Jast Anime Expo 2010 panel

has anyone played Tenkuu no Yumina
if they have how is it
AX seems weak for jast
hope they have a better showing at comic con

True, they didn’t wow us with a deal with a completely new company…but that’s not going to happen every year. Personally, I’m very happy with the Tenkuu no Yumina announcement, and so should anyone who likes titles with gameplay. Other than that, Nitro+ has plenty of great games in their repetoire. Nothing wrong with “just more Nitro+ titles”. It’d be nice if they released more than 1 Nitro+ game per year though…I mean, Nitro+ develops them faster than that…

No games announced at the MangaGamer panel that we didn’t already know about. Dear Drops, D.C.if, D.C.II, Higurashi Matsuribayashi-hen.

Nothing from:

  • “a company whose jam and bread you wouldn’t want to eat”
  • any of the companies who sent C&Ds
  • Front Wing (did they even come?)

Last, age’s response to whether they’d be interested in seeing their games localized was “If we have a reason to, we will release it” I’m pretty sure that’s a Japanese-style ‘No’.

Overall, the panel was a huge disappointment.

If it did, that would actually be bad. Because of the rate at which they get releases out the door, if they add a ton of new partners, that means they’d only ever release one or two games from those partners.

Meh… I like BL but even then, I’m not very interested in anything that comes from Langmor. It’s kinda dark, yes… but not that interesting 'cos it seems much more “in your face” dark rather than employing “subtle and not so subtle” darkness. And the writing has to be good, to make me really want to buy it. From what I heard, their writing kinda was not that great. Dunno though, maybe… some day, when I get enough moolah to splurge on games i don’t think i’ll ever like, i’ll get them. :stuck_out_tongue:

I’ll try to get Jingai too but I wonder which is better: Demon or Jingai.

Well, they did confirm that D.C. if is back on track. It had actually been canceled a few months ago because a VA demanded a large sum of money. Either they managed to negotiate a lower price or they’re re-recording the character with someone else.

I didn’t expect anything on this front. Regarding “a company whose jam and bread you wouldn’t want to eat”, I don’t think they should’ve mentioned anything in the first place, unless they’re sure that a deal is good to go.

Yeah, I was wondering about that myself.

I don’t think age would’ve gone to Anime Expo if they were completed uninterested in doing business. Most likely, they wanted to gauge western demand for themselves, just as how Circus had done so a few years ago.

Alternatively, they might have a game that they’re not ready to announce. However, that’s an optimistic thought.

Right, while their response was cryptic, they wouldn’t send a representative with Mangagamer if they had no interest at all. Conversely, we shouldn’t assume a deal has been struck just because they sent a representative. I wouldn’t be surprised if they’re eyeing Demonbane to see how it fares (Demonbane being a high profile, story-oriented, Western-friendly title). If it barely makes a splash, they may decide the US market isn’t worth the trouble. On the other hand, if it makes a sizeable splash while Mangagamer is still messing around with low-risk-low-reward digital format-only releases, would Mangagamer be the right choice of partner?

Considering the response from the crowd while they were talking about their games I would think Age would be a little more confident about the possibilities of the Western market. Kimi ga Nozomu Eien easily got the biggest response out of all the games, although Muv Luv wasn’t too far behind.

I know I saw some of their stuff at their booth but they damn sure weren’t represented at the panel. Of course adding another member to the people up there would have just made it run longer what with the translation difficulties. It was obvious that a number of us in the audience knew what was going on before the translators did.

Yumina finally got licensed? Wow… (can’t stop this wide smile)

One interesting thing I found about Mangagamer this year was how much they seemed to embrace English fan translations of games. They were handing out disks of Narcissu 2 with a purchase and they were selling Umineko with instructions on how to get the English patch.

Both of those translations have the official support of the games’ creators.

I was just wondering, did they come out with a final release date for Demonbane?

they said by the end of summer