Israel VS Iran

God damn it… can’t they wait until Star Wars: The Old Republic has been out for a few weeks? Sheesh… we can do WW3 any freaking time we want. I can’t play SWTOR with friends until December 15th. Inconsiderate bastards…

Anyways… since it looks like those two nations are dead set on wiping each other off the face of the Earth, here’s one person’s idea of how it would go. I think it’s waaaaay to bleak for the real thing… but who knows?

Reading that article made me look up the Samson Option on Wikipedia. Explains why the US has been selling ABM systems to the Saudi’s. It also made me think… What if NATO has a plan to attack Israeli nuclear bunkers if they started launching, to minimize the “take 'em all with us” insanity.

Fixed dead link. :oops:

The worlds gonna end in 2012 anyways. Why can’t these bastards just wait for that to happen. So much that is coming out that I want to play that I don’t want these dumb-asses to ruin it just cause they hate each other. They should just line up everyone from both countries into firing lines and shoot each other until it is the last man standing.

People in the middle east just need better hobbies

Damn, what the hell happened? Last I heard, a report was issued where the US Gov’t said “yeah, sure looks like Iran wants nukes”. I guess my info is so yesterday …

BTW, Narg, that link 404’ed …

It’s … k-on-iran/ now

Yea… [b]Israel was threatening to attack Iran[/b] if no one does anything about them getting nukes. Things been going downhill ever since… [b]Russia says they’re backing Iran[/b]. China too. It’s like the 1960’s again. :roll:

Probably because the US twists UN sanctions to overthrow governments (Iraq, Afgan, Libya, etc) – the Russians and Chinese are now blocking things against Syria and Iran for that very reason (they don’t want regime changes). However sanctions are garbage. We know sanctions don’t do crap for stopping nuclear weapon construction. See North Korea.

Thanks! Fixed the dead link.

Also… just noticed I put this in the wrong forum section. Was supposed to go in the General / Off-Topic Discussions. Maybe a Mod will move it for me? :o

Anyway, just got around to reading the Wikipedia article on the Samson Option:

For some reason I’ve got this strange urge to throw something! Wonder why that is?

Was really an eye opener for me. With that kind of notion, Israel having nukes is just as bad as Iran having them. Europe and North America letting them have 'em, was a HUGE mistake. Israel could have been protected under another “nuclear umbrella” like how Japan, Canada, and Australia have the backing of the US and the UK. :expressionless:

I read that blog entry.Very fascinating.What I don’t understand is why China and Russia always back the batshit countries.The only example I can think of is the US and Israel (Do those people even GIVE us oil?). Don’t they realize they’re both basically capitalists like us now? It’s time to get with the program. :expressionless:

The other thing I realized reading this,was the need for two things:
1.A surplus of robotic peacekeepers and biodiesel production facilities,and
2.A “clean” superweapon in outer space to fuck up the shit of any country that tries to start something.

To be fair … there’s a pretty considerable bias in the media about this.

First – you only hear about the regimes that China and Russia are propping up, and that the US wants to do something about. There are hundreds of countries in the world, and a few of them are at issue. They don’t always back the batshit countries. They didn’t back Libya. They weren’t too keen on helping do something about Libya, true, but they didn’t back them either.

And you hear way more about the situations where this does happen, than you do about the situations where the US has decided NOT to make a major play. You don’t hear very much at all about (say) the situation in Zimbabwe, or Sudan.

Second – The United States has in its time supported some equally sketchy regimes, and we’ve done it for just as purely self-interested reasons. But the US really really doesn’t like to talk about these things, because it means facing some ugly truths about ourselves. So we just kind of … don’t talk about them.

I mean, Iran is actually the perfect example. So why is there such a terrible government there now? Well, because they got so damn pissed off at us for supporting the Shah that there was a revolution there. The US is hardly in a position to criticise Russia and China for propping up a horrible Iranian regime … when just a few decades ago the immediately preceding horribly oppressive regime was a puppet government of the United States.

It seems the fight will be taken to the video game field: … srael-Game