June 6, 2007: Yume Miru Kusuri playable demo, text patch

Peach Princess is proud to announce the immediate release of two enhancements to our hit game, Yume Miru Kusuri :: A Drug That Makes You Dream. The first is a playable demo version of the game, available for direct download here. Thanks to the fine folks at HGTP for production work on the demo and to VisualNews for providing the download mirror.

The demo is a great way to try the game for those thinking of buying who havenft quite made the decision yet, providing an introduction to all of the main characters and a nice chunk of the beginning of the plot to whet your appetite on. It has no adult content and can thus be enjoyed by players of all ages - though the full version of the game is meant for adults only.

For those whofve already picked up this great game, wefre proud to announce the release of a text patch (download here) that corrects several of the spelling and grammar issues we missed prior to initial release (thanks to Peach Princess forums member JS for the assist!) as well as clarifying the translation of a scene near one of Aekafs endings. The updated text patch can be applied without losing your save games.

With these two fresh releases, therefs never been a better time for adult gamers to pick up your copy of the hottest bishoujo title of 2007 (thus farc)!

I’ll be happy to use this thread to address any questions or comments about the demo and/or patch that you might have.

[ 06-06-2007, 03:34 AM: Message edited by: Shingo ]

For those interested, the download size of the demo is 72040 kB, which is almost 70.4 MB.

Yaay, a text patch! Thanks for being so considerate. :slight_smile:

Just wondering: Does the demo use the text corrections in the patch or is it based on the original?

The demo contains all of the corrections present in the patch, and vice versa (though the patch contains corrections in game text that is outside the scope of the demo).

Thanks, Shingo-san, for your notification about this demo. :slight_smile:

And thanks to Big Ben for his additional pertinent information. :smiley:

Edited by Mystvan

[ 06-18-2007, 09:32 AM: Message edited by: Myst-Vearn (Mystvan) ]

Can’t say how many spelling errors there were in the original, but still are some. One of them just caught me because “just” was spelled as “jest” and it actually made the sentence into a pun.

I’m afraid a few of these will slip through no matter how many passes of the text we do… hopefully most of the obvious errors are gone now, at least.

Thanks much to JS for your work that gave us the inspiration to get the patch finished!

What is the problem you’re experiencing, exactly? Is the game not reading your save files after applying the patch?

Out of pure curiosity, Shingo, how exactly did the patch come about ? I was familiar with HGTP’s last demo, Anonono, which was dated at least two years ago, and, judging from their initial inactivity, I thought they had shut down.

The demo has proved otherwise, and I’m thankful for that, as well as for various other reasons.

Lastly, will PP consider working with HGTP and other independent translation efforts for future demos ?

The patch was inspired by JS’s efforts in documenting errors in the game text, as well as my desire to clarify that bit at the end of Aeka’s arc.

I should clarify that we handle all translation work for our games internally (no part of any of our games, including the recently released Yume Miru demo, is “fan-translated”).

If HGTP or other fan groups express interest in working with us to produce demo versions of future games we would definitely be open to the idea; however I don’t anticipate demo production for other than a minority of highly anticipated titles. This is still largely an open question so we’ll see where it goes.

Hmm, yours is the first case I’ve heard of this. The patch might not work for you for some reason… I’d recommend reverting to the old pre-patch file and trying again with that to make sure it works normally (if you deleted it I can hook you up with it again). If you could PM me a full list of your system specs I can try to troubleshoot this.

Also, if anyone else is experiencing difficulties with the patch, please let me know.

I finished playing the demo version of YMK yesterday.

The story and the characters are very interesting. And it (YMK) has some good and very funny scenes. I like the BGM, but I guess I have to hear more times to start enjoying and habituating to the musics.

Well, I want to buy it (YMK), but only in the future. I’ve bought many B-games, so I want to finish playing them.

Hmmm… This B-game has design different to other B-games from Will/Sweet Basil/Guilty… Tonikaku, I also like this new design.

[ 06-13-2007, 09:29 PM: Message edited by: Myst-Vearn (Mystvan) ]

hm how do I apply the text patch?
It came with install instructions but it won’t open for me.
I’m running Windows Vista if that makes a difference.

nvm: got it to work

[ 07-08-2007, 04:00 PM: Message edited by: HandofFate ]

I went through the game again(After I installed the text patch) and still saw a few typo’s. But I still absolutely love this game.

[ 07-21-2007, 12:02 AM: Message edited by: GogetaSS4 ]