Japanese School Grading System

This is an odd question I know, but recently in various manga and anime I have noticed people with an ‘S’ grade in school and in other times of being ranked seem to rank higher then even an A+ grade, and try as I might I have found nothing to explain that on the internet.

So my question is, what is the grading system like there in terms of what is the highest grade and what does the ‘S’ stand for? I think I have seen it in other places but school in my searches but at this point after searching for a while I am not even sure about seeing it elsewhere.

Hmm…I’ve gotten S grading when I was in elementary school here. But I have a feelign that’s not the S you were looking for

S could mean Super or special. donno just putting some words that S could stand for.

Originally posted by wanfu2k1:
Hmm..I've gotten S grading when I was in elementary school here. But I have a feelign that's not the S you were looking for [img]http://princess.cybrmall.net/ubb/wink.gif[/img]

S could mean Super or special. donno just putting some words that S could stand for.

Yes, I found a sight that listed everything but 'S' as a grade which leaves me more confused, does that mean 'S' is no longer used?

I got 'S' once a long time ago too for Satisfactory, but I don't think that would have put me above an A+.

I always assumed it was something like a “perfect” score. But I still don’t know what it stands for.

Originally posted by ekylo:
I always assumed it was something like a "perfect" score. But I still don't know what it stands for.

Surpasses expectations?

I figure it is something very good and maybe in a different cultural understanding “Super Job” is better then A+, and maybe that is why I am not getting what this means too?

I don’t know, but this pops up in games all the time as well. A lot of games that give rankings per level - will have rank S being the best. I can name at least four off the top of my head.

As for what it stands for - I have no idea.

Interesting. It’s not often we’re completely stumped on a subject like this.

Well in one way I am glad I was able to provide such a puzzling topic then, in another it shows how hard finding such an answer will be as I continue to try.

I think this is one of those questions that’ll take someone who either grew up in Japan or maybe has kids in the system like Payne-sama. Hmm, darn I should have asked my friend last night, she did a stint teaching in Japan, she might have known.

That’s probably true about needing someone that was in the system or had children in the system. Well I will wait and hopefully someone that was there will answer eventually.