Just bought Snow Drop my first hentai game

Originally posted by Chibi-Joe:
The girls on Tokimeki Check-in look a little on the young side. May I ask how old they are?

...this is kind of crass, but their chests are far too big for them to be a bit on the young side.

That said, most of the characters are well past 18. The only ones even close to 18 are the Terrible Trio of ... uh, "college" students. However, it's not a terribly big deal; the characters are all mentally age-appropriate for the goings-on. Even the youngest characters in the game aren't THAT close.

Originally posted by Reshin:
again your taking yourself too seriously and assuming alot, I wasn't doubting the fact that the games are taken seriously on a board of a company that ports said games... I was laughing at the fact that I said.. ONE LINE... and the line had to be quoted broken down and debunked.
Just in what seemed like an atempt to belittle me (like your doing) just becaue my name (new name) has "junior member" by it. you assume I am new and have never played or heard of eve burst error when I have been playing h-games for years,and have been here for a while if not by this name then by others.

whats with the "we" elitist business. as if I am not part of "we"... sheesh.


Alright, guys. This is a "I'd like some game suggestions" thread. Can we - all of us - please take the flame wars to the off topic board? We wouldn't want to scare the fresh meat, now... ;)

[This message has been edited by Nandemonai (edited 01-09-2004).]

I’m quite surprised nobody’s mentioned Season of the Sakura yet.

I’m a huge fan of romance and first loves too. I’d say for serious, non-comedy stories, highly recommended are Kana Little Sister and Crescendo.

For the lighter-hearted romance comedy, Tokimeki Check-In and Season of the Sakura seem like the obvious recommendations to me.

TCI’s girls all have stated ages of 18 or over. The “School Girl Trio” might have been slightly younger than that in the Japanese original. SotS’s girls all have /stated/ ages of 19 or 21, but since the setting is clearly a Japanese high school, it’s not so surprising that their original ages were 16 or 18.

However, all of these are appropriate ages for “first love”. There are games with distressingly lolita-complex elements out there, with girls of age 12 or suchlike; but none of the games I’ve mentioned are like that.

Originally posted by Reshin:
again your taking yourself too seriously and assuming alot, I wasn't doubting the fact that the games are taken seriously on a board of a company that ports said games... I was laughing at the fact that I said.. ONE LINE... and the line had to be quoted broken down and debunked.
Just in what seemed like an atempt to belittle me (like your doing) just becaue my name (new name) has "junior member" by it. you assume I am new and have never played or heard of eve burst error when I have been playing h-games for years,and have been here for a while if not by this name then by others.

whats with the "we" elitist business. as if I am not part of "we"... sheesh.

If you felt I was belittling you, I apologize. It wasn't my intent. But in the past, people have shown up, read some of the tangents and joking we do and assume that's all that happens here. Then when someone shows up and is honestly trying to get information, they end up receiving a bunch of unrelated and useless information and leave with the impression that this isn't a board where you can get real answers from. So I was trying to point out that most of the regulars here know when's a time to joke around and when it isn't.

As for the "we" business, it's a shortcut. So I don't have to keep typing phrases like "most of the regulars" or "the majority of people here". And before you ask why I don't just use "I" instead, a couple times I did that and a few regulars emailed to caution me because they said it sounded like I was trying to take over the board. Others just complained that I was suddenly getting arrogant. There's a good bet that no matter what I post or how I phrase things, including this one, someone's going to be rubbed the wrong way by it.

Originally posted by Nandemonai:
Tottemo Pheromone is not recommended. The game emphasises sex over ... well, anything else; you said this is exactly what you want to avoid. It's not a bad game, it's ... just not a very good one either, except for the sex - which you've said is not a high priority.

Tottemo Pheromone may seem to emphasize on the sex, but it's only because you need to help Silk return to her world. That's why it's a very good Bishoujo game since the plot makes the sex important to accomplish your mission. Unlike in some B-games where you just have sex with the girl with no particular reason other than you just want to see some H-scenes. So I really think Tottemo Pheromone isn't just all about sex. It's probably less about sex than most Bishoujo games [img]http://princess.cybrmall.net/ubb/smile.gif[/img].

Just to give an example about what I mean, Take Kango Schicyauzo 2, why would you choose the choices that would lead to the sex scenes? There is only one answer: to see the endings of each girl and get all the cg's. So in reality you would be playing the game just for the H-content, unlike in Tottemo Pheromone where you play to help Silk out [img]http://princess.cybrmall.net/ubb/smile.gif[/img]. That's why it's my favorite B-game [img]http://princess.cybrmall.net/ubb/biggrin.gif[/img].

[This message has been edited by dexter (edited 01-10-2004).]

Originally posted by ekylo:
If you felt I was belittling you, I apologize. It wasn't my intent. But in the past, people have shown up, read some of the tangents and joking we do and assume that's all that happens here. Then when someone shows up and is honestly trying to get information, they end up receiving a bunch of unrelated and useless information and leave with the impression that this isn't a board where you can get real answers from. So I was trying to point out that most of the regulars here know when's a time to joke around and when it isn't.

As for the "we" business, it's a shortcut. So I don't have to keep typing phrases like "most of the regulars" or "the majority of people here". And before you ask why I don't just use "I" instead, a couple times I did that and a few regulars emailed to caution me because they said it sounded like I was trying to take over the board. Others just complained that I was suddenly getting arrogant. There's a good bet that no matter what I post or how I phrase things, including this one, someone's going to be rubbed the wrong way by it.

hmmm well i wasn't joking... in my first post.. although light hearted I was serious about my recommendations...oh never mind.
but a suggestion: If something can't be said with out rubbing someone the wrong way, does it [b]really[/b] need to be said?

Originally posted by ekylo:
As for the "we" business, it's a shortcut. So I don't have to keep typing phrases like "most of the regulars" or "the majority of people here". And before you ask why I don't just use "I" instead, a couple times I did that and a few regulars emailed to caution me because they said it sounded like I was trying to take over the board. Others just complained that I was suddenly getting arrogant. There's a good bet that no matter what I post or how I phrase things, including this one, someone's going to be rubbed the wrong way by it.

And to think another thread almost went into a flame war just because I also used "we"... I must make this question, then, when it is "safe" to use "we" (in the context mentioned above)?

good question. the problem is not the word but the context. By using “we” you exclude an isolate the person you are talking to (in the context we are using now), be it if you did it purposfully or not it still happens…

so a better question would be should you put the word in said context?

Originally posted by Reshin:
but a sugestion: If something can't be said with out rubbing someone the wrong way, does it really need to be said?

Then nothing would be said at all, because when I said "no matter what" I wasn't joking. I once touched off a firestorm with a one word post.

It's a little hard to judge context at times using this medium. There's none of the little clues people normally use to help identify context and unless you just happen to be on at the same time, no way to immediately respond or explain. Hmm, sometimes I think it's all caused by the nature and way we use English. Like the sentence above, when I used the word "you" I'm including myself. Some people will read it that way, other's will read it as being directly only at Reshin-san. *shrug* I don't think there's any easy answer for it.

hmm. we have reached an impass. :confused:

Originally posted by Chibi-Joe:
Greetings all, I'm Chibi-Joe (29 years old - A friend started calling me Chibi-Joe because I'm a large guy) and while I'm not a really big hentai fan I am a huge shoujo fan.

How is Snow Drop and what are your impressions of it? I just bought it off rightstuf's site.

I'm looking for games that focus on comedy and love triangles over sex and I'm not a fan of rape. What do you recomend?

X-change 2 looks funny but I read about the rape scenes in it? Do the rape scenes detract from the story? Are there consequences from them and is there regret and other emotions after the rape?

Thanks and take care,

Joe, I don't think you're going to get many more useful suggestions. Just to reiterate:

* Snow Drop is good, you'll enjoy it. Stay away from Keika, it's good for your progress in the game. (Generally speaking.)

* Chain has a good storyline

* Private Nurse is actually quite romantic - the relationship builds in a believable way, rather than simply being a fact like it is so often.

* Tokimeki Checkin! is a very amusing game that is not a sexfest.

* Nocturnal Illusion is a moody game that actually works, and has a surprisingly good storyline. Unfortunately, the game's age does it no favors; still, it's cheap and it comes in a compilation.

Other than that, I think this thread is pretty much a goner; that tends to happen around here.

Originally posted by Reshin:
again your taking yourself too seriously and assuming alot, I wasn't doubting the fact that the games are taken seriously on a board of a company that ports said games... I was laughing at the fact that I said.. ONE LINE... and the line had to be quoted broken down and debunked.

After all, it was me who did that. So, I have to apologize for putting my comment this apparently provocative way.

I actually wanted to express that IMHO Adam's story is by far inferior to its prequel Eve Burst Error. Apparently I went overboard making it sound like a personal insult (which wasn't really intended).

Gomen nasai!

Originally posted by Nandemonai:
Joe, I don't think you're going to get many more useful suggestions. Just to reiterate:

* Snow Drop is good, you'll enjoy it. Stay away from Keika, it's good for your progress in the game. (Generally speaking.)

* Chain has a good storyline

* Private Nurse is actually quite romantic - the relationship builds in a believable way, rather than simply being a fact like it is so often.

* Tokimeki Checkin! is a very amusing game that is not a sexfest.

* Nocturnal Illusion is a moody game that actually works, and has a surprisingly good storyline. Unfortunately, the game's age does it no favors; still, it's cheap and it comes in a compilation.

Other than that, I think this thread is pretty much a goner; that tends to happen around here.

Hey where's cresendo in that list [img]http://princess.cybrmall.net/ubb/wink.gif[/img] don't make me start another flame war on this thread [img]http://princess.cybrmall.net/ubb/tongue.gif[/img]

Originally posted by wanfu2k1:
Hey where's cresendo in that list [img]http://princess.cybrmall.net/ubb/wink.gif[/img] don't make me start another flame war on this thread [img]http://princess.cybrmall.net/ubb/tongue.gif[/img]

It's on my "to play" list, which is why I didn't list it; I couldn't say anything about it.

My two cents…

Season of the Sakura is still one of the greats. Story, love, challenging game, sex, plus the Rayearth/Evangelion connection. I humbly recommend the JAST USA Memorial Collection becuase of this game. Plus you get Three Sisters’ Story, another serious classic (IMHO).

Originally posted by Nandemonai:
It's on my "to play" list, which is why I didn't list it; I couldn't say anything about it.

What's wrong with you Nand go play play play [img]http://princess.cybrmall.net/ubb/tongue.gif[/img]

Originally posted by wanfu2k1:
What's wrong with you Nand go play play play [img]http://princess.cybrmall.net/ubb/tongue.gif[/img]

My evil plans are progressing nicely - too nicely for me to want to interrupt them at the moment.

Hey Nand what’s a few hours a day. You waste 8 hrs sleeping already just cut 2 of your sleep hours a day and you can finish cresendo in less than a week

I;d just buy all the damn games you can :stuck_out_tongue:

How about I’m going to serve you 4? A bit of commedy, but also some crazy plots, and pretty good story lines. I thought the game was really a step forward for trabulance