Is Kana really sad?

about 5 hours ago, i ordered for download kana little sister, and while im waiting…
is it true that its really SO sad, grown men are crying over it?
really nao?
or is it just… ‘oh thats kinda depressing. kinda.’
would love to know from veteran players :3

Yes, it is that sad, and very moving. However, it’s best not to go into the game expecting it to make you cry. It has different effects on different people. Lots of people either admit to crying over the game, or say that it brought them the closest they’ve ever been to crying over a fictional story. Others have been kind of ‘eh’. I recommend just playing it for yourself and experiencing it without any expectations. Take it as it is, and see how it affects you. =)

[ 08-16-2007, 07:10 AM: Message edited by: Darkling ]

I know some people who couldn’t get past one certain issue and so were not effected by it. I actually cried very hard and blubbered my way through one particular ending. Yes, I am a grown man and I was a sobbing mess. So nyah!


It depends on yourself (obviously) but also on the kind of games to which you’re used. If you were a fan of nakigees (which I assume you’re not), it would probably affect you less than if it’s your first game of the genre. Buit let’s say it’s probable that either way, it won’t let you indifferent.

(for my part, it’d be icy in Hell before any story makes me cry :wink: )

[ 08-16-2007, 11:56 AM: Message edited by: OLF, i.e. Olf Le Fol ]

Well Kana was one of the first games I ever played and I enjoyed it but I cried like crazy. And yes I’m the type of gamer that cries sometimes when something is really sad.

Yes, Kana is a pretty sad game, but in a good way. As Darkling already said, just play it as you see fit and see how it affects you. Some cry over it, some just say it was a good game but they didn’t cry.

When I played the game, I expected something totally different. So it was a great surprise to me how emotional the story was. I didn’t actually cry, but I came damn close. Few games have made me feel that way.

Either way, I’m sure you’ll enjoy the game.

Kana made me sad…Maybe cry, I have, well… Lets just say that its personal. But its a great game, but you might need to read a certain fanfic (looks up for a sec) to ease your mind after getting all the endings.
In short: you wont regret buying it.

Indeed it is one of the most emotionally involving stories that I ever played.

When I got my first ending (the famous #5), the sadness kept overwhelming me again and again for 24 hours after that playthrough was finished - despite the fact that I had slept in the meantime.

And I didn’t only cry over it when I played the game itself - I even felt sadness’ clutches on me again when it made its cameo-appearance in “Crescendo”!

it really depends on which ending you get.

Much like Unicorn, I ended up with #5 and was emotionally affected for a whole day.

I didn’t sleep well and people at the office thought my dog must have died or something. :slight_smile:

It is not so much a “sad” game as it is very emotionally driven. I’m a sap for that kind of stuff, so I really cared about what was going on. Needless to say, there were some really powerful scenes that just wrecked my composure.

Does it make grown men cry? Depends on the men in question. I’ve heard that same thing said about “Saving Private Ryan,” but I did not feel the same way.

Just try to enjoy it. :slight_smile:

Kana’s definitely an emotional game. It hit me really hard, but as with any “emotional” story your milage may vary. =) I will say that Kana is a game that will demand your attention, so I’d certainly recommend putting aside more than 15 to 20 minutes to playing it each sitting. Of course, that’s how I play pretty much all games, but with Kana I think its particularly helpful to become immersed in the story.

In a nutshell I’d say that if you don’t go in with astronomical expectations, you’ll really enjoy it for what it is. =)

It you give it a chance Kana will make you cry. I may have shed a tear or two over it myself. Kana is so powerfully written that it’s hard not to get swept up into Kana’s world and be absolutely devastated when she dies. I haven’t discovered the path that allows her to live yet (and not clues, please), but I understand that one has a certain degree of poignancy as well. One the other hand, I laughed my ass off when Kana made an appeareance in Crescendo.

Idofgrahf touched on something that I think really affects a person’s experience with Kana. The first ending that you get can shape your first impression of the game. I got ending 5, and I’m really glad that I did. I think that my impression of Kana would have been a little different if I had gotten, say, ending 3 or 4 first. This is pretty much the case for any bishoujo game that I play.

Btw, I love the quote in your sig, Elias. Tsugumi FTW!