Itsuka no Sora?

I don’t suppose there is even a remote chance of this being translated in the distant future? Or … too soon to tell?

Which brings me to another point … how do companies go about deciding which games to translate? Could someone give me a run down of the process…? If there is one…


Thanks for this question anyway.
It just reminded me to add another OOP-game on my list of games that I want to get in a second-hand-buy.

Originally posted by Unicorn:
Thanks for this question anyway.
It just reminded me to add another OOP-game on my list of games that I want to get in a second-hand-buy.

There are then, and this might be a foolish question, but other games that have been translated out there that are not in print? Is there a list somewhere of those games?

Originally posted by SCDawg:
There are then, and this might be a foolish question, but other games that have been translated out there that are not in print? Is there a list somewhere of those games?

First of all, we talked here about "Itsuka no sora", a game from Will's Sweet Basil label. This game has not yet been localized to the english language and no company has ever announced to have the faintest intention to do that. So, I talked about getting my hands on a copy of the japanese version.

I don't know of an official list of out-of-print titles that have been localized to the english language, but I can give you a few titles right out of my memory, if that helps you anything:

First of all, there are the two titles that almost everybody wants to have:
- True Love (Parsley)
- Gin Iro (NekoNeko)
If you see ever a chance to get a copy of them yourself, don't think twice or it'll be gone!
GinIro has a horrible translation, but after getting used to it, the story compensates you abundant for your patience with this flaw.

Of course, the original (DOS-)versions of the three JAST-games
- Three Sister's Story
- Season of the Sakura
- Runaway City
are also out of print, but the games themselves are available again in the JAST-Memorial collection.
The same goes for the original (Win95-)version of "Nocturnal Illusion": This first version was butchered. The game is now available in a re-completed version as a part of the "Milky House Memorial Collection".

Just last year, one of C's-ware's games went out of print: "Love Potion". Different opinions about this game exist: There are people who like it (especially because the cross-connection to the EVE series) and there are people who hate it.

Also there were the two parts of "Immoral Study". They weren't really great, especially compared to todays standards, so having missed them is not a big loss IMHO. But at least, they had a few animations.

Older OOP-games that I certainly wouldn't recommend are:
- Ring Out (ZyX)
- Paradise Heighs (Otaku)
- Return to Paradise Heighs (Otaku)
- Time Stripper Mako-chan (Otaku)
Okay, Mako-chan might be at least a funny SciFi-Comedy. However I would recommend to avoid all the others that I mentioned here like the plague.

blink I didn’t realize Love Potion had a cross connection with EVE. Then again, I still havn’t played any of the EVE games so I wouldn’t have noticed anyways. (Yes, yes, I’ll get to it, budget’s tight right now…)

Originally posted by Unicorn:
First of all, we talked here about "Itsuka no sora", a game from Will's Sweet Basil label. This game has not yet been localized to the english language and no company has ever announced to have the faintest intention to do that. So, I talked about getting my hands on a copy of the japanese version.

I don't know of an official list of out-of-print titles that have been localized to the english language, but I can give you a few titles right out of my memory, if that helps you anything:

My apologies for my foolish question and once more thank you for your reply.

[This message has been edited by SCDawg (edited 11-05-2003).]

Originally posted by Unicorn:
Older OOP-games that I certainly wouldn't recommend are:
- Ring Out (ZyX)
- Paradise Heighs (Otaku)
- Return to Paradise Heighs (Otaku)
- Time Stripper Mako-chan (Otaku)
Okay, Mako-chan might be at least a funny SciFi-Comedy. However I would recommend to avoid all the others that I mentioned here like the plague.

Ring Out is a truly awful game. At least it's a game in the true sense of the word, but trust me on this. It's hideously bad. Cliched writing, icky content, and pitifully out of date graphics.

Paradise Heights 1/2 are what I shall call 'games'. They are not truly games, they are novels. Other titles have this quality - Chain, for example - but they have good writing and other qualities that make it, if not an interesting game, a worthwhile novel. Paradise Heights' "story" ... isn't. It's worse than something most people on the board here could make up off the top of their heads.

Time stripper Mako-chan at least displayed some originality. It's still not really worth tracking down, because that would require actual effort. But they at least tried.

Of course, some or all of these games may have voice acting. I don't know, because I only played the ... uh ... fullylegalbackupcopies. But really, no voice acting could save these titles. They're old, and deservedly obscure.

Originally posted by SCDawg:
My apologies for my foolish question and once more thank you for your reply.

[This message has been edited by SCDawg (edited 11-05-2003).]

Asking 'what out of print titles are there'? isn't exactly a foolish question, since there is no 'translated bishoujo games FAQ'. As such - this is certainly a newbie question, but everyone has to start somewhere.

Put it this way - asking what's out of print means you're starting to get interested in older titles. This means you are slowly being corrupt--I mean becoming one of The Old Ones.

Now, if you had asked 'where do I download the gamez', THAT would be a foolish question.

Originally posted by Nandemonai:
Asking 'what out of print titles are there'? isn't exactly a foolish question, since there is no 'translated bishoujo games FAQ'. As such - this is certainly a newbie question, but everyone has to start somewhere.

Put it this way - asking what's out of print means you're starting to get interested in older titles. This means you are slowly being corrupt--I mean becoming one of The Old Ones.

Now, if you had asked 'where do I download the gamez', THAT would be a foolish question.

Thank you for the information about the games.

Perhaps becoming one of "The Old Ones" and as I like to think of it, broadening my scope of computer related interests.

Originally posted by SCDawg:
My apologies for my foolish question and once more thank you for your reply.

Your question wasn't really foolish. I just had to take a breath in order to prepare for my own lengthy reply... [img][/img]

I also had to utter that "*sigh*" because it was partly my fault that you assumed that a localized version of "Itsuka no sora" exists. While I handle japanese originals and english localized releases the same, it's not really on-topic to talk about the japanese games on this board the way I do.

So, please accept my apologies in return... [img][/img]

I just recalled two more OOP-games that were DOS-games:
1.) Knights of Xentar (Dragon knight III) a RPG
2.) Mad Paradox, another RPG

A special case is "Princess maker II", a raising SIM: Most of this game was localized, but the project was stopped before completion. So, it never was in print at all.

[This message has been edited by Unicorn (edited 11-06-2003).]

ADD The other Megatech Games as well:

Metal & Lace
Cobra Mission

PowerDOLLS doesn’t count because it’s not bishojo enough (No characterization at all on the females in the game, they’re just cannon fodder and stats for this strategy game, some fairly nice graphics of the ladies for the completed missions, though)

“His last thought is wry, Not bad for a dead man.” Moon Knight vol.1, #1 (1980)

Originally posted by Unicorn:
So, please accept my apologies in return... [img][/img]
I just recalled two more OOP-games that were

A special case is "Princess maker II", a raising SIM: Most of this game was localized, but the project was stopped before completion. So, it never was in print at all.

[This message has been edited by Unicorn (edited 11-06-2003).]

But of course.

I actually remember Princess Maker II, someone had a copy that was in English but I never could find it, I think this is why then, not local production. Which makes me more curious about where they got a copy and more sure it was perhaps not entriely a purchased copy.

[This message has been edited by SCDawg (edited 11-06-2003).]

Originally posted by Nandemonai:
Put it this way - asking what's out of print means you're starting to get interested in older titles. This means you are slowly being corrupt--I mean becoming one of The Old Ones.

What? Is that what we're referred to as? Darn it, now I got to go change my business cards again...

Er, actually I do have a copy of Princess Maker II in English. I bought it a long time ago off a guy in my dorm, and I could have sworn it came in a retail box at the time but I could have been mistaken. I doubt I could hunt down the guy to find out where he got it originally. Hmm, I'm not even sure where I put it. I thought it was with my Graduation game but I found that last night...

Originally posted by ekylo:
What? Is that what we're referred to as? Darn it, now I got to go change my business cards again...

Er, actually I do have a copy of Princess Maker II in English. I bought it a long time ago off a guy in my dorm, and I could have sworn it came in a retail box at the time but I could have been mistaken. I doubt I could hunt down the guy to find out where he got it originally. Hmm, I'm not even sure where I put it. I thought it was with my Graduation game but I found that last night...

I actually liked the game a lot, from what I remember. It is a game that was not fully complete on some of the endings but it had a good plot and was rather fun to play as I remember.