by many, what are you opinion on Crowd and Will then? From my experinces, their games are quite good, and different enough in many aspects, but maybe you don't agree on that?

Well, maybe you are right, there maybe some people who just like the unrealistic and stupid storylines for a change...

My opinion? Like I said before, I judge by the actual product itself, and I don't judge by the brand name, for reasons mentioned above. So I can't and won't answer that, sorry.

Ok, I understand .

… I hope that one of the ones who told me about Studio e-Go doens’t see your comment aobut “people who just like the unrealistic and stupid storylines”, since the games is anything but stupid from his point of view, and he might feel insulted at that comment .

[This message has been edited by Spectator Beholder (edited 07-27-2002).]

Well, let’s just say these games are simply mediocre that they definitely do not deserve as much praise as it appears to be

What I meant before is that people may prefer a no-point, light-hearted and rather stupid storyline with a very low tempo instead of something more say, dramatic and with substance (which is why I stated “for a change”). That doesn’t mean the people themselves are stupid, I am not saying that. My opinions are of course biased (but definitely not without reason) and if these people like them for whatever reason (convincing or not) it’s really their freedom and I won’t stop them from enjoying what they like.

Actually, their very first 2 releases are not too bad in terms of storyline (I can see why seimataisen got a renewal version to say the least)…but after that their stuff start to fall into the boring/mediocre section. Likewise, like kagami said, the older elf games deserve their praise. So I can’t really say that I am totally bashful at both elf and studio ego (like I said, I look at the product, not the brand name). However, I must say that I will be able to point similar titles by other companies that are much better than their recent releases (for both companies).

and my reaction to those games after playing them is: no reaction at all, the “uh, okay” type reaction. Same with ashita no yuukinojou. But then, for many studio e.go games I pretty much gave up before half way into the game.

[This message has been edited by Lamuness (edited 07-27-2002).]

Regarding E.Go!'s release…

This can be compared to the views state by various Star Wars fan regarding Episode 1 and 2,some of them find those 2 movies good but older fans did not enjoy them as much.

Sure,Episode 1 and 2 does have top notch actors to play the characters,have the best special effects money can buy and is done by one of the best producer of all time but the old SW fans who have stick with saga since the original release in 1979 find the plot of both Ep 1 and 2 uninteresting and stale.

Like wise here,E.Go! had monopolise one of the most popular artist around in Japan,K.Yamoto and her works always have a standard to them and the fact that E.Go’s release always have some standard of gameplay to them might attaract a group of fans.

But for us,veteran gamers who have been through release which have none-existence gameplay but are plot-driven might find E.Go’s release’s storyline unacceptable.

I personally find the gameplay to be on the shallow and underdeveloped side in the first place.

…and doesn’t Yamamoto Kazue herself run the actual Studio Ego company itself? At least that’s what I read

As the saying goes…

All good things must come to an end…

In other words, you mean that you dislike Studio E-go’s games because that the games haven’t really changed in any way since the company got started? I mean, if we take a look at Will’s games, for example, you’ll see that all of them are different in many sapects, they touches different themes, they are in different categories (SIM’s, ADV’s and some more), have different artists etc… while Studio E-Go’s games are more kinda like they’re “frozen in time”? Or is it all just becuase that the games doesn’t have a (according to you) solid story??

It’s not about the company being consistent in style/standards, I don’t mind if the company sticks to only one artist especially if she actually runs the company herself…it’s about their games in general are very disinteresting as an overall end-product from the start, regardless of whether it’s a RPG or AVG etc. There are various things in their games I can complain about but can live with, but by far the #1 concern is the storyline…it’s very kuso

Without a convincing storyline, a game like this will just become nothing but audio/visual eye/ear candy…to me there is no point to play such games if it’s like this. Me and a few others have already stopped even looking at studio ego games. My last chance on their games is Men At Work 2 (and I hated the original Men at Work already because it’s nothing but a template plot)…the RPG engine is way too shallow (the battles are very boring…to the point that I want to just skip all the RPG stuff), and the story is as usual disinteresting. Yeah, it’s 3D and all that, but so what? I never finished that game

Studio Ego and Elf have been in my “I don’t ever want to know what their next game is” list for quite a while actually

[This message has been edited by Lamuness (edited 07-27-2002).]

Hmm, okay… Well, everyone has their tastes .

But even if you say so, I myself would still like to play a few E-Go games, so if any of these ever is translated into english, I’ll see if I can play it and then report back to see if I agree with you or not sigh, my old dream of being able to play Men At Work 2…

So I got my date wrong (not exactly a SW fan here.)

Thanks for correcting me.

Since everytone here is postign their opinion on Star Wars, I might was well give my opinion as well… I loved the first three Star Wars movies, but episod I and II… They aren’t as good as the first three movies they just don’t give me the same feeling as I had when I watched the first three, but on the other hand, they aren’t really bad either. While I’d glady give the first three Star Wars movies 5 points out of five points, the two new movies gets only 3 points out of 5 if I may say so…

…can we go back to bishoujo? ^^