JAST USA and TLwiki team up

http://tlwiki.tsukuru.info/index.php?ti … ity_Portal

Quote: “As you may know, we have removed some Nitro+ translations from the site. This was done because we are currently working to help JAST USA out with their localizations of Nitro+ games. If all goes well, we should be able to help them expedite their localization process.”

So what do you ppl think of this team up? It is something cool right??

Well, we’ll see. That was announced about the same time as Demonbane was announced, and Jast formed the partnership with Nitro+.

Originally the plan was to translate Demonbane and Jingai Makyou. Demonbane’s been delayed from the Nitro+ side, and Jingai Makyou has been removed from the list of games with this explanation:

It’s also been confirmed that Nitro+ has put a hold on any projects after Demonbane so they can see how well the game performs.

So all the games that had patches pulled are essentially on indefinite hold, as Nitroplus appears to be somewhat skittish about how much they want to commit to the US market.

I wonder, how good is tlwiki when it comes to translation job? If by this partnership JAST can outsource translation jobs, or part of them, into reliable hands, that would be good. Not that I have problem with current job though.

I really, REALLY hope Demonbane sales are popular enough to eventually warrent a localization of Song of Saya; which hopefully would be easy to work with seeing as the team already translated it.

The script for any older title would have to be converted to work with the new engine. That said, Saya no Uta does indeed sound quite good, and I hope it gets translated as well.

it sounds like good ideas all around

In the image from the Demonbane update from 11/16, there’s a list of all the major steps in the game release process:

Translation is a big step, but it’s far from the only thing that has to be done. So while having a translated script means that a large part of the work is done already … it’s far from the whole story. (As seen by the fact that Demonbane’s translation has been complete for months, and the game has been waiting on the Engine Compile stage for close to six months now.)