Just bought Snow Drop my first hentai game

Greetings all, I’m Chibi-Joe (29 years old - A friend started calling me Chibi-Joe because I’m a large guy) and while I’m not a really big hentai fan I am a huge shoujo fan.

How is Snow Drop and what are your impressions of it? I just bought it off rightstuf’s site.

I’m looking for games that focus on comedy and love triangles over sex and I’m not a fan of rape. What do you recomend?

X-change 2 looks funny but I read about the rape scenes in it? Do the rape scenes detract from the story? Are there consequences from them and is there regret and other emotions after the rape?

Thanks and take care,


Snow Drop is great game.

X-Change 2 does not have rape scenes.

Sensei 2 does have few rape scenes.

Originally posted by RonXE:
X-Change 2 does not have rape scenes.

Actually, it does. The "rape bus" in particular.

Snow Drop is great, but is mostly NOT funny. Rather it has a good story. XC1 sucks ass, an unbelievably large amount. XC2 is supposed to be much much better, but it’s on my list and so are other games.

Tokimeki Checkin! is pretty funny and not very focused on ecchi. G-collections has a lot of cute and funny games, but they are also focused on ecchi. I recommend Kango Schicyauzo and Ecchi na Bunny-san wa Kirai? - haven’t played many of the others.

Thanks for the welcome.

In X-change 2 how bad is the rape scene and is it a plot advancer? I think I might be able to tolerate a rape scene in a game if it furthers the plot.

I’m a huge fan of character driven stories, self discovery stories and romance stories (preferably with a love triangle and/or awkward situations).

I also bought Light up hentai Rock Paper Scissors for a diversion but I’m looking for more substancial stories that will run with my emotions.

I’m a very emotional guy and want a series that will make me cry tears of joy and plpay with my emotions in general.

What else do you recomend?

Thanks and I look foward to playing Snow Drop and expanding my gaming horizons.


Tokimeki Check-In! for out-and-out screwball comedy (no pun intended).

Tottemo Pheromone doesn’t have quite so much play variation, but it’s pretty sweet and funny in a romantic fantasy way.

Originally posted by Chibi-Joe:
In X-change 2 how bad is the rape scene and is it a plot advancer? I think I might be able to tolerate a rape scene in a game if it furthers the plot.

Can't help you, haven't played it. I could tell you about XC1 but that would be misleading.

Originally posted by Chibi-Joe:
I'm a huge fan of character driven stories, self discovery stories and romance stories (preferably with a love triangle and/or awkward situations).

I also bought Light up hentai Rock Paper Scissors for a diversion but I'm looking for more substancial stories that will run with my emotions.

I'm a very emotional guy and want a series that will make me cry tears of joy and plpay with my emotions in general.

What else do you recomend?


Snow Drop is good for that - but you have it. Play it. Don't be discouraged if you keep getting the generic ending - getting to the real 2nd half of the game is hard.

Kana is good.

Private Nurse is actually very sweet and romantic. You would like it.

Nocturnal Illusions is very old, but it has some of the best ambience of any game - not just b-game - that I have yet played. You can get it in a J-list compilation.

Critical Point is a good sci-fi plotline but isn't really all that romantic. On the plus side, the game is so interesting that after awhile I was interested enough in the plot that I didn't care about the h-scenes.

Tsukushite Agechau 4! and Crescendo are both highly recommended to me by others, although I have not played it yet.

Finally, there is Casual Romance Club. It is very expensive because it is a Japanese import. It has English text, though, and is widely adored by those who've played it. Furthermore, Japanese releases are available for more limited times than you might think; if you want the game you should get it now.

And now, I sleep.

Originally posted by Mozart:
Tottemo Pheromone doesn't have quite so much play variation, but it's pretty sweet and funny in a romantic fantasy way.

Tottemo Pheromone is not recommended. The game emphasises sex over ... well, anything else; you said this is exactly what you want to avoid. It's not a bad game, it's ... just not a very good one either, except for the sex - which you've said is not a high priority.

Originally posted by fxho:
Actually, it does. The "rape bus" in particular.

Opps... I forgot about it.

I am baka!!! *gets anime hammer* Baka no Ron!!! *hits my head*

I am very busy doing in college. And playing with my GBA (Pokemon Ruby), PC (Brave Soul), GCN (Soul Calibur 2, soon Mario Kart Double Dash or Skies of Arcadia Legends), and GBC (Pokemon Red, Yellow, and Silver). ^_^'


I suggest:

True Love '95= pretty great game (out of print) It was hentai dating simulation game.

Gloria= it was good game but... it was pretty hard!!!

Kana A Little Sister= great game as tragedy story

Kango Shicyauzo 1-2= great games. Both are playing fun.

Private Nurse= it is good game. I really like story.

Non-hentai simulation game:

Graduation: Neo Generation (aka Graduation 2)- fun to play... well... it is out of print (Rightstuf website has few copies).

[This message has been edited by RonXE (edited 01-09-2004).]

like story huh?..

try… Adam the double factor, Chain (gumshoe/private eye h-games)hmmm dividead has the best story I think…

Originally posted by Chibi-Joe:
In X-change 2 how bad is the rape scene and is it a plot advancer? I think I might be able to tolerate a rape scene in a game if it furthers the plot.

Well, the rape in XC2 is not a plot advancer, but it's rather an attempt at trying to show what it is like for girls who gets molested at trains, buses adn such or even raped... But it's better done in XC2 than in XC1, in my opinion...

Originally posted by Reshin:
like story huh?..

try.. Adam the double factor, Chain (gumshoe/private eye h-games)hmmm dividead has the best story I think...

With Chain, I can agree.
But if you suggest Adam, you ought to be kidding or you confused it with Eve Burst Error...

Because I still don't understand the story of Divi-Dead even though I have seen all five endings, I can't argue if it has the best story. But certainly the most confusing IMHO...

no I meant Adam, and I am very sane right now. for that matter it had a better story then chain and the two perspectives made it intresting.chain suffered from bad translation… I could hear the voices and for the most part know what they are saying and the translation would be like 4 words for 5 sentences.
don’t get me wrong with the exception of one scene that threw it off for me, I enjoyed chain.

wow I didn’t expect to actually get quoted on a one liner, that how it works around here? it’s really just that serious eh… haha…

oh and dividead is deep man.

[This message has been edited by Reshin (edited 01-09-2004).]

Originally posted by Reshin:
wow I didn't expect to actually get quoted on a one liner, that how it works around here? it's really just that serious eh.. haha..

And what gave you the impression that we're not serious about bishoujo games around here? There's a difference between some of the insanity we go on about and our responses when someone is requesting information or recommendations. We take those types of posts seriously because we want people to understand and enjoy the games as much as we do.

And speaking of which...hmm, I think all the ones I would recommend have already been stated. From your criteria, Crescendo or Kana would sound most like what you're looking for.

A small amount of posts in this forum can appear a little harsh or abrupt, in my experience. It’s probably to be expected, since the forum is populated by people who are serious fans of a nichÈ genre.

Anyway, I’m with Ekylo on Crescendo and would add Tokimeki Check-In! for its irresistably fun atmosphere (save one or two scenes) and nice romance.

Cresendo is probably what your most looking for that’s out right now. While it’s not comedy there’s definately love triangles, and first love. Plus it has a great story and plot.

Other games that has good plot/story include Kana(exremely powerful and sad, most pple here cried playing this game), Snow drop (based on japanese snow princess tale), Desire(sci-fi time travel mystery), Divi-dead(supernatural horror mystery), chain (detective story), Eve burst error (detective story), Adam double factor (detective story), Critical point(kinda like a choose your ending sci-fi), and Private Nurse.

Most of the comedy based bishoujo games out have alot of sex like Kango, Horny bunny, or tottemo. So if you want comedy you will also have alot of sex

Greetings all,

Thanks for the suggestions. I think the next one I’ll buy is Cresendo… I might buy it next month.

I went to rightstuf’s site and they have the 1st Graduation. I didn’t see the second one. Would you recomend the 1st one?

The girls on Tokimeki Check-in look a little on the young side. May I ask how old they are?

I can’t find any info on Kana… does anyone have a link?

Again, thanks.


English Graduation is Japanese Graduation 2 Neo Generation.

Japanese Graduation 1 and 3 did not release here. I have PS1’s Graduation. I try to get PS1’s Graduation 3: Wedding Bells.

I really like English Graduation as teaching simulation game. It was playing fun.

Kana link:

http://www.peachprincess.com/Merchant2/merchant.mv?Screen=PRO D&Store_Code=PP&Product_Code=GC002&Category_Code=BG2



[This message has been edited by RonXE (edited 01-09-2004).]

[This message has been edited by RonXE (edited 01-09-2004).]

Originally posted by ekylo:
And what gave you the impression that we're not serious about bishoujo games around here? There's a difference between some of the insanity we go on about and our responses when someone is requesting information or recommendations. We take those types of posts seriously because we want people to understand and enjoy the games as much as we do.

again your taking yourself too seriously and assuming alot, I wasn't doubting the fact that the games are taken seriously on a board of a company that ports said games... I was laughing at the fact that I said.. ONE LINE... and the line had to be quoted broken down and debunked.
Just in what seemed like an atempt to belittle me (like your doing) just becaue my name (new name) has "junior member" by it. you assume I am new and have never played or heard of eve burst error when I have been playing h-games for years,and have been here for a while if not by this name then by others.

whats with the "we" elitist business. as if I am not part of "we"... sheesh.