Jast usa is working on Sumaga - Star Mine Girl?

Hey, I’ve barely heard of this eroge and when I looked for reviews of it, TakaJun’s is the only one that came up. If you can point me in the direction of some more favorable reviews that can explain what this game’s about and why it’s so good, then please do.

dark can you share me your dictionary if you have one better then the one of fhc

Well, that’s the thing, isn’t it; those are only two games. If you look at his list you’ll see that, while he plainly has a fondness for certain kinds of games, he’s generally got pretty good taste.

Why don’t you tell us why Sumaga’s so good, Vodka? See, here’s the thing; I played it and I had a fair bit of trouble liking it personally. It didn’t really work as an utsuge (despite trying quite hard at times), the characters were by and large too awful for it to be a moege and the overall setting and story weren’t serious enough to make it work as a serious blood-pumping action eroge - even Nega0 seems to have a better idea of what it wants to be. Sumaga spreads itself too thinly and doesn’t really work exceptionally well on any level.

Also, I don’t think it’s very funny.

(EDIT: if Sumaga is the best eroge in 2008 why is G-Senjou no Maou a number of base points ahead on EGS*? G-Sen is also #8 on the Getchu sales rankings for 2008 compared to Sumaga’s #41. Heck, even moe-gameaward liked G-Sen best out of 2008. If one forum (2ch) is saying Sumaga is better while everyone else says otherwise, why would you pick the one place that likes it the most? =P Do you really trust 2ch over us? Also, 2ch also loved Kazoku Keikaku. Think about that for a while)

*Sumaga does, however, beat nitroplus’ Muramasa, a MUCH MUCH MUCH BETTER GAME, so naturally, grain of salt =p

well if that is soo who is right and who not? too many ranking site :open_mouth:

The only ranking site people should trust is vndb 8)

They’re all right. It’s nothing more than an opinion. What’s the best bishoujo game of all time? Well, that depends on the definition of a good game. There is no universally-accepted set of criteria to evaluate such a thing. Everyone’s definition will be different. And even if there was one single definition, it’d be a list of subjective criteria, since things like “how’s the story?” and “are there any gratingly annoying characters?” all change based on who’s answering the question.

Go look at Rotten Tomatoes. Pick any movie that has a > 90%. (There’s quite a few.) Must be totally awesome, right? Yet there are still a significant number of people who didn’t like it, for whatever reason. Are they “wrong”? Some of them might be (maybe they missed a key plot point and misunderstood the story, or something). But most of the time no, they saw the film and understood it, they just didn’t like it. That’s just their opinion. (Like how I was very underwhelmed by Dragon Age, because the writing was weak in a way I’m having a hard time putting my finger on.)

Now if you ask 100 different people to pick the ten best anything of all time, you’ll get 100 different answers. You’ll get a group of entries that occur across a wide range of people’s lists, but it will have way more than 10 entries on it.

Umineko no Naku Koro ni Chiru - 9.03

Nope, I’m pretty sure you can’t trust vndb either =P

You mean this vndb, with its awesome tagging system? :roll:

2 days ago Roses
2 days ago Sunflowers
2 days ago Plants & Flowers

7 weeks ago Bitter Sweet Ending

How about that the drama often felt forced? It was especially clear to me in the Mage origin story: the most obvious option (not to pick sides) wasn’t there or adequately nullified. Yet they had to pigeonhole you into the dichotomy to later funnel you into a dramatic situation, which was supposed to reverberate throughout the rest of the game. Ambitious, yet ultimately the writing wasn’t tight enough to pull it off convincingly if you were playing critically. I’m sure the majority of players and even reviewers turned a blind eye, however. Many reviewers don’t even have a category for “story” these days, even in story-heavy games like RPGs.

I didn’t much care for the Mage origin story myself. Of course I didn’t much care for the overall story at all. Only got it to whet my appetite for Mass Effect 2 anyhow.

On topic: I just want Jast to finish up some of their listed titles first, and then once we see more game announcements, I suppose I can be excited for them. I’m not much for speculation, at any rate.

In general, the Dragon Age scripts are pretentious as hell. Bioware is full of writers who try to be poetic and sophisticated (something that’s greater emphasized with each release), yet lack the ability to pull it off. I don’t understand why they can’t write normally for a change instead of trying to dazzle players with all that BS.

Hah, fine. I’ll give you my own views on why I think it’s good.
After playing only Spica’s first route and half of Garnet’s one before translations were taken off from Wiki, I thought that Sumaga was ingenious eroge/VN/whatever you wish to call it. Anyway, it played(and acknowledged doing it) on tropes of the games such as trying to justify H-scenes, continuous reloads, obvious choices… But it made it all(okay, not everything) different, throwing its own twists too. Hell, I might as say that Nitro+ meant for Garnet to be the most unlikable character of the cast, since after all, every VN needs one character for everyone to hate, right?
All in all, Sumaga is meta as hell. And I enjoy it. This is just after reading first route, and half of second one. And from what I hear, game isn’t getting worse after this, oh no, the exact opposite.
Going into other stuff, the art, as I’ve mentioned earlier, is excellent. Perhaps uncharacterically light for Nitro+ but it’s damn pleasing to the eye. I’m pretty sure that artist had worked on only Drakoi before Sumaga, but he really knows his stuff.
Perhaps the only thing I can critize Sumaga for is its lacking use of character sprites. Gekkou did all kinds of neat stuff with them, but Sumaga seems, well… A bit stale, with everybody having almost same pose(if I rememeber correctly, everybody had only two poses. Maybe three) all the time, only varied by face. But yes, that’s a minor complaint.

This is where different people prefer different things. I found Sumaga to be very funny.

Damn it. At this part I was going to pick Akabeisoft2’s scores in EGS and say that since they scored G-Sen better than Sharin, they’re obviously not reliable, but what do you know, Sharin does have the better score out of two.
Anyway, what can I say about that? “EGS is bunch of fuckwits with tons of brand-loyalty, just look at Black-Cyc”? No, that’d also apply to Nitro+. “EGS gives some games bad scores because some of the heroines aren’t virgins, or they don’t have routes”? Okay, that’s true but I’m nearing bullshit here. “EGS is not reliable, just look how Discipline has better score than Bible Black”? Okay, that one works.
Sometimes EGS scores just don’t go the way you think they should. And I admit that I’m being one-sided by constantly bringing up Sumaga being chosen as by best eroge of the year by 2ch, but hey, what should I mention?

…No. It’s annoying, but popular stuff sells well. ToHeart AD was second on 2008 list, are you saying that means it’s better than G-Sen? Little Busters Ex was third! Hell, Essence+ was one of the top sellers this year and it’s a remake. Gethu list is filled with moeges and everything similar, G-Sen getting as high as 8 was a miracle for it, although since Sharin(that both I and EGS consider to be better) game didn’t even get on the sales list for 2005(although its fandisc ranked 33 in 2007), you could argue that G-Sen(and maybe even rest of Looseboy games) was simply riding on power on preorders influenced by Akaibeisoft2’s previous success.
Another annoying thing to mention. Just by looking at character designs and basic premise of the story, Nitro+ games don’t have as much appeal as the moeges to most otaku. Yes, G-Sen did better with this.

You mustn’t be serious. Look at their awards this year, anything else is much better indicator of quality than moe-gameawards.

Ahh, it’s useless, it’s all useless. We shouldn’t even argue about this. Let’s just accept that both Sumaga and G-Sen and whatever are good games, and that we should be happy for getting them out in English.

Onto something different.

My favourite tags would be “Only Virgin Heroines”(read, No Non-Virgin Sluts) and “Heroine With Sexual Experience”(meaning, Slut Heroines).
Yep, they got everything, yet sometimes you have to wonder if everything is good.

When I first saw that tag, it was only used on one game ‘Killer Queen’.

Half the heroines in Killer Queen are not virgins

Funnily enough I still think G-Senjou is the better game. I’ve played both of them a number of times each now, and I always arrive back at that conclusion. I do admit Sharin has a better story, but I think G-Senjou’s scenario in general is better designed. I simply enjoyed it more.

They’re so close, though…

That’s cause it’s awesome. :smiley:

But then again a “good” story isn’t everything to me.

Or “good” characters, “good” writing, “good” atmosphere… ??? ?’???

well i did sumaga is not at the level of Majikoi but for the game that are coming from nitro+ i can say that sumaga is the best
i have played many good game like princess waltz,tsukihime,Majikoi fate stay night and more
i rly hope that jastusa will traslate high quality game like Majikoi Shin Koihime Musou.