JAST USA Memorial Collection Special Edition

JAST USA Memorial Collection Special Edition is available again:


It has Nocturnal Illusion in it. That was the eroge that got me into eroge. Ah… so much nostalgia. Probably the reason why I went dark side from the beginning too. Sari FTW. :twisted:

Anyways… $15 ain’t too bad for classic 5 games. I can’t seem to find my hardcopy of Nocturnal Illusion anywhere, so I suppose I should get one. Kinda curious how it installs on Win7 and Win8. :stuck_out_tongue:

Nice. I already have the older reprints but more futureproofing is always better!

Excuse me, I checked the link but it does not say anything about Nocturnal Illussion? Instead, it mentioned only Three Sisters Story, Season of Sakura, and Runaway city.

I also like how Transfer Student isn’t included in this collection. I’m tempted to make some crack about nobody wanting the game, but the real reason is probably “wouldn’t fit on the CD-ROM”.

As for Win7/Win8, I’m pretty sure the reason the original memorial collection went out of print was a lack of compatibility with modern OS’es. If it’s back in print now, it probably runs just fine. (Also, the fine print lists 98/XP/Vista/7 for compatibility.)

… should the Borderline CGs really be listed as high-res in a modern printing?

(It’s not impossible, as I haven’t seen them, I’m just Dubious :slight_smile: )

lol… someone should let the price scalpers know it’s not OOP anymore, and the reprint has MOAR content. :lol: 8)

They were charging $89.99 :shock: :roll:

Hmm… I just ordered my disc, so I’ll check file size after it arrives, but maybe it’s because they couldn’t get Transfer Student compatibility for Vista/7?

Transfer Student is one of the games that had to have an all-new engine coded for it by Jast USA. So Peter probably got the source, and therefore if he really wanted could make it compatible.


Someone has already confirmed that it’s compatible (as long as you have the patch).

Since TS wasn’t part of either the original jastUSA memorial collection or the milky house memorial collection, then it’s likely that is the reason it wasn’t included (there might be other reasons, but I can’t be bothered to list or even think about them).

Thats a nice deal, kind of reminds me of times when I went deeper into VN’s. Played these after I had played some newer ones.

I hope a download version of this pops up eventually¬Ö

Nocturnal Illusion and May Club will install in Win7, but the execution file to start the games doesn’t work on a 64-bit install – even when you set the compatibility mode for a 32-bit OS. It’s the generic “unsupported 16-bit” error Windows likes to spit out for legacy software. I’m sure it’s possible to fiddle around with various settings and get it to eventually work (though I didn’t bother to try), but it’s worth mentioning about. I ended up just running it on my 32-bit virtual network.

The CD comes in a cardboard sleeve - not a plastic case. Not a complaint, just an observation. I’m not surprised: makes sense for the uber-low cost. There was enough room on the CD to include video trailers for all the various JAST, G-Collections, etc releases. All the game installation files were actually smaller than just a few of the videos. :stuck_out_tongue:

Didn’t expect flawless: just wanted working install files. It’s all there… and doesn’t cost me $90 from Amazon. :wink:

Hah, in the screenshot I see “compatibility with all systems not guaranteed”. I’m surprised, though, that NI doesn’t work on Win7-64. I thought this was a new engine?

Checking the back of the box, it says three of them have been updated for modern Windows. I guess between that and the disclaimer, NI didn’t get updated …

I don’t know. From that J-List product page: “Note that this game is about to go out of print – if you’re a fan of old school “H” games, snag this now.” – And the price is $15; a fair price, considering … but also not a price that says ‘I’m going to be around forever’.

I dunno if that means forevermore, or what … but this is like the third time these have been released, and Three Sisters’ Story is ancient (like the page says, it’s the first release Jast USA ever did in '96). Downloadable versions of these titles would be a lot of work. Who knows, a contract might finally be about to expire or something, and since the Japanese companies are dust in the wind …

Hah, just tried to order my copy … the Jast USA web store doesn’t even have the game available for purchase. (I wonder how long it’s been in print? I always order through the Jast store, so I would have never known it was there.)

[color=blue]This pack also includes May Club VR Dating DX(remake of May Club VR Dating)???Seem below…
And where’s others classical 3rd generation VNs like True and Paradise Heights in this pack???[/color]

No. It is not the remake.

The Nocturnal Illusion is not the remake either.

Not on this CD. :frowning:

Ya know, despite my best efforts, I’ve never been able to find a physical copy of May Club VR Dating DX. :frowning:

I do have a physical copy of Nocturnal Illusion Renewal though:


In that bag are herbs of some sort. For smelling or for drinking, I have no idea. The manual or packaging doesn’t say, and the stuff is dated for 1998 so it don’t smell no more… and probably don’t taste either. :stuck_out_tongue:

Soundtrack is the third disc, and a bit more higher quality than the music in the remake (i.e. better sound sything).

The really old games were actually put out by quite a few different companies. Most of these companies put out a few games then went under. Why did Peter snag Nocturnal Illusion and May Club - which I believe are that company’s only two releases ever - and none of these other companies’ games? Who can say? Peter could, but he ain’t talking :slight_smile:

There really wouldn’t be a whole lot of point, anymore, in trying to jump through all the hoops to get rights to re-release (say) Time Stripper Mako. If you charged $5 for it it might sell a hundred copies. It’s an ancient nukige, with outdated graphics and sound and an unremarkable story. It is out-competed in every way by any of a dozen nukige translated since its release in 1997. Nocturnal Illusion is one of few games predating the launch of Peach Princess that’s still worth anything; most of the archaic stuff hasn’t aged well at all. Nocturnal Illusion’s saving grace is a kick-ass story; most games don’t have that.

[color=#0000FF]*True Love[/color]

The music. You forgot the music.

Nocturnal Illusion ( ???) - Elergy (Piano Cover)

Ahead of it’s time. 8)