Kansen 4


This old gem is monopolizing my computer time lately :smiley: , I’ve noticed the new Kansen release only now.
Definitely in my “Things to Buy” list, however the story sounds like a prequel -NOT a sequel- of Kansen 3, I had hoped for a worldwide infection, this time :twisted: :frowning:

Ah… I guess they should have called this Kansen 2.5 - I recognize these “new” people as support characters in Kansen 3.

On the global infection thing: I’ve thought it make more sense if the disease stayed in the geographical region (Japan, Korea, China) for quite awhile. Reason being, it’s transmitted through sexual contact and has a fast incubation. Someone gets screwed and in merely a few minutes they experience a change in their cognitive thinking (sex, sex, sex). In a couple of more minutes the infected person loses their moral reasoning and inhibitions. Before the first hour the vast majority then lose their sanity with an overwhelming urge to propagate the plague, spurred by their insatiable sexual desire. While some people can retain higher mental functions and complex thinking, that’s more the exception than the rule ¬ñ 99% of the infected can do nothing more than fuck and seek out more people to fuck. Even in the event higher thinking is kept, it’s tainted by sexual urges. Thus so far only humans and dogs appear to be carriers – and the virus isn’t airborne.

I honestly cannot see a plane making an international flight or voyage across the globe, if someone aboard is infected. That person will not be able to hold themselves together, and if the entire plane/ship gets infected, it would either crash/sink or be destroyed for unusual behavior (losing radio communication will get you shot down these days). Also the events of Kansen were aired in Japan only hours after the first infection. Other nations would have seen it happening¬Ö thus a massive quarantine of Japan and people leaving Japan: especially flights and ships. Post 9/11 they’ll just keep them on the plane, and if anyone runs out, they’ll get shot. Airports have a LOT of government armed personnel these days.

Of course it’s all fictional… so anything could happen. :stuck_out_tongue:

The Unknown virus in Kansen 1 needed a liquid medium (sweat, saliva, blood, etc), but its latest mutation in Kansen 3 was also airborne and infected MANY (all?) warm blooded animals to boot (do you remember the crows? :wink: ), I doubt that a quarantine would be successful, in this case.

Huh? Support characters in Kansen 3? Are you sure? :? :?:

Ah… the birds… that’s right.

In that case I agree: the world is fucked. Literally. :stuck_out_tongue:

I’m pretty certain I saw one or two of these characters as “in the background unnamed” people in a CG somewhere.

I’m going through the games again as soon as I go home, to make sure.


Hrrrmmmphh :roll: , the release date has been postponed AGAIN (to April 23), SIGH :cry:
And I cannot get Gun-Katana this month because it’s part of the same order, too :evil: .


Hey, that was mere scientific research, honest!! :mrgreen:

I wish games wouldn’t open for preorder until the release date is very much set in stone, for that exact reason. Once you preorder, a game should come out on that date. I’m not saying it has to be ‘master up’ but generally they should have a good idea…

I’ve just got one word: Natsume

If you’re a Harvest Moon or Rune Factory fan, you know what I’m talking about.


April 30, yeah…
I hate preorders :evil: :stuck_out_tongue: .

Since Kansen 2 isn’t very well regarded, can I skip it and enjoy the story of 3 and 4 all the same? Should I watch the anime instead?

Kansen 2 is NOT a bad game, but can’t compare with Kansen 1 and 3.
On a side note, I gave the same vote (“7”) to Kansen 2 and Kansen 4 only because I feel that Kansen 4 wastes TOO MUCH time with “What If” bad endings, but even Kansen 4 is better than Kansen 2, in my opinion.

You can safely ignore Kansen 2 if you want, but still give it a try if time and/or money permits :wink: .