Is there any tools or software to make a game like this?

Since I was a big fan of bishoujos (hihihi!)I was wondering if there is any tool or software to make a game like this! And for your information I am an animator in making.Recently, I do make my own Manga ( i should call it doujishi,i guess) called “Tetsuwan Girls” and it is great that even girls like it! ^_^.Hope there is somebody can help me…

It’s a bit late reply, but I thought I’d still post about this…

I’m actually working on developing a open-source program that does just what you’re asking. I made a topic about it further down the board. I did want to have the first version released before Christmas, but I think that was a little ambitious. I actually haven’t done any work on it since mid-December, when I finished my first semester of Uni, since I’m home from Uni right now. I will be continuing development once I go back on the 13th, so hopefully I should be able to release something shortly after that.

The only problem is, I still need someone to do a Windows port. I personally don’t have access to a Windows machine (I run Gentoo Linux), so I cannot do it myself. The majority of the code should be cross-platform, especially the game engine (The actual game engine is powered by SDL (Simple Direct-media Layer - It’s like Direct-X)). The editor is console based and although it’s mostly ANSI compliant, it may need some alteration to work in Windows.

My eventual aim for the editor is to use GTK (Gimp Tool Kit), which will allow for the development of a proper GUI, and will eliminate any problems regarding cross-platform compatibility. However, I have never done GTK before, so it will be new to me.

If you’re interested in this, just drop me an e-mail and I’ll let you know as soon as I get something released.

Really? then I should prepare some things for that purpose (if anything goes right).Talking about Linux reminds me about Mugen,when it once in windows platform b4 is enters the open source “world”. Anyway, I do need your latest update so tell me also when it’s ready,ok?

Sure will do. I’ve made a note of your e-mail address from your profile and I’ll let you know when I release something. If it turns out that I don’t have a release for Windows as soon as Linux, you could always get a free distro, but it’ll probably not be worth it as I’m sure a Windows version will shortly follow.

Either way, anything created in my program will be compatible with any OS that has a run-time for my program (The aim of my project is encouragement of cross-platform development), so there should be no worry regarding end compatibility. The run-times should be available for everything that SDL is compatible with, and that means everything from Windows to Linux, Dreamcast to WonderPark, Amiga to RiscOS, you get the idea.

The program won’t create executable code… It works more like JAVA, as in, it will interpret content. The editor will create the content, and the run-time will interpret that data into a playable game.

Thats sounds like an emulator to me (thats cool since you are using Linux,I never tought the OS is capable for doing this).So far, my fingers are messing up for Rpg Maker (the only one i found…well it’s okay but then i have to make so many CGs! Geeez!).Any ideas to named your program already? I hope it a WYSG (what u see u get)type game maker------

Well, it’s not really an emulator, although I see what you mean (btw, Linux is actually capable of considerably more than Windows is )

It’s not a WYSIWYG program at the moment… The editor is console driven, so it has no support for graphics (the run-time has support as it uses SDL under X-Windows). It’s not difficult to use though, but I do want to make a WYSIWYG version using GTK eventually.

I hadn’t really got a name for it yet, but I was considering called it PACKAGE (Powerful Adventure Construction Kit And Game Engine), as it’s not specifically for bishoujo games, but adventure / RPG games in general. I really don’t know though…

That’s cool! It’ll work on FreeBSD just fine without any modification.

I used to tinker with RPGMaker once long ago before I became a full pledge programmer… I made a few games with it and shared it with a few people on line. Sorry… When you mentioned RPGMaker it kinda brought back memories. That was so easy… Now Im stuck making games with C++ and Maya. I never did think the real thing would be so complicated. :\

Anyway… Good luck on your endeavors both of you.

“To the far reaches of the Dead Lands… Where dragons lay dead upon the corpses of slain demons. A lone pillar stands, blacker than night. A great king chained to it for his insanity… The story of the Mad King… Long forgotten.”

… Programming an adventure-style bishoujo game isn’t hard. While I make small games for sale, i’d also be perfectly willing to help make a game for free if I had a talented artist to supply the necessary material.

(The amount I would need to PAY an artist to actually hire them for such a project would put me so deep in debt that I’d never get out again, see, not even if I sold copies, I dont have enough distribution. And my own artistic skills simply aren’t good enough for a real bishoujo game - see )

"The amount I would need to PAY an artist to actually hire them for such a project would put me so deep in debt that I’d never get out again"

Indeed… The company I work for is fortunate to have a couple programmers who can draw very well… The boss only has to add a little extra in the paycheck. My art skills arent as developed as theirs but… I still get dragged into doing a few character designs once in awhile.

Here’s a little sample:

Originally posted by ThePaleLord:
"The amount I would need to PAY an artist to actually hire them for such a project would put me so deep in debt that I'd never get out again"

Indeed.... The company I work for is fortunate to have a couple programmers who can draw very well... The boss only has to add a little extra in the paycheck. My art skills arent as developed as theirs but... I still get dragged into doing a few character designs once in awhile.

Here's a little sample:

You know that one of the little buttons by a message is "reply with quotation", right? It's easier to use than manually cutting and pasting.