This’ll be the first true H-RPG with a plot localized since Brave Soul. Not to mention it has a battle system that can stand on its own (if it’s anything like Seinarukana, the battle system even surpasses many mainstream RPGs out there). With the Eien no Aselia patch out, and a Seinarukana patch forthcoming (both games having been worked on by the same group of developers), this will definitely catch the notice of a large segment of the fan community that hadn’t seen any similar games localized to this point. With the right sales pitch, this could even catch the attention of fans of a wider audience of niche RPG fans, such as those that buy NISA, Atlus, and Aksys games. Fans that were attracted to Record of Agarest War, for example, would be prime targets. Ar Tonelico fans would be another potential target.
There’s also an expansion out for Tenkuu no Yumina that was well received. If the game does well, this would be a no-brainer. Judging by the price point (6800yen), it’s pretty close to a full game in its own right.
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