Japanese B-games

Originally posted by bishounen_blue:
Does Himeya ship limited editions to people who preorder games, or do they only stock regular editions?

Probably they do if people order them early enough. You know, they aren't called limited editions for no reason, right?

For example: I asked them for GAEL two month before it was released, preordered it one month later and GOT the limited DVD-edition, including the keychain-figures and the jigsaw-puzzle.

Of course, the tricky thing is to know of the new releases in japan long enough ahead... ^^;;;

It took almost a week but I finally got a reply from Himeya about the limited edition of Duel Savior. They said that if you preorder it, they will ship the LE version to you. I already had it on preorder, so that’s great. I wanted the LE bonus CD more than the Duel Savior soundtrack CD that everyone gets. I want to listen to the KOTOKO songs more than the BGM to Duel Savior. But, this way I get both so it’s all good. The Japanese website for Duel Savior is only taking preorders for the LE until Sept 26th, so you should preorder with Himeya before that date if you want the LE. It’s kind of a last minute notice, but it’s hard to get all the info on the new games unless you really follow up on it. There is still time if you act now, and if you can spare the $98.

It’s good to hear that I will getting the LE release of Duel Savior considering how much I had to spend on it. Being paranoid, I spent the extra $10 for EMS shipping so this one ended up costing me $108, which is quite a bit of money, but at least this way I’m getting something I really want.

Are there any B-games out there with character designs done by Satoshi Urushihara? His artwork is so amazing and I know he likes drawing boobs from the look of some of his artbooks

That’s the character designer of Langrisser, right? He draws great.

Yeah he did the characters for both Langrisser and Growlanser and they look fantastic, plus the games are really good too. I have Langrisser I through V on Saturn and Growlanser 1 on Playstation. I can’t wait for Working Designs to finish the English versions of Growlanser II and III.

New info from Xuse… ¬Å¬´

Anyway,@How is the Duel Savior?

Duel Savior is really good so far, I love the characters, both their designs and attitudes (well I don’t care for Rico very much but she is still interesting). The battles are great although I haven’t fought too many of them so far since college work has been keeping me away from it. Also this game is huge, I just finished chapter 6 where Kaede (green haired ninja girl) is first introduced, and I’ve already put in a good 15 hours or so. I’m still in the introduction stages of the game and the real plot hasn’t even started yet. Defineatly worth the money and it comes in really nice packaging too (well the LE does at least, I don’t know if its still available or not though).

Also thought I mention that the free trial version of Type Moon’s Fate/stay Night has been fan translated into English. And its good, really good. I hope the full version gets finished since its more like a visual novel then a B-game and it wouldn’t be worth playing without being able to really understand japanese. I’m not sure if I should supply a link or not since it is of course a game hack job, but it is just the free demo from Type Moon’s site.

I just got Duel Savior in the Mail Thursday. So the extra $10 got you the game three days faster. Anyway, Computermania, oh my god you should buy this one! I haven’t even started playing yet. I’m about to after this. But, the box is so awesome. The website doesn’t say anything about the box being LE, only the GIGA Soundtrack vol. 2 is LE, and Himeya might not have anymore of the promo discs but most of that stuff is on their website anyway. The layers of the box are think like Geneon’s anime DVD boxes. The colors are really vibrant and it comes with a huge manual that’s the same size as the box. I agree, Rico is not my type either. Too quite, too loli. Just on the character design and voice, I think I like Kaede the most. (mmm… ninja) It’s funny how you take two unsexy concepts like zombie and half-sister and come up with that kind of cover art. Wow.

Thank you for quick info about the Duel Savior. At this point I might wait. I have to finish the other B-games. I think I have to finish the 3 more B-games. Those 3 B-games are long. I have to read dailogue and understand the stories. Right now I’m playing a North Wind by Dream Soft Link is Here Next I have to finsh the Imouto Kansatu Nikki Here and Finally my last game is The Spirit of Eternity Sword Expansion. This story line have Tokimi and kyouko flag only. Wow this game will be fun. This one made by Xuse.

Check this one out^^; Here You can click and find the actors on B-Games voices.