Irritated At Fate/Stay Night

I’m sorry, I found your post quite hilarious and it took me a while to stop laughing and actually type up a reply.

There are no other scenes of that nature in Fate/stay Night. On the other hand, a very large portion of other eroge ARE going to be dangerous for you because this sort of thing is extremely common and a lot more common than yuri. It’s also so common that generally eroge rating sites like EGS and vndb will not bother mentioning it (well, vndb might have a tag for it but it’s not going to be used on anywhere near the majority of games that have it), so it’s going to surprise you every time I’m afraid. I actually feel for you in this regard - it’s sort of like how I hate paizuri scenes (well, I generally just skip them if they appear, but nonetheless- I like naizuri though) even though practically nobody else seems to.

[spoiler]Some people claim the whole Bible thing about how a man should not lie with a man as he lies with a woman is actually supposed to mean that you shouldn’t schtup a man in the same BED that you do a woman. Or similarly that a girl shouldn’t be doing a guy and a girl in the same bed, at the same time. So you can claim a precedent for disliking threeways? :slight_smile:

I’m a bit perturbed by your dislike of bisexuals in general - being somewhat of that persuasion myself - but as far as porn goes, people like what they like. There are plenty of things that can turn me way off in an hgame that other people wouldn’t notice at all… for that matter, a large number of hscenes in these games are either laughable or icky to me…

So don’t worry about whether anyone else likes or dislikes it. You like what you like![/spoiler]

Basically all H scenes in eroge I find to be either:

  1. hilarious
  2. frightening
    or 3) boring

I like both #1 and #2 though, so I’m certainly not saying I dislike ero in eroge.

My favourite H scene in all of eroge that doesn’t fit into #1 is Aqua’s H scene in Himawari. It only has one CG too.

I don’t think I’d be able to play VNs at all if I did that. How am I supposed to enjoy playing an eroge where the protagonist is a middle-aged man who pays schoolgirls to have sex with him, videotapes it and then sells DVDs of it on the Internet, for example? But I quite liked the eroge in question that was exactly that, because it was a good story of protagonist redemption and heroine maturity.

I found Rin’s H-scene in UBW to be quite Hilarious

If you are irritated now, wait till you get to Heaven’s feel.

FSN is a great piece of work, but like every other eroge i’ve played, it has its own share of cliche’s and wat-a-nots. IMO you should just enjoy the story.

You get Rin completely wrong but, heh.
This scene doesn’t mean anything about her being bisexual; if she were, she’d show an attraction to both genders --which is absolutely not the case. OTOH, she’s obsessed with the Saber Servant, as consistantly shown in all the stories. Obsessed, you know? The point lies there: it’s SABER! Saber could have been a male, could have looked like Berserker, could have been ugly as fuck, there’s little doubt that Rin would have jumped on any opportunity to bond with the Saber Servant.

I like to think that all girls in eroge are inherently bisexual. Can anyone show me any exceptions to this?

Only because the idea of a girl on a girl appeals to you.

None that you would believe! I mean, I could give you cases where there’s no indication of the girl being interested in her own gender but you would probably pretend it’s not an indication of her not being so!

I found that particular ero scene to be one of the best I’ve ever seen in an eroge, if not the best.

The whole point, imho, is not about bisexuality. The point is that Rin likes Shiro, but at the same time she knows that: a) he likes Saber the most; b) she is forced to surrender him to Saber if they want to survive Berserker. This can clearly be understood throughtout the whole scene - right at the beginning when Rin kisses Shiro, or when there’s an hint to the “sadistic look in Rin’s eyes” (or something like that, I don’t remember the exact words), and generally by the fact that Rin is abusing, and trying to embarass, Saber. The whole point is that Rin is trying to get a revenge on Saber, a little revenge for everything that Saber is going to take from her. So, this ero scene is particularly deep from a psychological point of view, and that’s why I liked it so much (well, this, and the fact that there are two hot girls in it). Please don’t dismiss it as mere fanservice :slight_smile:

It’s the same old story, an eroge with an incredible plot will have not-so-incredible (more like crap) ero scenes. :lol:

Don’t worry too much about that. Many eroges with great stories for some reason or another have the most stupid excluses for erotic scenes, with the characters acting nothing or very little like they usually are/were.

It’s like there are two different stories/plots per eroge… one for story in general, other just for ero scenes. There’s very few eroges with a ero scene what really fits inside the story/plot.

Sometimes, when playing a story-focused eroge, i simply skip the erotic scenes because they are messing my enjoyment of the game.

Well an android. They would be inherently asexual. It would be the software installed that would give them their predisposition.

[spoiler]I agree that Rin was obsessed with getting Saber from the beginning and was a little annoyed that she got Archer instead. She was pissed that Shiro, an incomplete magus, was able to get Saber. In the threesome scene, it was obvious that Rin enjoyed teasing Saber. The main point of the scene was Rin was trying to establish a connection between Shiro and Saber so he could transfer mana to Saber. Rather than being bi-sexual, she was probably just making the connection more successful by helping out a little. I think I might be confusing the anime with the game because it has been a long time since I played the game. Rin did make it clear that if given the chance, she would become Saber’s master if Shiro failed in someway. Does this mean she is bi-sexual? No clue.

Since Saber was in the previous Holy Grail War as well, it wouldn’t be surprising if Rin knew the previous Saber was female, and it was likely that another Female Saber would appear. According to Fate/Zero, I think it says that her dad was in the previous war as well. So he could have told her what happened. I have only read a few pages. So I don’t know the details.[/spoiler]