Jlist.com's Game of the month - I'm Gonna Nurse you 1

I know it is a Sunday … and it is Oct the 1st almost Monday the 2nd … but I am cerious to as what the game of the month is for October. :slight_smile: Can’t wait to find out … Update soon … Thanks,

[ 10-03-2006, 09:58 PM: Message edited by: ms308680 ]

u will find out soon enough…

just so you know, today is 10th anniversary of jlist (he just told me just a few mins ago) so expect some surprises from him in a short while

look forward to it.

hmm… maybe suprise is Yin Yang is finnished? :stuck_out_tongue:

guess I will have to wait and find out.

nah, yinyang is nowhere close to done but keep guessing

Hey it was worth a shot… so is it still 2-3 months … or is it closer than that?

xmas is peter’s (unofficial) target

:slight_smile: Thank you :slight_smile: … you get as much sleep as I do … fun times :slight_smile:

[ 10-02-2006, 05:36 AM: Message edited by: ms308680 ]

We get a free T-shirt with Peter’s avatar on the front with each order! :smiley:

Or maybe the same bandana with each order.

Happy b-day jlist.

The secret is out – Kango 1 & 2. (Had to put them out as a set ^_^)

Yes, it’s been a heck of a decade for us. The world has literally turned upside down, thanks to this whole “internet” thing people keep talking about. Just now I am eating Doritos while sitting in rural Japan. Ten years ago foreigners used to roam all around town looking for an import shop that had Pringles, another hard-to-find item (back then anyway).

I was waiting for you to post… :slight_smile: I didn’t want to spoil your suprise, even though people can go their themselves. They look like 2 great games, but I Have a quick question, The set of 2 is Cheaper at PeachPrincess.com(whether you are getting the set or singles).

I’m Just confused. Is the site still getting updated.

anyway They look like great games and I will be getting them this month :slight_smile:

[ 10-03-2006, 12:39 PM: Message edited by: ms308680 ]

Dammit, I was looking for that yesterday, but couldn’t seem to order it as a set. Was it up yesterday? All the links working? Ah well if you keep it as a set, maybe I’ll order it next month assuming my finances are still ok.

I just purchased the following :slight_smile: (there gose my spending money for the month) Critical point, Snow Drop, Yin Yang preorder, Heard de Roommate, I’m ganna nurse you 1 & 2. now comes the Box camping! I hope I enjoy these titles, I have read the descriptions and they seem quite interisting.

Two games well worth buying, i liked them both. I’m gonna order them.

Hey Peter, when you come around … can you let me know if you got my e-mail about checking on my order, I only ask now since it has been a week since I got the shipment confirmation e-mail, I don’t know if this really means anything but I also pre ordered Yin-Yang on the same order, the entire order would not be held just for that one preorder, would it? I will e-mail you any further questions. Look forward to hearing from you sir.

[ 10-13-2006, 10:57 AM: Message edited by: ms308680 ]