Kansen 3

Baldo, you get your copy yet? Just got mine in the mail this morning. Installing it as I post this.

There was a B&W character sketch and Secret File 3 extra included in the box. :slight_smile:

SIGH :cry: …
http://www.1999.co.jp/eng/ mailed my copy just a few days ago (November 29), but it (officially) reached Italy only today.
I HOPE that our postal service isn’t too slow, this time, especially now that I’ve seen the reviews (that critical patch is a real eyesore, however :roll: … ):

http://erogamescape.dyndns.org/~ap2/ero … game=11416

Yea… for once I agree with the Japanese reviews: Kansen 3 is awesome. I’ve only unlocked half the CG’s so far - which I take to mean half the game is complete - but everything reminds me of the joy I had in experiencing Kansen. IMHO, Kansen 2 wasn’t really Kansen… I mean it took place in the same world and whatnot, but it seemed to lack the “spirit” that made it worthy of being Kansen’s sequel. Kansen 3 has all the stuff that made Kansen fun… and even better at doing it. :slight_smile:

They remixed the metal theme song though… I liked the original version better. :expressionless:

It’s funny, who would have imagined that the writer of this could become so good :lol: ?

I will read the booklet before playing the game, I hope that the short story is on par.
On a side note, that famous code is also included :wink: ?

I’m still awaiting my copy, but a positive side effect is that I will get the latest game patch, MAYBE…


Sheesh, first time I see a patch for a patch :roll: :evil: .
No, wait :lol: …

Received my copy today, and it’s a very, VERY good game/story :smiley: .
I DO NOT have “unlocked half the CG’s so far” :shock: :shock: :shock: , but it HAS been an enjoyable experience nevertheless, most especially when Kansen 3 started fanning to my primordial instincts :oops: :stuck_out_tongue: .
Unfortunately, the Death-O-Meter too started ticking, the game is pretty difficult, even if my only complaint is the “Secret Files 3” omake booklet, its micro-kanji text (so small that I needed a magnifying glass!!) hides a bland and boring story, this time.
Now excuse me, I have a sis to save 8) …

Narg, check your inbox :wink: .

So anything to say about the recently released anime?

Spoiler. :smiley:

They picked a Bad End scenario