inuyasha new series

finally the last part of inuyasha will be animated
it should come out this fall … -green-lit

Sweet. Was just about to pick up the final season released in the US.

Hopefully some version will come over here. Although, if they dub it one would hope they manage to maintain the integrity of prior seasons.

with how popular the first series still is it will be dubbed

Personally, if they can get the same VA’s I’m all for it. But if they can’t, then I lean more towards sub. I don’t see much of a problem since the VA’s, at least the last time I checked, are still in the business.

This was the one anime I hoped they would revive. Once the manga finished, I figured it was only a matter of time.

Now here’s to hoping ot see Fruits Basket series 2…

Hot damn! With the way that the anime ended, I really wanted to strangle someone for just leaving all of us hanging. When a series ends without resolving things, it is one of the most irritating things in the world to me. To this day (over 14 years later), I am still irritated about how an old show from 1995 called “VR.5” just ends and leaves you hanging. Getting back to the point, I was so irritated by the way the Inuyasha series ended, that I nearly gave in and turned to the manga. I look forward to seeing the rest of the series.

In the case of Inu Yasha, they said when they cancelled it “look, it’s not building towards an actual conclusion, we can’t fund it forever”. Inu Yasha started off actually pretty good - I honestly really like the beginning. When they introduced Naraku and turned him into the main villain … not so much. It just kept going on and on. I eventually lost interest. (And I WAS reading the manga).

They said all along that when IY finally actually was complete, they would look at providing a proper ending for the series, but they couldn’t afford to keep making new seasons indefinitely. (And, I mean, they’re probably going to cut out some of the filler anyway, but if they’d been following along, they would have animated the whole of it.)

with the manga done no filler will be needed unless the anime wants to use filler characters

I was referring to the manga when I said there was filler. There is … that’s the reason I stopped reading the manga. Early on, the first 10 or so volumes … stuff happened pretty much all the time, things actually changed, it was good. Then once Naraku became the big villain … not so much.

I meant the anime can cut out the filler that’s in the manga and cut to the chase.

I know how it ends~

I know how it ends~

First Kagome and Inuyasha… gets whacked in the head

Sadly, I too know how it ends already. I accidentally read a bit about it, and by the time I realized what I was reading, it was too late. So for me at least, it will be more about how they reach the end than the actual end itself.

I read the rest of the arc in the manga because I wasn’t sure it would be revived. About to explode from impatience because of that now… I want to SEE IT NOW! :evil:

Calm Down, it’ll be out soon enough. :slight_smile:

viz just scooped it up … ishi-anime

I wonder how long until [adult swim] snatches up rights to show it?

if viz does what bandai did for kurokami right away

in the fall
and animax will be airing it in the same fashion as kurokami