Kango Shicyauzo 3

[color=#0000FF] http://vndb.org/v150
When G-Collections will to release this VN???[/color]

[color=#FF0000]When Peach Princess releases this VN.[/color]

my guess is like x-change a2 and 3 methods bigger project came up and the lost interest

My guess is there never were any plans to translate KS3 once Peter took over, or if there were, they never got past the preliminary inquiry stages.

See, KS1 and 2 were both released back when G-Collections and Peach Princess were independent. (At that time, Jast USA was a dead brand; it’s only recently that Peter re-organized under Jast USA.) In fact, the first Kango was released twice: first without voice (as one of GC’s first titles) and again with voice. I have no doubt that, had G-Collections not imploded, they would have eventually released the third game. But they did, and Peter bought them out. (And continued the business relationship; Catgirl Alliance was originally part of a poll on the GC website asking which game they should localize next, along with Pick Me Honey and 2 other games I can’t remember. Apparently CD-Bros wanted that one out as well.)

Peter being new management, he would have reassessed GC’s current plans. And, well, releasing a third game focusing on nurses would be hitting that particular niche quite heavily. Peter has said that’s why he opted to pass on the X-Change 1/2/3 R versions: he’d already done the original games, and didn’t want to revisit them when there was new ground he could be covering.

I guess in a way, that’s “bigger projects came up and they lost interest”. But I think Peter never had any intention of translating KS3.

i would’ve like to see the r versions of x-change 1 and 2 to my knowledge r3 has nothing new but r1 is a lot better than the original r
r 2 addes like 1 more route