Kansen 5 announced

Just came across the info here, also provides a look at the heroines’ profiles:


And according to the main page it’s supposed to arrive November 25 this year:


I pray to God this doesn’t suck. The Black Cyc burn still hurts so please let at least this dark ero franchise endure!!

To say the truth, I think that Kansen 4 was inferior if compared with the first three games (it’s still fairly good, however), let’s just hope that Janis/Speed learned the lesson… Or maybe not, if really this Kansen 5 is NOT a sequel (I HOPED FOR A WORLDWIDE EPIDEMIC! :twisted: ) but, like Kansen 4, happens during the events of another game (Kansen 3, this time) :roll:


This got ronery zombies?

God damn it… when do we get infected twins? :x

I’ll sign up and get this, since I’ve already gone through 1 thru 4.

Ya know… it would be interesting if they showed someone with full immunity to the disease. It’s not as far fetched as it sounds… and it would make an interesting plot point (just because they’re immune, doesn’t mean they’re not a target).

Posted a review for Kansen for Halloween if anyone’s interested:

http://www.blisteredthumbs.net/forums/e … u-no-Rensa

In my case, I liked “a lot” Hitomi :smiley: and her route because I have a soft spot for “too serious” heroines, and liked the ‘trapped rats’ feel of her route even more.

Very good review :mrgreen: , my only problem is that http://www.pzbx-gr.com/ persists in its (Italian only?) block…

Why do so many website hosts hate Italy anyway, Baldo?

Sounds like it would make a great Hetalia joke

(Peter loves living in Japan if for no other reason than the fast, cheap Internet. Plus random girls walking around with twintails.)

I don’t know, my guess it’s because of ‘bandwith theft’ ( http://altlab.com/hotlinking.html ) from pirates (as hinted by Sagaoz himself to an old email from me). It’s a fact that 100% of those Italian sites with hentai contents are from or for pirates :evil: …

Okay I’ve started playing Kansen 3 and the only thing I have to say is…how on earth do I advance the story? I’ve been following a walkthrough and selecting the choices that come up but I always die. The guide says something about switching viewpoints but the option has never come up (assuming it’s like in Kansen 2).

Edit: Never mind the walkthrough was just giving me bad/wrong directions, sadly it’s only one I could find:

http://www5e.biglobe.ne.jp/~poko2/koury … tion3.html

It’s December 22 now :evil: :cry: .
I almost hope it gets delayed again, our postal service likes its Christmas-to-Epiphany vacations :roll: …

So anyone here gotten and played any of Kansen 5 yet?

http://tracking.post.japanpost.jp says my copy is “En route”, but someone posted on Erogamescape already:

http://erogamescape.dyndns.org/~ap2/ero … game=15951

I suspect that Kansen 5 is good, but definitely NOT a masterpiece like Kansen 3 (it’s nice to know I’ve not wasted my money, however :wink: :lol: ).

I’m sure it’s from a pirate, but someone voted on VNDB too:


Oops sorry, posted on http://vndb.org/v7804 but forgot your question :oops: , in short Kansen 5 is pretty good and boasts great graphics, musics and writing, but definitely LACKS tension and the difficulty level is low, although the most annoying thing (BY FAR) are the fake routes, they may be well written but I HATE games where 80% of the contents are devoted to fake routes/endings whose main function is to provide background info for the “real” route :roll: :x …
In conclusion, this Kansen 5 IS good, but inferior to Kansen 3 (the BEST one in the series) and Kansen 1 (much shorter, but also MUCH more amusing), however I still gave it a “8” because of its strong points (this includes the fact it (finally!) explains what’s happened after the events narrated in the “Secret Files” booklets coming with Kansen 1 and 3).

Just posted a two part review of Kansen 2:

http://www.blisteredthumbs.net/forums/e … shi-Part-1

http://www.blisteredthumbs.net/forums/e … shi-Part-2

As you can tell I wasn’t very impressed by it :expressionless: .

Yeah, Kansen 2 is inferior to Kansen 1 and I’m with you in most points except for two things: the Infection route (I hated it, even if it’s supposed to be a satire of the “walking dead” genre), and the final score (I rated the game 7/10 because of Maya, the graphics and the improved difficulty level -the choices themselves, NOT the timer-).
I’m sure you WILL appreciate Kansen 3, however :wink: .

I’m currently playing 3 and while I’ve only completed Yuho’s first ending, I’ve been enjoying it so far. My only complaint is the return of that damn timer and this time there’s no continue option.

Well, in the first of my reviews to celebrate this year’s Halloween, here’s a review of Kansen 5:

http://gamesforadultsandeveryone.blogsp … oween.html