Kana: Little Sister

Well I got this game a few days back, been playing it for a few hours now. Its really nice, and the setting is very good. I had wanted to play it for a long time, but I always held back.
I hope to get a few endings in the next few days, hopefully I wont use a walkthrough on this one.
Anyone got any comment to make on this game?

It is amazing. It will change your life. Prepare to be depressed for weeks.
Be sure to aim for endings 5 or 6 and post once you finish! :stuck_out_tongue:

Be sure to drink a lot so you won’t dehydrate after crying. 8)

It’s a pretty mediocre game. I think it’s one of the most highly overrated games on these boards.

/me is one of the few dissenters about the game.

I really don’t understand people that don’t like Kana. =/
Then again, I don’t like Kanon that much and that has a lot of fans.

It’s old, but it’s one of the best bishoujo games I’ve ever played. I loved it so much that I dedicated myself to two Kana websites and fanfic projects. :3

While it certainly delivers in the nukige aspect (and how), to me it was mostly underwhelming (BTW, while I didn’t dislike it, Kanon neither resulted overwhelming). Of the commonly cited triad, I like Crescendo and Yume Miru Kusuri much more.

If you consider when it was released and what we had to choose from in English when it came, it’s not really overrated, unless you happen to not like the genre. It might not hold up all that well today I suppose, but that’s hard for me to gauge since I’ve got rose-tinted goggles.

Some of it is because of the age of the game, but my biggest problem is I just don’t find Kana interesting. Since she’s pretty much THE character of the game, if I don’t like her, I don’t like the game. We had that discussion about main heroines in that other thread. Basing the game pretty much completely on one character can make or break the game depending on whether you like the character or not.

The difference is that Kana is a MUCH better game than Kanon =P

But yeah, I suppose my example of this would be D.O’s Yukizakura (Snow Sakura). I found it to be a thoroughly mediocre affair, while pretty much everyone here loves the thing =P

Oh, and it’s got nothing to do with the fact that it’s one of only a few titles of its kind in English… because it got on the list of eroge that everyone should have played. I mean, jeez. Clearly I need to replay it sometime and try to work out what I missed.

EDIT: Didn’t notice this before!


I don’t love Kana, but neither do I hate it.

My issue is the simple fact that it is a multi-ending game that offers little in the terms of true “light” or hope.

Though I do take issue with the wierdness of one of the endings… it was the best one up until the last half of the “epilogue” or whatever it’s called.

If you’re going for the real ending, that would be number 6. Afterwards it unlocks an epilogue when you start a new game that expands the ending a little.

I liked Kana a lot, particularly how it handled ending 1, where Kana survived, but ended up leaving the relationship anyway - a good way of working around what would have otherwise been a very inappropriate happy ending.

Actually that was the problem I had. They needed one more ending that was truly happy.But it didn’t and so the game is nothing more than a decent affair that has become vasty over-rated.

Interesting, since that would have ruined the game completely for me. For me, the dying character genre is for me contingent on the character in question actually dying - if the author sidesteps that, then the game’s central theme becomes fairly meaningless.

Well, kana has chronic disease, so its pretty much incurable.I dont think forcing a happy ending is the right way. I expect that its a game that teaches about living life to the fullest
I manage to unlock the 4th ending(Intellectual, Snow), it was so nicely done. I am going for the first three now.

I think he means nakige. Amazing how one little letter changes the meaning. :lol:

Nukige: sex romp, fapping game
Nakige: crying/tearful game

This. Crescendo was the best of the three for me, YMK second and Kana a close third. But Kana is still a great game, even if it is a much more plain tearjerker than the other two IMO.

The ending with the wig and temporary insanity was marvellously done.

Any multiple ending scenario should offer endings of a different “feeling”. Kana really failed to do so since there “light” ending, though decent, was still too dark to actually be the alternative to the other completely dark endings.

The type of ending I wanted would not have undermined the game at all since the game is a branching scenario offering. That is why YMK and Crescendo are far better games. The author does not “side-step” the fact that there are multiple paths. In Kana, he does.

Ah, I see where you’re coming from now. I think that’s the part we’ll have to agree to disagree on, as for certain eroges I think it’s a plus if all of the endings are bad (Rasen Kairou), similar in mood (River Trap comes to mind as a good example of that), or in some cases all good.