Is game censorship really that big of a deal?

It’s true that can be effective in some situations. However, honestly? Feminists in general are already demonised like crazy. There are vast numbers of people who agree with a lot of the basic principles and yet think ‘feminist’ is a dirty word, would never use it to describe themselves, and mock anyone who does. Most of what you’ve got left are used to having insults slung at them by people they think of as idiots.

Not to mention that since there is no organised movement, there’s no real way for groups to pressure each other. There’s no Official Feminist HQ that can denounce someone’s acts as the works of a few stray loonies. There’s no Yearly Feminist Coven where everyone gets together and the leader of one group could tell the leader of another group that s/he’s being silly. There’s no way to be ‘kicked out’ of being a feminist.

You’d have more luck pressuring Americans in general to stop believing something. At least then there’s the possibility of voting or revoking citizenship, as unlikely as that is. :slight_smile:

Hey what happened to “freedom of speech” ?! :x I’ll bet that the next guy who makes a political speech opposing the government is going to get pulled down from his podium and dog piled by police. We’ve already lost what little power we had in the government; and now we’ll be losing our freedom bit by bit…

Better join quick and make a stand while you still can. Sooner or later the govt’ll run over political speech with censoring. :frowning:
Violence should probably be a last resort, if considered.

If the current government has its way, only those who agree with them may voice an “opinion”. And just to stop the inevitable… I hate anything where freedom is sacrificed for “security” or other people’s “rights” (you know, collaring speech to “protect” the fragile ego of a few people). Or even worse, sacrificing freedom for stability and money.

Much of what is going on reminds me of Brazil… or Animal Farm…

America shall soon become a dictatorship. :x

If it’s America we’re talking about, it’ll happen only because people let it happen. Even McCarthy didn’t force his way into power–He had high approval ratings in the state he was elected from (Even JFK was supportive of him). The people have as much power to shape government as the government has to shape the people. Am I the only one who doesn’t buy into government conspiracy theories?

Anyways, I’m more worried about how JAST’ll treat Mira’s path in Sumaga than some government takeover (if a dictatorship does happen by some chance, you’ll only have yourselves to blame for not doing anything to stand up against it and those who support them). Judging by the aforementioned dialogue, they’ll either have to rephrase the dialogue or alter/cut her route. I hope they’d just do what Bandai Ent did with their Lucky Star dub and translate “???” to “lolicon” (thus using obscurity to keep them out of sticky places) or something along the lines of that with the text, as opposed to messing around with the artwork/path.

Saya no Uta is an even bigger concern, because that one has horror/guro elements in addition to the loli.

But Mira isn’t human, and that dialog tells us she isn’t underage, The rest of the witches are clearly not lolis. And in KK, they DID translate ??? as “lolicon”, since that word should be well known to the audience.

And they said that since gore isn’t illegal, they don’t care. They even sold some single copies of Black Cyc, including Gore Screaming Show, Japanese titles on J-list, would they really do that if they had problems with guro?

Why do you insist that just one thing will mean they’ll continue,and be worse? Based on there history, this is a unique case. And they aren’t removing robots.this hardly points to a major policy change, and I doubt we could do anything on these boards if there was.

They haven’t even announced a License for Sumaga, so us talking about it is just speculation.

Peope have been complaining and the unrest is only growing. However, the arogant bastards in Washington simply ignore it until something drastic happens (ie complete shift in partisan seating in elections, 2010 is coming so we’ll see, or the dreaded and growing calls for secession and/or action… Vermont, really?).

Back on Topic:

If the lolis in question can be explained away in terms of context (robot, demon, or even simply shifting the age a few years) then no changes should be needed. However, like FP, changing the age really wasn’t an option since it would have drastically altered the character and story.

Yeah,not just non-humans, in most games the age is actually irrelevant to the story, so they can have lolis if they just say they are over 18. I doubt not having the Handley case would have changed much, though it DID reinforce there opinions on why the age policy was necessary.

Didn’t I already tell you this before? If they already broke a promise, then how are we supposed to tell if they won’t censor the loli purely based on appearances alone? The fan translators may have mentioned that the lolis aren’t underaged/human, but the staff hasn’t given us any confirmation whether they’ll go through with keeping them uncensored or not. Let’s forget about the fact that JAST broke its promise for a sec–The translators said something along the lines of “the characters are over 18 and/or non-human, so they won’t touch them”, not “the guys over at JAST USA decided not to censor them”. You see the difference? Just like you guys, those fan translators are assuming it won’t be changed based on what was mentioned in the story/dialogue of the games, not based on what the staff has decided to do. They were picked up by JAST to assist in the localization process, not make final decisions on what to do with the products, so even they themselves can’t be 100% sure if they’re true or not.

And neither is loli. However, works that contain loli or guro could be deemed “obscene” and thereore illegal by a state/local governement. Did I also mention that some of the works Chris Handley possessed contained guro, in addition to loli?

This isn’t a unique case–They already censored XC3 based on the content, which was released around the same year when they announced KK for the first time. If the loli content was scary enough that they had to do that with XC3, then why shouldn’t they have taken that issue into account when they decided to get KK? Furthermore, IIRC, I don’t think the script in XC3 mentioned/suggested/implied Lipp’s age. Considering that, and assuming they’ve become afraid of the current political issue like you guys have been saying, how am I supposed to tell if they consider a character being “18 and up” or “non-human” in a future title’s story sufficient grounds to keep her uncensored?

They were already mentioning the possibility of getting Sumaga/Saya no Uta and they got the fan translators that were working on the English patches for them, so it’s entirely possible they’ve already got it/working on it or are in the process of acquiring it, along with some other Nitro+ title that has similar content. I highly doubt that JAST would create a whole new website dedicated to their deal with Nitro+ if they only intended to release Demonblade.

I’m basing my gueses on the companies history, not on this one case. None of the loli’s here look like 5 year olds or anything.

And loli IS illegal, if it is declared obscene. Part of the PROTECT act basically says that obscenity with minors carries harsher penalties. And we aren’t really clear if Handley had guro, based on the conflicting reports. Anyway, I believe Loli is a bigger target, with the “protect the children!” witchhunt currently happening. However, since the PROTECT act clearly states “minor” as a person under 18, that means they are pretty much safe if they clearly state that their characters are over 18.

They sold Japanese versions of some Black Cyc titles, including Gore Screaming Show, on J-list. So that points out that they have no problem with guro.

They probably didn’t know that much of KK’s script. Why else did they not know the ages of characters who were mentioned in game the first time they put up the site, and listed ages 5 years older than the script stated?

Besides, you can’t back up your statements. all your posts are future tense. We have no way of knowing what will happen. We don’t know what was declared obscene in Iowa, but the reports didn’t mention guro, that might have been speculation you probably heard somewhere. I doubt that 40 posts by 1 person is going to sway them one way or the other. All we can do is wait and see.

You know, it’s not worth arguing, I doubt this will have an effect on their policies. And Lipp apparently looked pre-adolescent, something the Nitro+ characters don’t. And Downhill night is obviously safe, since the lolis aren’t only 18, but are also not really that young looking in the H scene samples we see on there web page. there loliness mostly comes from their clothing.

Vardest talked with Peter and he gave a confirmation. So its up to you if you believe it or not. And the fan translators heard it from the source

Yes but alot of the protect act was struck down and they have to be more specific they can’t just use blanket bans of stuff protected by freedom of speak according to the supreme court.

Yeah, but they added that “obscenity” clause to it to keep it from being too broad. Basically Lolicon is legal, if it isn’t obscene. That part hasn’t been tested by the SCotUS, though, so it might be struck down, but it still exists right now, so it’s something to watch out for, since it could be used, as in the Whorely case.

Yeah, the law is THAT stupid, it was basicly an attempted to circumvent the overly broad virtual CP acts previously set up. Let’s hope Whorly makes it to the Supreme Court, and that they overturn this particular oddball law.

At the same time, you guys have been trying to tell me that the political climate has changed and narrowed the scope of what type of content is considered “acceptable”, and I’m supposed to be rest assured that the “somewhat older” appearance of the lolis in the Nitro+ titles will still be considered “acceptable” by their standards? If it can be identified as “loli”, then it shouldn’t be “safe” in this day and age.

Anything is illegal, if it is declared obscene. Remember how the producer of the non-CP 2girls1cup got prosecuted under obscenity charges? Remember how the FCC penalizes TV/Radio stations each time the word “fuck” or other obscene words are mentioned, even if there are no children in the show/song? Loli may be in the spotlight, but it’d be irresponsible for them to assume that they’re somehow “safe” because they censored the loli. Likewise, even if guro is a lower priortity target, I don’t think the possibility of censorsing gross, non-loli content, or something like that is somehow unrealistic either. Remember how they initially censored a non-loli rape scene in XC3?

That’s not an excuse, dude. It’s their responsibility to go through the game’s script and CGs before they made the decision to license it. They should have made themselves aware of the content before they signed the contract and announced it.

Oh yes I can back myself up. Some of the titles Handley was charged in possesion of was written by Henmaru Machino–The artist tends to draw pornographic images that involve grotesque depictions. It’s not really “guro” in the sense that it’s bloody, but rather in the sense that the characters are either severly deformed or the girls are stuffing entire chairs into their vaginas. … cene-manga

Well it doesn’t really help much with the way he mentioned how he was concerned with Sumaga, though.

America is now the Fourth Riech, “behold Babylon”. Do the research on your own, learn the history of previous governments and financial institutions, open your eyes to the truth.

The only truth is the fact that their people were the idiots who gave them the power to rule in the first place.

You know, you can’t have an effect on them.

He was unsure of Sumaga, so what. He only saw the loli, he didn’t look at the game itself. He didn’t have the script, so he couldn’t figure out anything about it. If he finds it problematic, he probably won’t license it. I seriously doubt he’d be content with releasing it if he had to make MAJOR changes, the only ones released so far are minor, and they show no signs of going off the deep end like you seem to believe. The only other game they announced was Jingai Makyou, which doesn’t have any major loli issues. When I said “You can’t back yourself up” I was referring to the argument about future changes, not about Handley.

As for the edited rape, they corrected that, and they include rape based games in there license choices even BEFORE XC3 (Including Enzai, a BL game based on prison anal rape, which is more graphic than the edited scene…)

You haven’t answered my question: Do you think repeating yourself will have an effect on there policies? What makes you so sure that if you keep complaining, they will listen to you? quite the opposite, in fact, they’ll ignore you.

Of course nothings “safe”, but some things are bigger targets than others. What they decide to edit is there business, as in, you can’t change it by yourself. I hope nothing happens, but we cannot read Peter’s mind, so all we can do is hope.
If they have to edit an entire path, then they probably wouldn’t touch the product to begin with. Matsuri really isn’t that bad when it comes to young looks, so the issue was with the scenario, not her appearance. the scenario is more important to them than the art, based on this instance, and removing an entire path would effectively alter the scenario, something they don’t seem willing to do.

I have to agree with B173 M3 here. These idiots were the ones who elected Bush; thus beginning America’s spiral into economic depression and the wasting of military power and resources in the war on terrorism (9/11 anyone ?). Now, seeing as the idiots haven’t learned from their mistake, we have a president who isn’t only going to dig a deeper shithole that’s going to take years, if not decades to fix, he and his socialist party are trying to force communism on us. Just GREAT. This is only a drizzle you’ve witnessed people, better find a safe place to hide for the hurricane. :arrow:

OK…WHAT ?! THE 4TH REICH ?! Well at least no one’s declared war on the US yet…Oh wait…yeah I forgot about the raging civil war here. :expressionless:

I’m overreacting on this aren’t I ?

Anyway, time to tuck in now. Good night people.

Out of boredom I just read the Sankaku article and the actual PDF by Equality Now. I agree that Sankaku went too far this time. Artefact often writes misleading headlines and injects his own satire into his news articles, but usually he presents the facts alongside the satire. Summaries should summarize. His did not; it was simply a cartoon caricature that he called a summary. I simply don’t think he can be trusted on this issue anymore, as he can no longer keep his opinions from contaminating his reporting on the facts. There was plenty wrong with EN’s letter without putting words in their mouths.

The idiots vote for whom the television tells them to vote for.

It started long before Bush, the first serious blow was dealt in 1913 by Congress and Woodrow Wilson by singing into law the Federal Reserve Act. The FRA took control of the nations money supply out of the hands of the representatives and put it in the hands of private banks and a board of non-elected governors, with no oversight or even transparency to the governemt.

But that’s just where the first blow was dealt in moderm times in this country. If you follow the money through out history, you will find the same occurances over and over associated with centralized banking. From Christ kicking over the tables of the Money Changers in the synagogue, to the current financial crysis. Manipulation of currency through exchange rates or interest, has been the bane of many civilzations through out history, even so far as to bieng the cause of the Dark Ages (after which charging interest on a loan was punishable by death [usery]).

What you have to ask your self, is do you believe all the information out there that points to this. The information that the corporate controlled media, which is a conflict of interest to begin with, has never reported on. After all, why would robber barons want to own institutions such as newspapers, why would they be allowed to buy them in the first place? What possible use do we as citizens have for Fractional Reserve Banking, why do we allow it?

If you are truly worried about censorship. You better start worring about losing control so completely of your government, that real censorship will become reality. I have given you enough terms and information in this post to get you started, while the internet is still unregulated for the most part you should be able to begin on a path of discovery.

War is a most profitable business, and I will leave you to think about this. Almost every conflict in recorded history was financed by what we now call centralized banks, for the mojority of those conflicts the same bank financed both sides of the conflict with the expressed stipulation that the winner pay the losers debt.


The Democratic party is still considered RIGHT WING by much of Europe. Obama’s frantically trying to ‘compromise’ with the Repubs all the time, despite them pretty much outright saying they’re not interested in compromise, only in bringing him down.

This is not me saying that everything he does is holy and pure, I have plenty of bones to pick with the new administration. Just that charges of communism are laugh-out-loud ridiculous.

Unfortunately for us, Obama is rightie enough to be a serious Christian and believe a lot of their family-values spiel.