jast interviewed by japanator

jast staff recently was interviewed by japanator for their ero week
http://www.japanator.com/interview-jast … 8229.phtml

Great to hear that they profit from every title, although I had to laugh at one of the comments:

Excluding titles that Jast license rescued, and didn’t originally license themselves … As Jast USA back when Jast still existed, they released Seasons of the Sakura and 3 Sister Story - really old games, yes, but neither one of which I would describe as nukige. As Peach Princess, they also licensed Critical Point and Princess Waltz.

If Critical Point can be described as a nukige, then just about anything can. To me, a nukige focuses rather heavily on the sex aspect of it, to the point that the game has an excuse plot. Do You Like a Horny Bunny is a nukige. So is the XChange series. But Critical Point has a fairly complex story - sure, there are certain routes which are fairly nukige-ish. But the main story route is far from a nukige. (In fact, once I unlocked the main story route, I found the h-scenes a waste of time.) The game certainly is not an excuse to have tons of sex with anything that moves.

And if we ARE including titles Jast license rescued … then there’s Nocturnal Illusion and Crescendo.

Commenter posted again. Seems to have a rather twisted idea of what comprises ‘nukige’.

Yeah … seems like he WOULD consider most h-games a nukige.

As best as I understand the terms, I’m confused by anyone labeling YMK as formulaic nukige, but I’m equally confused by describing Little My Maid as having an epic plot. :slight_smile:

there is also and mangagamer interview
http://www.japanator.com/interview-mang … 8069.phtml

This is exactly why i like JAST over MG. not that i don’t like MG, there’s a preference, no? :frowning:

I do sincerely hope this situation can bear fruit in the future. :frowning:

Yeah, Little My Maid and Transfer Student are the two Jast games I would never describe as having good plots, or even really having plots. Technically they kinda did, I guess. But pretty bad ones.

I might chalk this up to Peter’s job being to sell these games … But of all the games he’s put out which he could have picked to rebut the nothing-but-nukige assertion, he picked Little My Maid, and not any of the ones I mentioned before. I’m not sure what he sees in that game (probably all the time he spent getting it done), but it’s not anything to do with the game’s actual merits.

Well TBH, Seasons of Sakura and those other original titles were released during the DOS days and even the remakes are fairly old now.

As for thinking YMK is nukige and LMM isn’t would be selling points to get different people to try each.