just can't figure this one out?

i accept the fact that I’ll always be a pervert. just don’t think i can draw out that disease as easy as u can blood…
i understand that all of these bishoujo games will have nudity for the most part and the fact that we are to understand
that all characters in game are age 18 and over. please explain to me why we always have games that circle around these issues…
boy growing up in high school and meeting girls to find the right one to fall for. i cant say that Ive seen many bishoujo games were
all characters involved are adults. Ive been playing these games since season of sakura came out. it would seem to me that there is a
large fascination with boys/girls in school for the majority of games that come out.anyone with an insight as to why?

You’re joking, right? There are hundreds of ero titles featuring MIFL as the main course out the ying yang. There are more MILF titles than there are twincest titles… it’s one of the most popular fetish for ero.

Anim and G.J? have 'em. Just randomly doing a search pops up titles like this, this, and this.

Use keywords like mother, wife, female sensei, nurse, or widow… Good God there’s a lot of them: probably just as many as there are for school girls. :roll:

Guess I need to specify this then… I was talking about games done by peach princess,hobibox,jlist,shophimeya, only can’t remember if their were other ones I bought from. Never done a google search on it though.plus since I haven’t fully learn the Japanese language enough to speak and read it I only have played translated English bishoujo games.
I must of bought atleast 30 of them by now. I used to know this website where I could mail them to and for each one they gave me a 10 dollar trade in credit towards my next order of games they had. Sadly though I don’t recall the URL to it though.

There are some English-translated games that aren’t schoolgirl focused. But yeah, many are.

Of course, one has to remember that only a tiny fraction of these games get translated, so the English games don’t even vaguely represent the scope of what’s out there. And for various reasons, ‘Japanese schoolgirl’ is a very easy fetish to get across to potential new fans.

Once you’ve built up a perception that these “anime sex games” exist and that they’re all about dating schoolgirls, then people who are really into schoolgirls and have never played such a game are more likely to seek them out, and people who really want older women and have never played such a game are less likely to seek them out. So then your schoolgirl games consistently sell better than your non-schoolgirl games, and therefore you become more likely to put out MORE schoolgirl games… (NOTE! I do not know if this is true, I don’t have the sales figures. But my point is that it’s easy for patterns like this to become self-reinforcing.)

In addition to the fetish sort of titles that Narg has mentioned, quite often, eroges that are set outside of Japan use a non-school based setting where most of the characters are adults. These can include games with fantasy settings like Ikusa Megami ZERO, but also those that have a distinctly non-Japanese setting, such as SEVEN-BRIDGE (and many other Liar Soft eroges).

thanks for the links. however until i understand hiragana enough to read it unfortunately i will probably miss out on a lot of good games.
i really hate that though. cause i love three things when it comes to games…role playing games,detective stories, and horror games.
that being said when i look at sites like shop himeya. i can truly say that just resident evil and silent hill should not be the only horror games
we get in America for a console. however even if i did understand hiragana i still think that i would have a hard time weeding out the junk games from the good ones since the game descriptions really don’t give u a good impression if its worthy to buy or not. i loved ones like Adam the double factor and wished that himeya was still translating games. this game market we have from japan to America and back i think u get burned more because of how the market is bought and sold.
funny how in America everything is for sale. not sure how that works on exports though.

I just have a few points of comment to start out with. First, are you implying that there is something wrong with being what some would deem a pervert? :stuck_out_tongue: Honestly though, as long as you aren’t doing things overly (e.g. spending the majority of the working day with erotic material), and are not pursuing activities that intrude on others (e.g. nozoki AKA peeping tom, molesting women on trains, or just plain staring at women in an overtly lecherous manner), then I would say you’re fine. I can think of much worse things to obsess or have self-loathing over. I could probably go in to a long rant about western society/religion and sexuality, but I’ll leave that for some other time.
Second, technically (if I understand Japanese regulations correctly) all the characters in eroge are supposed to be 20 or over, not 18. Granted, you do see 18 in character descriptions of translated games, but this is based simply on the difference between western and Japanese regulations and the fact that nowhere in the game is the age mentioned. From what I’ve seen, in games where an age of a primary character is mentioned, the base age is the age mentioned and the ages of other characters are based off of it using fairly common sense rules. For instance, if the mentioned age is of a second year student, then the other characters in that year of school will be the same age, first year students will be a year younger, and third years students will be a year older.
Third (on a note related to the second point), all of these locations in eroge that seem like high school are actually fictional educational institutions where every single person enrolled is old enough to legally be depicted in an erotic manner.

Now down to your questions. As papillon pointed out, stories where you have characters falling in love while attending school are easy to get across to potential new customers, as a majority of the public can relate to such stories. Think of it from a marketing point of view. Do you think it would be easier to sell a story where a boy falls in love with a girl at school, or, (to quote an amusing Speed Racer sketch from Robot Chicken) “Many Tentacled Rapist From Hell Conquered The Innocence of Schoolgirls”? Breaking down the categories of games you like, RPGs (in my opinion, based on what I’ve heard) are hard to get in a good ratio of erotic content to number of hours played, and horror games tend towards dark content which can be hard for western audiences to swallow (the whole sex or violence by itself is good, but mixing the two is bad). There is potential (if written well) for detective stories, but not as many people can relate to or are fans of such stories. Therefore, until such a day comes (if ever) that eroge gains a much wider acceptance in the west, companies will primarily stick to what they know is marketable.