Is there now a possibility of getting Age's games?

Isn’t Age connected to Nitro+? I think I remember seeing something about it on Age’s site. With the recent partnershup JAST has with Nitro+, does this also mean we could get Age’s games? I would buy ten copies of Kimi ga Nozomu Eien if it were translated. (if it isn’t censored, of course)

Nitro+ is only connected with:

Nitro+ ( NitroPlus )
Nitro+Chiral ( NitroPlusChiral )
Nitro+USA ( NitroPlusUSA )
Type-moon ( They worked on Fate/Zero )

So, the banner at the bottom of Age’s homepage is just an advertisement? I really think I remember seeing a game on their site that had to do with a crossover with Nitro+ characters…

age and nitroplus are related in some way (they do events and stuff together sometimes) but JAST doesn’t have any more of a partnership with age than it does with type-moon

How did JAST get Pulltop licenses then? I heard they got it because Pulltop was connected in some way to SweetBasil.

SweetBasil isn’t the same brand as Basil. JAST can license Pulltop titles because it has a deal with Will, Pulltop’s parent company.

Ah, I see. Thanks. Hopefully, the Nitro+ titles do extremely well and JAST starts to license other high-quality titles. I’ve always wanted to see an official translation of KimiNozo.

The likelihood of JAST making new partners in the short term (1-2 years out) is rather low given the recent Rapelay incident. The Nitro+ deal was announced after that happened, but the negotiations had probably been happening behind the scenes for quite a while.

Yes, maybe they won’t have any partnerships for a while, but I wouldn’t completely lose hope on the subject. As long as no other insane overreactions occur, I think it could still happen in the furture. (whether it’s Age, Type-Moon, or whatever) Some companies are already starting to calm down and stop blocking foreign IPs. Just look at how MangaGamer is re-releasing the two dark games they had previously taken off their site.

In addition to that, the currently paltry paying fanbase of visual novels in the US doesn’t really help things either. No need to be all risky and try out new partners when they can comfortably keep translating stuff from Nitro+, assuming that goes well.

Assuming that Nitro+ games do reasonably well, I would expect JAST to try to get other big-name titles out as well. For all we know, the English Nitro+ eroge could be what makes eroge become less of a niche outside of Japan.

yes they are a part of Will, which Sweet Basil was also a part of them

Considering MangaGamer is supposedly still in the red, don’t hold your breath, though.

If only we could get the Fate Games from Type-Moon, but with their popularity it may be too expensive…