Japanese b-games

hey people is it worth it to pay a large sum of money to buy japanese games when u don’t understand even a single words of it. For a long time i am VERY tempted to buy japanese games such as Da Capo or Kimi Ga Nozomu Eien but thinking about the money and the scenario where i basically sit down in front of the screen and fast-forwarding all the message just to see the CG, i seriously had second thoughts about it. so help! i need some advise…

I don’t thnk that’s a good idea.
At least if you really don’t plan on learning japanese.

You see: Most of the games that are in japanese and deserve particular attention deserve it because of one reason: The story.

So, if you don’t understand a single word, you have missed the main objective. If you are only hooked on anime-style artworks, you would be better off with buying animes or artbooks instead.

sigh…so thats how it is…
btw have any one tried ordering b-games and shipping it into a country where porn is STRICTLY banned. Right up to now most of the games i have are pirated (sorry but my country really really do not sell any of these games) I have thoughts of ordering one from overseas but anyone know how to go about checking if it is safe to ship in.

Which country would that be?

I’ve imported a few games and I don’t understand a lick of japanese(well ok maybe a couple phrases but that’s about it) and while Unicorn is right that the story is a major part of the game, there is still alot of fun to be had. Especially if you can find some english fansites with translations Course most of my purchases were Mahjong games

I agree with Unicorn. If the game is in a language you don’t understand, there is only one reason to play it. Pornography. That being the case, there are better forms of porn out there (say, h-ovas). The point of b-games is that they’re not porn, and actually are interesting for reasons other than just people taking their clothes off.

As for “how to get them past customs”, I don’t know how, and if I did I suspect it would be of dubious legality anyway.

Actually some Japanese B-games are worth importing for the gameplay alone. For example Duel Savior has a side scrolling action beat-um-up/fighting battle system and Baldr Force is a super-cutomizable top-down mech shooter. Both of these are fun enough in this aspect alone to warrant a purchase from my tastes.

well i come from Singapore (a FINE city) damn it i wish i am a japanese, even since i watched animes that are based on the games, i am very tempted to obtain all these games. can anyone tell me what do the people at the customs do to ur package when they arrive in Singapore or they all varies from country to country?

There is a whole thread already about playing Japanese bishoujo games. But in any case, buy Duel Savior. You will thank yourself 100 times. It’s pure gold.

I can’t imagine living in a country like that. I mean, come on…it’s not like you’re endangering yourself or others by watching pornography (not that I’d necessarily lump these games in that category…but others would). I could understand with some of that underaged and coercion-themed live-action material. But “cartoons?” Such a policy isn’t just strict. It’s oppressive. But then again I’m American, so this kind of propaganda is pumped into us like fluorinated water.

[This message has been edited by Dark_Shiki (edited 10-13-2004).]

Singapore’s postal inspectors are pretty enthusiastic. You MIGHT be able to get away with having somebody overseas purchase it for you and then ship you the disc only, without the packaging.

Alternatively, Hirameki International is releasing quite a few bishoujo titles without sex scenes; at the very least Hourglass of Summer comes highly recommended. Still, you run the risk there of the postal inspectors assuming the games are porn (after all they’re rated ‘15 & Up’ ) and refusing to pass them anyway.

[This message has been edited by Mozart (edited 10-13-2004).]

so which means that i have to do this at my own risk…well i will consider on this issue again. sigh…screw Singapore for being such a nanny city

Another alternative occurs to me, although I don’t know how difficult it would be: perhaps you could get yourself some sort of post office box in Johor Bahru, and schlep the games home physically?

I mostly agree with what has been discussed above. You lose alot in not understanding the text. You can follow to some degree by the CG’s and augment that by searching for reviews and, to a lesser extent, walkthroughs. My favorite type of game is the simulation and there aren’t many english ones so I have bought Japanese sims. I have been able to follow these games(Darcrow, Syuusaku, Pia Carrot 2) and the gameplay made up for what I lost in not understanding the text. Since there aren’t many english sim games, I think a guarded recommendation(depending on the difficulty level of the game) is reasonable for someone who enjoys sim games.