Just need to comment a bit.....

Really early this morning, I finished my first play through of Da Capo. I had bought it mostly to encourage Mangagamer to put out more games as a hard copy, and wasn’t expecting too much from it, especially with all the comments Lancer-X has made. Even with my low expectations, I wasn’t prepared for just how underwhelming it was. Now I’m not saying that the game was necessarily bad, but it was thoroughly unremarkable. Given that I just randomly picked times and places for the most part since I don’t use a walkthrough my first time through, a big problem was that I didn’t see enough of any one character to really get a sense of who any of them were. Honestly, I’m surprised that I somehow got some sort of end with Mako given the decisions you make being when to wake up and where to go, with pretty much no indication from the game as to how this influences events. Another gripe I have is how the game seemed to just abruptly end. Honestly, the only thing resembling a sort of conflict that had to be overcome was deciding whether or not you loved her after you have sex. Then you find a love letter in your desk after the graduation ceremony is done and the game cuts to a black credits screen. I’m guessing that the end I got with Mako was good, because after that you get a brief scene on the roof where she tells you she loves you, and you say you love her too. Then the game goes to a white credits screen. That’s it. Pretty much the rest of the game before that is the protagonist lazing about, or bitching about how he can’t laze about. Also, is there any kind of meaning to these “powers” the protagonist has? They were mentioned a couple times, but played almost no role at all. Do they play a bigger part in other routes?

On a completely different note, I finished my first play through Family Project a few days ago. I thoroughly enjoyed it, but man is it long. I think it may be some time before I try and play through it again. I went for Aoba my first time, and was not disappointed in the least. Her extreme hostility with brief glimpses of a hidden side made her quite appealing to me. Enduring her onslaught of words to find the root of her problems was very satisfying.

Lastly, I would like to thank all the people who in the past suggested I get The Sagara Family. I found it thoroughly amusing, aside from certain elements of Arisa’s route which reminded me of Amorous Professor Cherry. The only character I have left is Sanae, which I have a feeling might be the one I enjoy most (which is why I’ve left her for last).

Mako’s route is very short compared with the others. If you see every time the same girl you’ll see a lot of her personality and then enter a route easily twice as long as Mako’s.
I liked Da Capo very much, but many people resulted disappointed. Maybe it will be the same for you, but you should first play one of the full routes to form judgment.
(And you can’t play Sakura until after Nemu)

Also, if you won’t use walkthrough and want to see all routes, it’d be useful to write down where is each girl each time.

I probably do rag on Da Capo a lot, but that’s mostly Circus’ fault for not letting go of it. To rehash:

D.C. Da Capo
D.C. White Season
D.C. Da Capo Onsen-hen
D.C.P.C. Da Capo Plus Communication
D.C.P.S. Da Capo Plus Situation
D.C. Summer Vacation
D.C.II Harukaze no Ultimate Battle!
D.C.II Da Capo II
D.C. Four Seasons
A.C.D.C Rumbling Angel
D.C.II featuring Yun2!
D.C.II Spring Celebration
D.C.P.K. Da CaPoker
D.C. After Seasons
C.D.C.D 2
D.C.II Character Collection
D.C.II.P.C. Plus Communication
D.C.II.P.S. Plus Situation
D.C.II To You
D.C.II Fall in Love
D.C. Da Capo ~The Origin~
D.C. Girl’s Symphony
D.C.I.F. Da Capo Innocent Finale
Kotori Love Ex P
D.C. Dream X’mas

Upcoming titles:
D.C.V Da Capo Valkyrie Complex
D.C.ZERO Da Capo 0

It’s not a bad game, but thoroughly mediocre, especially given that it receives this sort of treatment.

Da Capo is confusing me. Both (translated) games are poor, the story is terribly cliche and these “powers” don’t really have as much impact on the story as I’d like. Plus, I hate Nemu and all her demon spawn. But somehow I still enjoyed playing DC, mostly because of Kotori in the first game, Nanaka in the second, and Suginami, who is awesome beyond words.


My two cents: Yoriko - aka Misaki - is the only character to draw my attention. Even then it was purely based on her visual design, and not her actual route.

I’m appalled that with so many add-ons and fillers for the series, there’s still no yandere or twincest. :roll:

And before anyone asks… Clingy Jealous Girl =/= Yandere and neither does Akane’s literally halfass version of twincest.

Don’t worry! They started milking Suika!

I enjoyed the game, but I got very confused about what was happening in the later parts of Nemu and Sakura’s routes. Don’t know whether it was the translation or just me.

Well, after playing through Da Capo again, this time doing Sakura’s route with a walkthrough, my opinion of the game has improved a bit. Much thanks for telling me about how Mako’s route is so much shorter than the others. I went for Sakura since she was one of the characters I was least interested in in terms of personality, and the walkthrough made no mention of having to do Nemu’s route first. Not only was her story much deeper and much more touching compared to Mako, over the course of the story my view of Sakura improved a bit as well. As usual with such characters though, I still felt a bit uncomfortable when it came to the ero scenes. The game still isn’t anywhere near my favorites, but I at least find it to be pretty decent now.

For reference, Nemu and Sakura are Mikage’s routes and Kotori and Yoriko are Kure’s routes. Those are the two good writers attached to the project. (Mikage being the writer that worked on all of minori’s good games and Kure being the writer that left to form MOON STONE) On the whole I prefer Kure, although that’s mostly related to his work on Suika and later Ashita Deatta Shoujo and Doko e Iku no, ano hi rather than Da Capo specifically. Lately (in fact, since Clear) Kure’s work has gone drastically downhill while if anything Mikage’s just kept improving.

BTW, do you know what were the writers for DC2 and for which routes?

Da Capo was a bit dissapointed with Da Capo and am still deciding whether i should pick up DC 2 or not. I will definetly be getting Kotori Love Exp since Kotori was in my opinion the best character in the game followed by Moe The rest are just average and Nemu could just dissapear for all I care.

No. Well, I know Takeuchi Kouta (writer of Azrael) had a hand in it but I don’t know how the work was divided up. I’ve only played a fraction of D.C.II.P.C* and I’ve never played the original game so I wouldn’t be able to guess either.

*D.C.II.P.C is an incredibly long game. I suspect it might be, after France Shoujo and W.L.O, the longest single eroge released to date. This is most of my excuse for not having played more of it

Nemu’s scenario in White Season has something like twincest