It's not fair I tell yas

Guys trust me my balls and minds are about to explore hearing all these games that have elements which i do not see(or seen very little)in the english games currently available in the market. T_T so i am just curious other than unicorn, dark shiki and bishounen blue who else knows japanese and how long have you guys studied it?

Originally posted by warmaid:
how long have you guys studied it?

I think it was about 4 years ago that I started with learning japanese. And it took me about 2 years and six months in order to become able to really understand the text in the games. And I am of course still not finished with learning all the Kanjis.

I still learn new (advanced-level) Kanjis as well as common Kanji-composites every day while I play the games.

I just completed the Beginner 1 class at a nearby Japanese school. After 33 hours of classroom study [and more at home], I have a very rudimentary vocabulary and minimum competence reading kana. I won’t even begin studying kanji until the Beginner 3 class. At least six more tracts [2 years study] will be required to attain basic reading skills.

Unless you have exceptional language ability or can totally immerse yourself in Japanese, don’t expect quick results.

Me…know Japanese? What gave you that impression? I know a few spoken words here and there from watching anime, but that’s about it. I’m getting increasingly interested in learning the language, though, and I might just take some classes in the next year and a half, depending on if I have room in my schedule, and if I’m willing to take a potential GPA hit. I was pretty good at Spanish, but I think that was probably more due to effort rather than any natural aptitude. I have no idea if that would make me good at Japanese. I kind of doubt it…

[This message has been edited by Dark_Shiki (edited 11-22-2004).]

It should be okay. I took two years of Japanese at my community college before I transfered to the University that I’m in now. I wasn’t has to get an “A” in the classes. Just as long as you don’t get lazy, it won’t be a problem. And I don’t understand Japanese, either. I can understand some anime without subtitles if the diolauge is simple enough. It takes a long time to get anywhere with Japanese. If you really want to be able to use the language, you about have to study abroad. I want to, but there is a limit to how many people can go through my University’s program. Maybe I’ll get lucky. I have a letter of recommendation from a prof at Tokyo University. Heh. We’ll see. If I get accepted I’ll have to send bishoujo post cards to you guys.

oh guess i was mistaken that dark knew japanese so u know spanish instead! T_T from the posts i can conclude one thing: to learn jap the best way, kill yourself get reincarnated and hope u become a japanese in your next life (nah just joking) Guess i have to rely on join up classes and constant use of the dictionary to help me study for jap. it also provides me an excuse on why i am playing b-games (oh mum this is all part of learning jap pls do not interupt my learning);p I assume u guys learn jap because of the FLAMING urge to play all these b-games, am i right?

Originally posted by warmaid:
to learn jap the best way, kill yourself get reincarnated and hope u become a japanese in your next life (nah just joking)

Well, you can try, but decreasing birthrates don't make your desired place of reincarnation very likely...
... and of course, you still will have to wait 18 years until you legally can play the adult b-games there. I think you can achieve in this life a sufficient level of japanese in less than that! [img][/img]

Originally posted by warmaid:
I assume u guys learn jap because of the FLAMING urge to play all these b-games, am i right?

Not all of us. But a few such nutcases exist here, allright...
* looks guilty *

[This message has been edited by Unicorn (edited 11-22-2004).]

Originally posted by warmaid:
oh guess i was mistaken that dark knew japanese so u know spanish instead! T_T from the posts i can conclude one thing: to learn jap the best way, kill yourself get reincarnated and hope u become a japanese in your next life (nah just joking) Guess i have to rely on join up classes and constant use of the dictionary to help me study for jap. it also provides me an excuse on why i am playing b-games (oh mum this is all part of learning jap pls do not interupt my learning);p I assume u guys learn jap because of the FLAMING urge to play all these b-games, am i right?

Heh, well I wouldn't say I know Spanish. I've taken the equivalent of four college courses, and I understand it to a basic degree. Mostly I'm good at reading it. It takes a lot of effort though.

But yeah, b-games are a large part of that urge. [img][/img] I also like anime, and it'd be cool to be able to understand what's being said as I read the subtitles. [img][/img]

Originally posted by bishounen_blue:
I mean that it won't be translated. Ever. It's a Leaf game, meaning that Utawareru Mono comes from the creators of the extremely popular To Heart and Comic Party.

Or we can just keep it simple and repeat that Peach Princess only translates games from Crowd and Will, and G-Collections only from the CD-Bros. companies.

It’s a shame Ciel or G.J.? games are not translated by PP…
Take a look to this demo sample…
From “Sora no iro, mizu no iro” copyright owned by Ciel.

Oh well patience, after all i’m studying japanese, so i’ll play them sooner or later…

[This message has been edited by Italicus (edited 11-22-2004).]

Originally posted by Unicorn:
Not all of us. But a few such nutcases exist here, allright...
* looks guilty *

[This message has been edited by Unicorn (edited 11-22-2004).]

Technically I don't count because I am still learnING Japanese, but more or less ... yeah, you have to count me on that list. I've actually started putting hours into studying Japanese.

Originally posted by Dark_Shiki:
...What's so hard about plopping the Win2K CD in the drive and installing it?

I've got this wonderfully proprietary system that I need to find all sorts of drivers for the hardware that will work with Win2k. The last time I tried just installing it and letting it go... well, let's just say that it got so buggy that it wasn't even funny. At the moment, I'm looking at my options for getting another system for running games that need Japanese language requirements. Besides, I think Utawaweru Mono may want a faster processor than my current system is running on.

@ warmaid

It wasn’t bishoujo games that started my interest in learning Japanese, it was anime. Of course, bishoujo games are another big plus. But my main purpose for studying it is because I am very interested in Japan as a whole, not only otaku pop-culture. I have a job offer to work in Japan for a few years after graduation as long as I can improve my Japanese still significantly by that time, and to do that I have to study in Japan.

@ benoit

It’s true that Peapri only translates games by Crowd and Will right now, but that can change if the English market gets bigger. Even if Peapri or GC gets big enough to gather more companies to their side, they won’t get Leaf or Key. I mean, I can’t say for sure that they won’t but I’m just being realistic.

@ Italicus

I agree, the designs are beautiful. If you go to the Japanese market you can find some nice stuff. I don’t think you’ll be able to understand the games “sooner.” I think “later” is more like it. Just don’t give up. I’ve seen people who were really gun-ho about learning Japanese give up after the first year.

@ Wolfson

Grabs box off shelf Hmm… it says Pentium III 500 MHz. If you have less than that… how old is that computer?

Originally posted by warmaid:
I assume u guys learn jap because of the FLAMING urge to play all these b-games, am i right?


Officially, I'm learning it so that I can get a job translating anime/manga/renai games(maybe?), but being able to simply understand them is my primary objective. ^_^;;

At this point, I know enough to get though voiced games, manga with furigana and some anime, but I stil have some ways to go.

It's funny, I was watching a show today which i had gotten the main points of when I had initially watched a few months ago, but now I can understand even more of it. ^_^

At the point where I can play through Fate/Stay Night without much difficulty, I'll be happy.

[This message has been edited by Dark Lord Zenigame (edited 11-22-2004).]

taking a knife and stabbing myself OMG utawarerumono graphics are definitely THE BEST. It surely best many other games’ graphic by a lot ooooooooo and all these girls look like mongolian girls as well. DAMN i have to start learning japanese soon and right now what i know about jap is what u can fit into a pin head T_T thank bishounen blue i will be waiting for more! Fate stay night seems to be another great game with very little h scenes but plenty of good story isn’t it

…anyone who’s played Utawarerumono want to give a description of the gameplay?

I’ve been thinking about getting it for a while, but I know next to nothing about it.

Hell, I didn’t even know it was H until two days ago. >_>

Bishounen Blue, “sooner or later” is a metaphora for “some day”. Don’t worry about me. I mastered five languages ( even if my french is not so good ) pretty quickly. So no problem for learning a six-th.

After all, kuon pronuciation, as i told you before, is the same as italian. Grammar is a lot more simple than italian one, only reverse the phrase and voil‡… Technically, my only trouble are going to be kanji, but since i’m going to learn them using a visive methodology, i’m confident this is going to be a lot more easier since italian is a lot more visual then limited english language ( no offense. ).

English is the prefered language in Japan, though. If your want to be able to work in Japan for a while, you’re best best is to be a native English speaker. I’m glad that English is my first language, no offense.

Originally posted by bishounen_blue:
English is the prefered language in Japan, though. If your want to be able to work in Japan for a while, you're best best is to be a native English speaker. I'm glad that English is my first language, no offense.

Heyheyhey, LOL!!!! I smell vinegar here! [img][/img]

Seriously, limited in sense of less visual then italian. [img][/img]