Is this legal?

this site
It seems like it was uploaded by JastUsa It looks like they have a quote from peter (“This is a new paradigm for us.” -Peter Payne boss of jlist/jastusa) Idk if its an actual quote or not.

The people behind that site interviewed Peter Payne and Shingo a while ago (back when they were cooperating with

I’d be surprised if they were doing this without permission, unless they’ve gone rogue.

as I wrote before, web browsers + Flash/JAVA/HTML5/Silverlight have reached a point where it is possible to distribute VNs over the internet instead of giving the user a standalone version. With so many people having an internet connection and an access to a tablet/smartphone/console/PC this might even prove to be a practical method of delivering VNs fast and cheaply to the end user. While at the same time, help fight piracy*, since the users won’t be able to get their hands on all the data.

  • for the record, I am for the standalone version and will most likely make a point of avoiding a web only version.

@ RandomPerson: it is still in BETA, give it sometime.

From what the novelstream site owner has said, it appears there is an arrangement but said website and service are still in beta so there’s not much to announce yet. I have mixed feelings about the idea of buying games from such a system, but it could be a great way of delivering demos.