Jast usa is working on Sumaga - Star Mine Girl?

hi there

is jast usa working on Sumaga i cant find the fun traslation (check the link) http://novelnews.net/2009/07/17/jast-usa-is-working-with-fan-translators-for-nitro-titles/

so there is no fun traslation the only way to play it is whit AGTH

when sumaga will be released? i dont expect to know the exact date but at last the year and mabye fall or begin of the year will be nice


I don’t believe they’ve made an official announcement. When they partnered up with Nitroplus, some fantranslators pulled their patches for all related games and such off the net. So far Jast USA has only announced Demonbane and Jingai Makyou out of the N+ catalog. I bet they’ll do many more N+ games, so you can keep your fingers crossed.

They have already announced two Nitro+ games. Based on past experience (and what’s in the status thread), I would expect them to get one out next year, and the next one late '10 or early '11. They don’t want to become just a Nitro+ company, they already have access to lots of good titles from a few brands, they’re always looking for access to more companies. Given they have limited resources, I wouldn’t expect them to go nuts and focus solely on Nitro+ games. (And if they did, it would increase the likelihood of a slipup like Family Project’s translation issues.)

Also, Nitro+ has something like 15 games/fandisks, and they release about one game every year (plus the odd fandisk). If PP’s first two Nitro+ games are breakout hits, then I would expect this schedule to be accelerated, but it will take quite awhile for any particular game to be released.

If they stick to two in the pipeline at any given time, that means either 1) they keep current (do the new games) and do one backlog title at a time - taking a very long time to get to everything - or 2) they can ignore the new releases and do backlog, which would still take a long time and further delay all the new releases.

But new releases are easier to work with. The files are easier to locate, key people haven’t left the company, etc. etc. Plus from Nitro+‘s perspective, doing the new releases means the popularity wave in Japan and the US are close together - this helps anime tie-ins and so forth. Demonbane, for example, is seven years old now; if it’s a huge hit here, well, in Japan, it’s old news’ old news. Hard to justify trying to capitalize on that popularity with anything new.

So I’d expect new games made by Nitro+ to be announced, and Jast to work thru the backlog in order of how awesome Peter thinks the various games are.

Now, Sumaga is last year’s title - so do I expect it to be done? Probably. Recent means better gfx, etc, and it’s probably easier to work on. Is it announced? No. Only 2 games are. Are there a lot of Nitro+ titles that aren’t announced? Of course, but we don’t know which ones.

I hate to say it, but if you don’t want to wait, the best thing you can do is learn Japanese. AGTH + translation software is much more useful if you know Japanese. And you can get a reasonable level of competency with a few years’ effort. Likely it will take as long as that for the game to come out anyway.

well sumaga is the best or one of the best eroge game of the 2008…

so this is a good motivation for traslate it

edit: someone know how i can improved the atlas traslatio? thanks

You can download user dictionaries for Atlas, as well create your own when you notice Atlas is screwing up certain words. I suggest using Translation Aggregator, which I linked in another thread: viewtopic.php?f=14&t=1467&p=94004#p94004

The integrated jDIC dictionary allows you to parse the text with a word-by-word translation when Atlas spits out garbage, which you can then potentially use to improve the Atlas translation.

Note that not all games work with AGTH by default, but most will work with custom AGTH /h codes. Here’s a good resource for finding them: http://blgames.proboards.com/index.cgi? … thread=250

It’s also a general AGTH FAQ. You can find basically everything you need to know there. Try not to let it confuse you though–some of the stuff there is either/or (e.g., Atlas interface mods are not necessary if you’re using Translation Aggregator).

Yes, but is it the best NitroPlus game available? There are 15 or so to pick from, going all the way back to 2000. It may not be at the top of the list if there are older games that are even better than it is.

JAST also announced Nitro+ Royale somewhere.

Hmm, checking the status thread again, I’m less confident that Jingai Makyou will see a 2010 release. It’s marked as “Announced”, not “in development”. Probably, that means work hasn’t begun on it - meaning they probably won’t start on it until after some of the other games on their plate come out. Then, it will be unlikely to come out in 2010, since work hasn’t even started yet.

Yeah, I managed to get that info from Peter at the Comic Con, although I don’t think they’ve “officially” announced it.
At the same time he said they were looking at Sumaga to see if they would do that as well. Given how new it is and the popularity it achieved in Japan and abroad I’d give it a pretty good shot. Personally I’d be more interested in them translating Muramasa, that looks like a game I could get into.

I believe the box art from Nitro+ Royale is in the Jast USA Dating-Sim Game Catalog 2009-2010 on the page with the big “COMING SOON…” at the bottom.
http://www.himeyashop.com/product_info. … ts_id/8136

If I’m not mistaken that version first appeared at Comic Con, and rather than announcing Royale, it was an announcement of their deal with Nitro+ as a whole. After all, both Demonbane and Jingai Makyou have been officially announced, supposedly for a early 2010 release, Royale has not received an “official” announcement, just an off hand comment from Peter and the fact they used the art to announce the deal.

Before JAST and Nitro+ partnership announcement there was a fan-translation project on Sumaga, with all files visible to public.
It’s still going on, but just with the files not being available to public.

The progress is well past half of the game(67% right now), and plan is that they’re translating the game for JAST release. After all, it’s likely that at least Demonbane will be released before they’re done so JAST will have clear image about sales of Nitro+ games, and so can decide if they want more of them.

It depends on how you’re looking at it. Sumaga has one of their best scores in EGS with only Phantom and Saya topping it and both of those have been already translated, although quality of Phantom’s English release is debatable and Saya just got a fan-translation(that’s no longer available and Peter has expressed interest in releasing it officially). In that way, yes, it’s their best game not currently available in English.
Edit - Oops, looks like I messed up here. Depending on how you look at the scores, Muramasa does beat Sumaga. Anyway…
Now, if you disregard scores and listen to people’s opinions, it’s not their best. Those would be Hello World(incredibly long, one of their first works) and Muramasa(also very long, and their most recent game). After those, people usually name Sumaga as their third great game.

Looking at it like this, it would make sense if Sumaga is released after Jingai and Demonbane. It already has translation with quite bit done. This last part is just my own thoughts, but I’d say that it’s more approachable than the other two. Hello World’s art-style is very cutesy, moe-moe, even. Sumaga’s art is attractive and pop-art esque.
Muramasa doesn’t have a problem with art, it looks great(with 3D mecha battles, if Moero is any indication that stuff sells). But the game’s themes are another matter, it might be hard to sell it to JAST’s current audience. For example, there are very few h-scenes compared to game’s length and setting and feel of the game are very Japanese.
Personally I’d love to get all three in English, but Sumaga seems like a sensible first choice.

agree well i rly hope that a good game like sumaga or Shin Koihime Musou or Maji de Watashi ni Koi Shinasai! get a english traslation so we can enjoiy and fully understod the game :smiley:

Wait a sec, I thought they only announced one Nitro+ game so far?

I don’t remember them officially announcing any games besides Demonbane when they informed us of their partnership with Nitro+. Where did they say that Jingai was being brought over again?

Check the sticky thread in this forum about game status. I referenced it in an ealier post. Two Nitro+ games are listed, that one and Demonbane. Demonbane is listed as hopefully Q2 '10, and Jingai is listed as “announced”. (Per a note in that thread “in development” means it’s been announced and it’s being worked on but there is no ETA. Announced just means announced.

So it’s been announced, but probably dev hasn’t even begun yet.

Did not know any of that. I did just finish my fourth semester of Japanese, so I should start conducting research on Japanese websites, but I’m so slow, it’s very painstaking and frustrating (I still have to look up vocab in every sentence). So I didn’t actually research any of the games in Japanese, just using the English wiki. English wiki has a list of their games, but some don’t even have links, and very little info on those that don’t have an anime or fannotation (so just Demonbane and Saya no Uta, basically).

If it IS one of their best games, and the fan translators are working with Peter with more than two thirds done already, then it does make sense that Sumaga would be announced in the near future.

I imagine I’m even more useless with Japanese than you are. Hell, even dictionary wouldn’t help me. I’m getting this info by persistenly asking around(or simply by being around), and browsing easy-to-understand Japanese websites.
Despite its horrible layout, EGS is pretty simple. One thing that really helps is that games’ covers are displayed in the page of each company, along-side the score. Now, EGS should be taken with grain of salt at best like all ranking sites, but it does give pretty good indication if something is good or not.

For starters, here’s Getchu’s sales rankings for 2009 and EGS’ top list with non-ero stuff excluded.

Is this game really that good? This guy didn’t seem to think so (then again he really liked Kazoku Keikaku, which generally hasn’t been well recieved):


He seemed to like Hello World better:


Oh, TajaJun’s review, quite few people disagreed with that.
Well, when one guy is saying that it’s not good while everybody else is saying that it’s excellent(it was voted as best VN of 2008) I don’t really know why you’d pick to listen to the one person who didn’t like it.