Kana ~Okaeri~

[color=#0000FF] http://www.the-z-projects.com/kana/imag … sample.jpg
http://www.cd-bros.co.jp/takayashiki/so … /index.htm
When G-Collections was release this remake of Kana ~Imouto~(~Litte Sister~) in overseas???[/color]

I feel Kana Okaeri is worse than the original in many respects and prefer Imouto overall. The only real improvement present in Okaeri is the inclusion of voice acting.
Nonetheless it would be good to get it for completeness’ sake, especially since the text is identical so retranslation would not be needed.

Lol, my picture. :mrgreen:

I never did play through all of Okaeri, but I’m pretty sure I would prefer the original. I don’t like that they completely changed the way Kana looks. If I had never played the original, it probably wouldn’t have bothered me, but when I compare the two, the original looks better.

I doubt that Okaeri will ever get an official English release, but if it did I would most likely give it a try, even though I already know the story. At the very least, it would be nice to have it for collection purposes.

I guess it would be nice if you like the original enough to experience it all over again. I’d only be interested in it to see if voices would leave me with different impressions of the characters or not. Perhaps I would actually like Kana more than Yumi? :lol:

Its been said before, but the Jast team don’t do remakes. Whichever version we get, is what we get.

How could you like Yumi more than Kana. I dunno, at first I was like wow what a psycho woman. Why would she still be attracted to the protag.

I prefer the childhood friend characters in these games and anime. They don’t have as many barriers to break to become lovers down the road as the sister characters, but they do tend to not get much love. I tend to not like the little sister characters in these and while I liked Kana, I knew I liked another character more. I just knew since Kana was the title character that Yumi wouldn’t get much screen time and I really cheered her on.

What happened with Yumi was a misunderstanding that only a kid would make. The protagonist was an unreliable narrator back then and I felt the writing always showed that Yumi had good intentions. I was so mad when Kana bad mouthed her after hearing the story that didn’t prove anything. Isn’t her devotion something special if she liked him down the road? She was much more believable than Kana, imo, as I felt their circumstances were much more real than the main smothering Kana to protect her from bees. :roll:

Not intended for debate as I know I am in the minority. Just an explanation.

Yumi is an interesting character in that she’s a victim of circumstance as much as anyone else in the story; it’s not really to the game’s credit that her finest moments are some of the most negative in the story (esp the endings), because people who liked her character pretty much get shafted by the story. I’ve heard a lot of similar complaints about Nagamori’s route in ONE.

I felt that Yumi was great, but more importantly was an essential part of the story. Kana Imouto is a story that places the plot ahead of the characters and the characters only get as much development as is strictly necessary to drive the plot.

Not trying to diss Yumi though, I though she was a nice character. Just find it strange she’ll still be attracted to the protag ever since that elemetary school incident (all the way through college) and even after finding out the protagbangs Kana. Thats the only part I found unrealistic/strange about Yumi. And obviously, b/c Kana was the main heroine (more chara dev., more feelings and tears from me). Though I did root for Yumi in the 6th ending.

Actually, I quite liked Yumi as well. I thought it was quite a shame that things didn’t work out between the protagonist and her. Funny, I would say that Kana is seen as the shining example of an incest centered story in translated eroge, yet I liked Yumi more.

Yumi, yes. Over the years I’ve come to like Yumi a bit more than Kana. I mean I love Kana, but let’s face it, she’s so bland she poops vanilla ice cream. Obsessive, demanding Yumi is far more exciting [plus she gives head. I don’r remember Kana doing that]. And in some of the paths she sort of gets what might amount to a happy ending with Toda–depends on how you read it. Personally, I would like to get hold of Okaeri one of these days. Maybe when my copy of Imouto gets too scratched up to play.

Good luck getting Tanaka to revisit THAT franchise. He’s too famous, now, and too important for D.O/CD Bros =P

Might I recommend something like this instead of Kana? It’s got childhood friends to the max (as Lancer-X pointed out to me though, like certain other heroines in Tanaka eroges that don’t tick the usual boxes, Yuki isn’t a typical ‘childhood friend’) and there’s no need to worry about terminal illnesses or other unnecessary distractions getting in the way.

Getting in the way? The entire point of Kana was the relationship with your sister and how you dealt with her terminal illness; it is what made the story. If all you’re looking for is a light sexcapade, then sure you’d be disappointed with a story that offered so much depth and emotional impact, but I didn’t think anyone came to Kana with those kinds of shallow expectations in mind. At least no one who didn’t stumble on it by accident and assume eroge=random sex.

A Bucketful Of Sweetness :wink: :mrgreen: :


Ah, that previous post of mine wasn’t intended to be taken seriously - basically a roundabout way of suggesting that a dedicated Yumi route wouldn’t be appropriate for the game.

As for Kana, the most interesting part for me was ending 1. Because of how 1 came about, I think the game may have been better off with just endings 2-6, but having Kana walk away from the relationship in the end was almost as fitting.

I see this game is out on PSP now. What is PSP, anyway? I’m not familiar with it. Is it a sort of glorified Gameboy? in which case I probably won’t be messing with it (as much as I would like to hear the voices). I really don’t like the small screens. That’s going in the wrong direction for me.

pretty much yeah

Except it’s widescreen and by Sony.