Just a little unimportant note

Well, In a few days, I’ll be gone fromt his boards for a week or something like that. The reason is that the 2 & 3 August are “Anime Days” that I’ll attend to… and on thr 4th, I’ll travel by boat to Gotland to attend the Medieval Week, which a kind of festival that is being held one week every year and it is being held for amny reasons… One of the reasons is that it was in that week that the Danish King Valdemar Atterdag conquered Gotland and forced the townspeople to pay a high tribute in exchange for letting the town retain its privileges (if you are interested, you couls read more about it here http://www.medeltidsveckan.com/English/eng_mvinfo/eng_history.htm ). In other words, I don’t think I’ll be able to visit you people here for a week. I’ll of course be able to get here tomorrow and the day after that (for some hours, anyway), but after that you’ll have to try to have fun without me for a week .

we’ll all miss you spec…hurry home to us before too long

I remember reading about that, didn’t the ship carrying the tribute back sink?

Have a good time, that looks like fun. ^^

well, have fun…and let us know about any bishoujo sightings out in the water :stuck_out_tongue:

Zorian: hmm, I wrote a school essay about the history of that incendent on Gotland once, but I don’t remember that my information said anything about the ship…

Lamuness: . I will… Hmm, wonder how big my chances is if I decide to try and find the Sea Dragon Mansion there…

Our Goddess & Joe_kun: Thank you! I’llb e back as soon as I can . But before that, I’ll fight dragons and save some fair maids… Just hope that the maids will be VERY grateful afterwards .

[This message has been edited by Spectator Beholder (edited 08-01-2002).]

Fine I’ll say it “Don’t do anything, I wouldn’t do?” This should leave your options wide open. Good Luck SB. Have Fun

Have a good trip SB.

SO that means, you would have to chew on my leg next week, after you realized, I aleady have OMnY since yesterday, right?

That’s good. Some time left for healing…
(Also, I take some more time before writing my impressions, because after you left for this week, it is no longer that urgent.)

Heh, don’t be too sure about that. I might send a dragon or an angry black knight after you from Gotland instead since I won’t be able to chew on your leg .

But do take your time to work on your impressions of OMnY. I except to hear your impressions and various details (details like: is there any meters in the game?) of the game when I return .

Well, after tonight (swedish time) I doubt I will be able to visit this board for a week. I might of course be able to peek in here once or twice, but I don’t know. We’ll see.

Originally posted by Spectator Beholder:
I except to hear your impressions and various details (details like: is there any meters in the game?) of the game when I return [img]http://princess.cybrmall.net/ubb/smile.gif[/img].

This one detail, I can give you right now, but it's a bit disappointing: No meters/stats at all. Not in the part of the story, I have already played through and no examples of meters in the instruction booklet displayed either. So, if the game has a "SIM"-component, it is well hidden from the user-interface.

Originally posted by Unicorn:
This one detail, I can give you right now, but it's a bit disappointing: No meters/stats at all. Not in the part of the story, I have already played through and no examples of meters in the instruction booklet displayed either. So, if the game has a "SIM"-component, it is well hidden from the user-interface.

Oh? That was kinda unexcepted, if you think of the fact that you can "do all sorts of things to the girls"... and without meters, how shall you know then how your actions affects the girls?

Originally posted by Spectator Beholder:
Oh? That was kinda unexcepted, if you think of the fact that you can "do all sorts of things to the girls"... and without meters, how shall you know then how your actions affects the girls?

... well, the thought might be unusual (on this board anyway), but in real life, you have also no meters and can only watch, how the others react to your actions...

(Anyhow, my current save-position calls it's chapter of the story "Prologue", but there was already the first h-scene.)

That’s true, but still… Well, I hope ther’ll be SOME kind of reaction from the girls, depending on what you do to them. While you in real-life have no meters to rely on, you can often tell if a person is “cold” or “warm” or whatever towards you and you can also see how they react at things you say/do to them. Being what I am, I often have to think of such things .

True, true, beautiful girls have so many ways to express their feelings: slaps, punches, kicks, hammers, rocket-launchers… and bounces in this BBS.

Originally posted by olf_le_fol:
True, true, beautiful girls have so many ways to express their feelings: slaps, punches, kicks, hammers, rocket-launchers... and bounces in this BBS. [img]http://princess.cybrmall.net/ubb/biggrin.gif[/img]

Well, it was not rwally those kinds of feeling I was thinking of (through they will do nicely on the list [img]http://princess.cybrmall.net/ubb/biggrin.gif[/img]). But think Maid's story, for example... if you treat the girls in a harsh/rude way, the girl wills will act in a rude way towards you, but if you are nice to them, their response will be a cheerful one [img]http://princess.cybrmall.net/ubb/smile.gif[/img].

Anyway... This is my last post, then I'm off to tomorrow's "anime day" and Gotland the day after that. See ya!

Hello! Now, I’m back from my visit on Gotland. It was really fun¬Ö The Medieval Week opens on the first Saturday when the procession that is the symbol of what happened at that time. First in the procession is the wounded farmers and peasants, those who died in the short fight against Valdemar Atterdag and his troops and then were betrayed by the merchants and the noblemen of Wisby city, and refused to let them into the city when they tried to flee away from Valdemar’s troops and instead let them die outside the city. After that comes Valdemars’ troops, the soldiers in their shining armor, and after that, the King himself, surrounded by his cheering body guards. After those, the whole crowd of on-watchers may follow, if they want to. And that’s how the medieval week begins, and for a whole week, it happens LOTS of funny stuff. You can watch tournaments between brave knights, get played tricks on by the fools and buy medieval stuff or even eat medieval food at some restaurants. If any of you ever visits Gotland during the Medieval week, I’d recommend that you visit the pub/restaurant called Clemens. They offer medieval food and it has a very nice atmosphere; at the evenings, there is musicians there playing music, fire eaters, and people who’re in a good mood also sings and screams “CHEEERS!!!” all the time .

About 30% of those who visits Wisby during the medieval week, whenever they’re citizens of Wisby or just tourists, are dressed in Medieval clothes, to add to the atmosphere there. I was one of those 30%¬Ö and my little sisters as well. Ironically, although I was warned here against going as a warlock, that’s actually what I went there as (since I hadn’t enough material go as something else¬Ö). As a Warlock, I naturally tried to make people interested in following the bishoujo angels¬Ö Alas, the City Watch didn’t like the way I was preaching and seized me. They decided that it wouldn’t be fun to burn me, so they just lynched me and did something else to me too¬Ö I’ll see if I can scan some photos from that event so you can see what happened to poor me .

Well, overall I had a really fun week! Lots of fun, yummy food, and lots of pretty girls around¬Ö what more could you ask for?

Oh, by the way, speaking about the girls¬Ö Kumiko once said that “Every girl is a princess!” and during the medieval week, that felt very true, for when you see those girls in their dresses¬Ö Even the not-so-pretty girls looked kinda tempting then . drool

Welcome Back~ ^^

Originally posted by Spectator Beholder:
during the medieval week, that felt very true, for when you see those girls in their dressesEEven the not-so-pretty girls looked kinda tempting then [img]http://princess.cybrmall.net/ubb/biggrin.gif[/img]. *drool*

No pictures of those girls to share with us? :P

welcome back…i’d hug you, but apparently that causes bloody mayhem, so i won’t

Originally posted by ladyphoenix:
welcome back....i'd hug you, but apparently that causes bloody mayhem, so i won't [img]http://princess.cybrmall.net/ubb/smile.gif[/img]

I would think that would encourage you to do more hugging. But maybe it's just me...