Japan PM Aso looks to Manga for recovery

Oi oi, nanika machigatteiru jya nai no?
It would be akin to Obama agreeing with the Town Hall question that “Marijuana is a [sustainable] means to our nation’s economic recovery.”

While this is definitely no “magic bullet” to solve the problem, I do think it is a good idea that will help in the long term. Then again, my knowledge in the area of economics isn’t that great.

Well the idea of looking more globally is always good idea. However, I do think that manga sales in the US will move toward larger compilation volumes.

I wonder if this counts the eroge business’s.

Black Cyc and Overdrive were/are recruiting people so there’s a hint their.
Mangagamer is apparently made up of some Japanese workers, another hint their.

Somewhat they do tie into Anime and Manga.

Eroge gets turned into Manga
Manga gets turned into Anime
Anime gets turned into Eroge


Eroge gets turned into Anime
Anime gets turned into Manga
Manga gets turned into Eroge

Out of curiosity (since my eroge and manga knowledge is pathetic compared to some of you), are there any eroge that were a manga first?

Proper ‘sexual’ titles, i don’t think so. Unless you count doujin titles.
But all-ages titles, yes.