I've been spoiled by good VN's

Well since my last post I have gotten and beaten crescendo, and snow sakura but I haven’t played SS yet.(also haven’t bothered with hourglass since i’m utterly disgusted by the format and I’m working up my courage to give it a go, but that’s neither here nor there). I also got a copy of FSN from a local pawn shop when i was looking for a snes game for my roomies birthday(shes a big collector)(30 bucks>100+ for ordering the jap copy). And have been playing through that and I’m loving it, but really after playing it. I don’t know if I can go back to the bottom barrel games. Oh and I got Princess waltz, i completely forgot and that game was mediocre at best(too linear, boring ending)

My VERY FIRST was tsukihime, then after that was brass restoration. After that I went to clannad then YMK, and then i was stuck at a crossroads, I went through some really mediocre ones and some decent ones. The one that stood out was one i started playing after my last post(Edelweiss, which despite the terrible translation was very very very good).

But now that i’ve finished Fate and UBW I’m getting worried about my VN experience. where am I to go from here. I don’t think i could stomach any low quality romps like come see me tonight, or jewel knights(i haven’t played this one, but it looks downright awful).

I looked through PP and MG and most of their ones i’ve either played or am not interested in. And for unofficial fan translations, I’m not really sure which ones are done, I’ve been wanting to order shuffle since theres a trans project going for it, but it sounds so fishy with their excuses i’ve avoided it. the upcoming family project looks interesting, but that’s it.

But the thing is I’ve only been playing these for about 4-6 months, and am I already exhausted of the english market? Are there no other high quality ones out there? I know there’s ever17 and I’m planning on trying to find a copy of it once i get paid next week. But is that it? Is that all there is? Is the english market this shallow? I don’t speak/read japanese NEARLY enough to even ATTEMPT to play a jap game in japanese. If it was voiced I could possibly draw out the basic flow of conversations but the flow is nothing without the detail. I know theres a bunch of sex romps that i could still get into, but I don’t want those. Arghhhhhhhh this sucks.

Is there any other company out there that translates these that i’m just not aware of? Are there any other really quality titles? I don’t care what the storylines are or if it’s sad or what. It just has to be a truely great story centric VN.

Yo Jin Bo and Animamundi are two other old hirameki titles of note – and both of these are again available through Peter’s world of sites, including PP. Yo Jin Bo is the better of the two but be aware it is a Twelve Kingdoms/FY sort of thing with a female protagonist and reverse harem. Of the DVD games Peter has also brought back I like Hourglass of Summer and the Exodus series, but go into those knowing the format is far less accessable than a straight PC game.

Haven’t tried a reverse harem before… but it looks like a fun game. But this animamundi, I read theres yaoi? Is it a full yaoi game or what?

I’d definitely give Narcissu and True Remembrance a shot, (translated by insani), plus some of the games that have been translated as part of the al|together festivals [all free doujin games]. Sengoku Rance is being translated at the moment, although the real strengths of it are the addictive gameplay and Rance (the protagonist), not the quality of the writing or the plot. Higurashi and Umineko are also strongly recommended. Those are some of the ones that immediately come to mind. And I’d second Miau’s recommendation of Yo-Jin-Bo - great comedy.

More hinted at yaoi than anything that’s even really described in text. We certainly are not talking Enzai. With animamundi I would be more leery of that a few edits were made when localizing – there’s a pic or two cut and one ending that can no longer be fully achieved. Hirameki was accused of making other edits that were actually the result of them bringing over the ‘all ages’ verisions of some of their DVD games. Hourglass of Summer and Amusement Park are both this way but neither suffer from missing one or two h pics. Tea Society of a Witch is the other which was edited stateside but one look at the character designs for that one and you can understand why.

for higurashi and umineko, those aren’t fully translated right? and is higurashi different then the anime? i found that so repetitive with a kiddy disney ending

Neither translation is fully complete, but they both have at least one arc/episode finished. Haven’t seen the anime, so I’m not sure about that.

[b]DiviDead/b. You already mentioned Ever 17(and honestly it’s the one game you should kill yourself trying to find a copy of for English games.) Family Project, which you’re also aware of. The upcoming Suika from MG might be worth looking into once it’s released. Although it can’t be compared to the others, Private Nurse had a decent story and atmosphere.(Again to a lesser degree, but above a sex romp at least.) Figures of Happiness, again while not as good, has a decent story.(Provided you can get into the art style.)

I have to second the recommendations for Narcissu and True Remembrance. I notice you didn’t list Utawarerumono, which is a good one that has an English translation. I believe there was an English translation being done(or is already done?) for CHAOS HEAD as well. Kanon English translation is also nearing completion.

I second it too.

I understand what you feel Bladin.

But you can still play Ever17, Kana little sister (damned nobody talked about this one) and Hitomi my stepsister (maybe… lol).

After playing all those great games, I was in the same situation, buying crap like secret wives club and I’m gonna nurse you…
(nevertheless, give a try to come see me tonight 2 and the Sagara family).

Then I found a gold mine : the translated free games.
kenny bania would say “it’s gold Jerry ! Gold !” and he would be right.
I can’t believe I could live not knowing treasures like Narcissu, True Remembrance, Moonshine, Leaves, …
I just finished “Until We Meet Again” and it was short but great.

I think I should add recommendations for:

[] Chain - the lost footsteps[/]
[] Desire[/]
[] DiviDEAD[/]
[] EVE Burst Error ( :oops: Whoa - apparently not available anymore at erogeshop? :shock: )[/][/list]

I have to say DO NOT try Come See Me Tonight 2. It kinda sucks. It’s not even as good as CSMT1, and CSMT1 wasn’t THAT great. Sagara Family is much better, but it’s still ultimately a sex romp title, and the OP said he wasn’t interested in sex romps.

Ever 17 is awesome. After that, I have to say, track down Planescape: Torment, and The Longest Journey, and Persona 3 FES. Sure, they’re non-adult, but so is Ever 17.

Don’t forget Wind A Breath of Heart, Tears to Tiara, and Saya no Uta

Seconding Desire and EVE - both great titles by the YU-NO writer.

The first two I would lump firmly into the ‘average’ category. They’re alright, but Tears to Tiara counters pretty much every positive aspect with an equal negative aspect, and Wind takes a decent concept and character art, then proceeds to ruin it with bad writing and bad pacing.

Saya no Uta is decent, but far too expensive for a game you can finish in 4-5 hours. Get it if you can get it cheaply.

Regardless of all the suggestions, you are eventually going to reach a dead end when it comes to good titles available in English. If at all possible, I highly suggest improving your Japanese ability and trying to tackle untranslated titles. I can completely relate to how you feel. Three of the first four games I bought (back in mid 2007) were outstanding titles, and I crave more. Thankfully, I think I’m finally getting close to being able to play an untranslated title, now that I am approaching the end of my Japanese II class. In fact, I’m planning on trying to tackle my first untranslated title this summer. I expect that it will be quite a challenge, but I love these great stories so much that I am willing to slog through the maze of unfamiliar vocabulary, kanji, and verb conjugations I haven’t learned yet.

First off thanks for all the suggestions everyone in this thread, quite a few i actually haven’t heard of.

In regards to the above quote though. I can’t take classes on it locally, so what would you suggest for beginning to learn japanese? Would it be best to learn study guides or buy like language cds or what?

Someone who already knows japanese will obviously be more useful than me, but I’ll throw in a link. It’s free, afterall. I purchased a textbook, but ended up going back to Tae Kim’s guide. Find some kanji site too, like this one, and do some kanji-crunching. I’m hoping that’s all there is to learning the language. Could be wrong.

Edit: Oh oh, if you’re a pervert enough, after some 2-3 months(or more, depending on much time you had to study), get yourself an ero-ero VN. Your slow reading won’t spoil the story, since, well, there’s no story to begin with, plus you will be motivated enough to read through the script to reach the important parts of the game (ero-scenes). It’s a very fine way to learn essential vocabulary. :lol:

Bladin said,

What I’ve learned over the years is that patience is necessary. I know, I know… in the words of fictional character Ed Gooberman, “Yeah, yeah, patience. How long will that take?” It’s tough to be patient. But stuff takes time, y’know.

Good VNs aren’t a dime a dozen. For every great pro translated galge, there’s probably nine which aren’t worth talking about. That’s Sturgeon’s Law.

Just going to list some of my recommendations (repeating stuff) :
One ~To the Radiant Season~
Planetarian ~the reverie of a little planet~
Saya no Uta
Yume Miru Kusuri
Tears to Tiara
Phantom of Inferno
Fate/stay night
X-Change Alternative
EVE Burst Error
Princess Waltz
Men at Work 2
Fatal Hearts
Come See Me Tonight
Figures of Happiness
Critical Point
Grim Grimoire
Persona 3 FES (kinda VN)
Persona 4 (kinda right?)
Wanko to Kurasou
Snow Sakura
Gadget Trial
Red Shift
Water Closet [… jk lol :P]
Pia Carrot
Snatcher [sorta VN like kinda maybe]
Brave Soul [heard good things]
Chain the Lost Footsteps

All completed english with various prices, haven’t half of them yet but those are the ones I’m looking forward to/enjoyed.

And as for upcoming VNs in english (hopefully) :
Family Project
Suika A.S.
Chaos;Head Noah
School Days
Sengoku Rance
ef - a fairy tale of the two
Wandering Deviant Lunatics - Moon Princess Otogizoushi
True World
Little Busters
Tenshi No Inai 12-Gatsu, A December Without Angels
Pure Pure The Story of Ears and Tails
Eien no Aselia - Kono Daichi no Hate de

and it just goes on and on!
Will they all be successful? I hope! It’s a good time to like VNs, so much going on!
Then again… to think about how much some of these cost hurts me… ow ow…

That’s why games from Peach Princess and associates have no excuses to ignore! Awesome prices!!!
Support em first so hopefully we have many great things to look forward to in the future :smiley:

Oh, then there’s the type of VNs I haven’t really looked into yet…
Fan made original stuff!
D.Nd : Poisoned
Katawa Shoujo
kana Eternity
(wonder what others are out there…)

And of course check out the a|together short novels, there’s a bunch of free short good things there…
Oh and there are demos of quite a few games translated…