Just started playing Yume Miri Kusuri

argh! I hate the way the class is treating Aeka.
Also pissed at how little the main character(you) is acting so indifferent!

If this was another type of b-game, I would do bad things to the class-mates…

Also am I the only one not being fooled by the main character’s “20 year old” sister? >_>

Fooled? You think she’s up to tomfoolery!? My dear sir, the main characters sister is as pure as the clear fallen snow. Well, maybe not that pure, but she certainly isn’t trying to fool anyone.

Its so nice to see such a nice 20 year old girl in this day and age.

Well she might be as pure as overnight partly melted and refrozen snow so around the edges its rough, but underneath it’s still pure. :stuck_out_tongue:

well…I don’t want to tell any tale out of school, but in at least one of the Aeka endings the evil classmates get what’s coming to them in spades; esp. that bitch, Antoinette. As for boku’s sister, it may seem improbable to call her a twenty-year-old, but I once knew a woman who was twenty-six and had a body not much more developed than boku’s sister. I mean, it happens. Anyway, large oppai is not always a sign of maturity.

This game gets way better! By the way I hate Antionete the most out of any of the characters in the game!!! But my favorite path in the entire game is Nekoko’s path! I Love Loli’s!!!

[ 07-07-2007, 09:53 PM: Message edited by: GogetaSS4 ]

Ah so deska? I’m currently persuing Nekoko, myself. But Mizuki keeps getting in the way. Not that that’s a bad thing.

finished Mizuki’s route, in my opinion compared to the emotional rollercoaster of the Aeka route, it was really boring :confused:

I’ve completed Aeka’s and Mizuki’s routes. I’d say so far Mizuki’s route was my favorite. Probably because I like an older woman. The ending was pretty heartfelt. Probably work on Nekoko’s tomorrow. A nice addition to the game would’ve been an Antoinette route and a Hiro route for the yaoi fans.

Special features are nice…the scene selections with a full ending. Good thing Tokimeki gives me enough save slots to save before each ending, lol.

I’m wondering why Aya section was included in the extras scenes since she isn’t romanceable…not that i mind.

[ 07-12-2007, 03:59 AM: Message edited by: Jinnai ]

True. I think it was the Aeka route where the dad was saying something about Aya talking about a relationship.

[ 07-12-2007, 11:43 PM: Message edited by: Endymion ]

And then Hiro talked about a hidden character in the games as well, but it seems that this game doesn’t have one.

I’ll have to play another time through(now that i’ve done all 3) to see if there are any new options, but I’m sure people here have tried already…bleh.

Just completed Nekoko’s route. I thought the ending was really nice. I’d have to rank the endings:

  1. Mizuki
  2. Nekoko
  3. Aeka

I’d rank them.

  1. Nekoko (Cause I love loli’s and it was a great path)
  2. Mizuki
  3. Aeka (Because it was harsh, I hated being teased so I totally know how she felt when she had no one stick up for her)

My fav ending was Nekokos, with Aekas and Mizukis tied for 2nd :slight_smile:

A Hirofumi route would possibly be the funniest thing ive seen in a while (not really my thing, but damn it, it would be a good laugh)… mabye its hidden? after all he goes on about hidden routes in Hgames… although im still trying to find one for him or Aya… or mabye one for the queen of bitches?)

I like this game. I’m happy that’s available in English. The first person I went after was Aeka and gosh. I feel sad for her. The ending weirded me out though :confused: and some things where extreme but I believe those things actually happen. I heard a lot of things from people and all. Must be terrible.
the only thing that I did not like in her route (and others as well) was Kouhe’s little sister in the beginning. I don’t know but she annoyed me. I do like her in the second half of the game. She really matured there…not physically though lol.

My next will be Mizuki. I’m not that far in her route but it’s Ok aside from lots of those ero scenes. sigh. I really need to start finish this game but I got a lot of games on my hand argh!

Anyway. This is shaping up to be in my fav. english released game collection. Good stuff!