JASTUSA Catalog 2011-2012

This was uploaded onto 4chan, not sure where it came from.

Its got the JAST blurb for some games not on the website yet, prices are also listed for the games too.

Other things:

Princess Waltz has a different cover? VNDB doesn’t list any other editions so where did that come from?
Yukkuri is listed as ‘Yukkuri Panic vol. 1: Escalation’…vol. 1? Possible hint for more in the series to be licensed?

‘Doushin Same Heart’ and ‘Tokimeki Check In!’ are apparently going to be bundled together now:

That’s the cover of the PRINCESS WALTZ??? (visual fanbook). If you look carefully it even says ??? on the image. I guess whoever edited this together was in a rush and not really paying attention =P

All four of those games were confirmed at JAST’s Anime Expo panel as well. The section for Outlaw Django has me scratching my head a little - wasn’t Django going to be bundled with Kikokugai? Or was that just a rumor? Either way, everything is subject to change (see Gun Shield Warrior Sakigake and Cleavage), so nothing mentioned in the catalog should be taken as gospel.

This isn’t the first time that JAST has subtly hinted to an entire series being licensed. There are three Miwaku no Mahoujin titles for them to combine this time around and two Choukyou Diary titles. Makes sense to me that they’d label them with volume numbers to encourage people to buy the follow-ups.

Waitaminute, Doushin is being bundled on-disc with Tokimeki Check-In? I don’t see any mention of that on J-List or the JAST site. I suppose this revised edition of the game won’t be included in the order I just placed… Oh well.

I suppose there’s no convincing them to quit using the term “Dating Sim” - that term only fits for maybe a handful of their releases, if that. “Visual Novels” and “Erotic Games” are more accurate, though neither is all-encompassing.

“No cat girls were harmed in the creation of this game catalog.” :lol:

I think I still have a catalog that lists Slave Bazaar as an upcoming title. Of course, it did take several years before the game was eventually cancelled … but I’m sure the project had been effectively dead for some time before that.

As for TCI/Doushin … last I heard from Shingo, he was going to talk to Peter about it.

A couple of quick notes regarding the catalog:

  1. This catalog is legitimate and is currently being shipped to J-List and JAST USA game customers. It’s the same as the one we handed out at AX 2011. Peter posted with the link to it in one of his recent updates and that’s how it seems to have reached 4chan.

  2. The Tokimeki Check-In / Doushin combo pack is currently being printed and will be available for sale soon. If you’ve bought one of the two games separately since AX2011 you may be eligible for a free or reduced-cost copy of the other; you can contact us at https://help.jlist.com/ with the details of your order and we’ll be happy to help.

  3. Many of the details printed in the catalog (such as prices and bundled releases or lack thereof) are “forward looking statements” and may not be reflected in the final release versions of the games, though we’re pretty confident on the vast majority of them. We are still planning to bundle Django and Kikokugai.

So I should wait before I get Tokimeki then,ne? Most of these new games don’t aren’t really to my taste with the exception of Django. It will be interesting to see what it’s like.

Peter sure does love using the word [size=200][color=#4000BF]SUPER[/color][/size]

Well, I mean, really. What do you expect him to put in there? “Sure, this game may be a stale rehash of hoary old cliches that were on the way out ten years ago, but it has BOOBIES!”

I would be SOOOO much happier if they used the term Visual Novel to refer to the genre instead of Dating Sim. I’m picturing it now, the standard Jast “English Dating Sim Game” sticker on my Song of Saya box… so wrong!

I’ll be getting Outlaw Jangou. I just love Nitroplus games.

What ever happened to Jingai Makyou? Does JASTUSA still intend to release it? I would be really disappointed if was dropped since Ignis is my favorite Nitroplus character. I hope its just delayed.

Nothing says “I love you” quite like treating your beloved to a fresh pound of human flesh and turning his crush into a self-loathing sex toy. 8)

False advertisement at its best!