Just kind of a random question

I was just wondering, do you usually play bishoujo games in Full Screen mode, or Windowed? I can never decide which… games look much prettier windowed, but the picture is smaller and my desktop intrudes… Full screen mode keeps the art from looking as clean.

Not really an important question… just wondering.

I usually play fullscreen in order to focus completely on the game without being distracted by other things on the desktop (the clock in particular).

I usually play in Windowed mode for some reason that is beyond me

Clock is a welcome distraction to me, so that I can keep track of how long I have been playing and realize when to stop. Plus the artwork doesn’t stretch when it’s windowed as opposed to full screen.

Full Screen here. It’s n ot as fun, nor does it give the same feeling if the game is played in windowed mode.

Full screen for me as well. Can’t think of any particular reason for it. I just do. Probably because my monitor isn’t exactly high end and making a smaller image isn’t helping my nearsightedness any.

I usually play in Full Screen.

But sometimes I’m a sucker for hi-res

I just ordered a few more games, maybe I’ll play one of them in windowed mode and see how it goes. I wish there was a way to ‘maximize’ the window so that took up the whole screen, just left the edges as black space, keeping the picture centered. It still wouldn’t cover up the bar at the bottom, but that’s not a big deal.

Window mode for me, since:

    []I’m usually working (programming) at the same time
    ]I’m usually chatting at the same time
    []I’m usually reading/answering BBS, mails, etc. at the same time
    ]I’m always screen-capturing, with naming the result as soon as it is done + save in the format I want + sometimes retouching the picture at the same time
    []I’m using a computer dictionnary
    ]I’m taking notes about the game at the same time + stats about the girls + sometimes diagrams/databases to fill, etc.[/LIST]

I usually play full-screen, but I alt-tab between windows quite a bit, which allows me to update my own personal walkthroughs.

Full when I’m playing for the first time and window mode when I play for second time or to collect 100% pics, extra stuffs, and such~

Full Screen as well since I keep my Windows Desktop at 1024 x 768, It’s a little bit better on the eyesight that way.

I usually play windowed. Even though my res is 1600x1200 (SMALL text!), the on-the-fly res change usually screws up my monitor for some reason.

Originally posted by Smithy:
I usually play windowed. Even though my res is 1600x1200 (SMALL text!), the on-the-fly res change usually screws up my monitor for some reason.

Have you tried the monitor's Vendor Site to see if there's a Windows Specific driver?

I’m starting to wonder, am I the only person who still takes game notes by hand? Sigh that’s so sad. Maybe what my friend said is true, I’m an “anti-tech, tech geek…”

I basically replaced handwriting with typing. Don’t need to write much for my job just type and mess with computers probably only time I write anymore is when I pay bills. Heh my handwriting is so bad now I couldn’t read what I wrote half the tiime. :stuck_out_tongue: So handwriting notes would probably be a bad thing for me

Originally posted by ekylo:
I'm starting to wonder, am I the only person who still takes game notes by hand? Sigh that's so sad. Maybe what my friend said is true, I'm an "anti-tech, tech geek..."

I am a far faster typist than notetaker. This is due in no small part to my having had a computer since I was...jeez, like six years old.

I’m a fast typist as well but it’s not really a speed issue. It’s more the fact that I’m also writing little side notes and sometimes drawing images within my notes. I eventually type everything up so it’s legible but handwriting everything while playing just works better for me.

Originally posted by ekylo:
I'm a fast typist as well but it's not really a speed issue. It's more the fact that I'm also writing little side notes and sometimes drawing images within my notes. I eventually type everything up so it's legible but handwriting everything while playing just works better for me.

I'm so much faster that it really isn't feasible for me to write something when I'm at the computer anyway.

Either I don’t have room to put a notebook down on my PC desk to write something or I’m just too lazy to write something these days… I mean you only need 10 fingers on keyboards to type but to write, you need writing utensil, notebook or paper and such to do so. To type, just stare at the screen and let your fingers do the magic~ Gah, I sound lazy… But I’m not, right people ^^;?