Katawa Shoujo

Yeah, but if you open up the pillow and try to crawl between them, things could get messy.

Lol :lol:
That’s a reason why 2D will always be superior.

It’s also well known that 4D beings can come into the 3D world and do whatever they want (Ever17, Moth prophesy, …), so we can assume that there is a way for us, poor 3D beings, to go into the 2D world… somehow.
If I find how, I’ll tell you.

So… You’re not here to flame, but you immediately lashed out against false statements, made in jest, using insults, which is, by the way, a behaviour usually associated with immature people and teenagers, instead of trying to calmly correct those mistakes using more civil language and reasonable arguments. I’ve never visited 4chan, but I have to admit you’re not quite the ideal ambassador.

If you’re only here to talk about 4chan and not to join the community and talk about bishoujo games, may I suggest that the door is that way?

You’re on the wrong forum. This place doesn’t welcome childish posting, even if you claim it to be under the label of being blunt. What’s more I can’t clearly find any point where anyone said Katawa Shoujo sucked(aside from your own words that is.)

But since it’s probably hard for you to understand I’ll put it in words you’re familiar with. “You’re all butt hurt because you misunderstood the content of this thread and the concerns of one poster. Truth hurts, if you can’t take it, face your mistakes and DO NOT run away from it. Ignorance is your behavior, correct it or gtfo.”

I’d say welcome to the forums at this point, but let’s face it, unless your behavior changes, you’re not welcome here.

And so that I’m not completely off topic, I’ve actually been following this game for some time now, though I wont play it until it’s done, I’ve heard nothing but good things from those who have already.

Valid point, and you’d ruin your pillow to boot…reminder to self…buy a second Harhui pillow next time Right Stuff has it on sale…

…but can there really be two of a world’s supreme being?

Heh… amusing. We jest about 4chan (because if you read my post before it, as well as my comments in the response from Lancer-X, it’s obviously sarcasm) and then you go on attack mode out of the blue: later proclaiming yourself some sort of judge, jury and executioner. If you followed the flow of the thread, you’d notice the fallacious humor of the conversation. You only narrow yourself to the literal specifics, then proceed - ironically enough - with argumentum ad hominem.

You feel slighted by our comments? Perfectly fine. Say so without reducing the weight of your argument with insults. You actually EDITED your first post, to include a personal insult. Initially I thought that was veiled sarcasm (though unneccessarily harsh and ugly): then your next reply, once again, includes another insult. I was hoping you would prove me wrong… I was mistaken.

If you’re trying to convince someone of your point-of-view (that iron rod of yours), you’re doing a terrible job of it. You’re meandering like Rush Limbaugh would in a Democratic Party Convention. I suggest you take a step back and approach from a less acidic methodology. This community isn’t 4chan and there are a number of people here who don’t like it: you’re proving to be a reason why. On the flipside there’s individuals who are members of the 4chan community and lovers of it. But they’ve never acted as you have.

Are you implying that you’re better than the common /b/ poster? Are you implying that you’re a good representation of what the upstanding 4chaners are like? Take a look at your posts and the reactions they’re generating. It’s not causing anyone to agree with you ¬ñ it’s only reflecting badly on you, and by approximation, 4chan. You don’t visit another country on vacation, and then start insulting the natives directly in their face because they said something you didn’t like. It would get you immediately flown out the country at best ¬ñ most likely incarceration instead. That’s what you’re doing here. You’re not helping your case whatsoever: only proving the opposite.

I only respond back to you, because I figure the PP forum could enjoy more 4chaners. More people mean more opinions. More 4chaners would mean fewer scathing comments about 4chan ¬ñ in jest or not. However if you continue to only follow an angry and hateful posture - which is something we definately don’t need - then I give up. I’ll respond to your attacks, like always do with topics that go off topic or become flame wars. I’ve increased my collection signifcantly since the last flood, so I’m sure it will make others happy.

There could be if she wanted. Quick Kyon: show her the glory of twincest!

I’ve got a feeling I’m about to show you guys. :twisted:

…now, that’s a reason to start a flame war!!!

…I still want pics of Ako and Mako from Galaxy Fraulein Yuna, you know? :wink:

Oh hell yes; we haven’t had something like this for a while! Go for it.

geez, i was introduced to the game and was excited to see a discussion on it here, only to find a stupid pointless arguement going on the thread.

There’s no point in any of the argument just stop and let’s go back to Katawa.

Anywhos, theres gonna be ero in this apparently, and there apparently is a kenji route. So I’m a little bit frightened. Kinda disappointed that there isn’t a Misha route either.

I find it kinda strange that I’m actually looking forward to the ero, just because if done right, they are gonna be so laughably weird with the disabilities. Like the no hands/legs girls.

But for some strange reason I’m getting this vibe that the the ero scene involving hanako will be the guy either kissing or licking her scarred face telling her he loves all of her even the scar. And one point I find that really gross. And at another point It’s sorta sweet… Regardless of that… They really did a poor job on her burn. It seems more like a alien virus/infection/symbiosis then a burn.

seemed kinda obvious to me that if you went for shizune you’d start learning to sign, and if you go for misha you’d start spending time with her without shizune around and shizune would get jealous and thats where that line would go

I say we call a truce, since I’ve found a secret message in VincentAlzey’s post:

In either case, I should check out the game demo at some point. Looks interesting… I wonder if 2ch is really going to translate it to Japanese…

Hmmm… I did a Google search for burn victims, and the disfigurement seem to vary greatly depending what caused the burn, the duration of the burning, type of corrective surgury involved… even racial skin color. Looking at her picture on the site, there’s some creative liberty the artist took, but I saw some skin burn photos that sorta like that… taking into account I’m comparing an anime-style drawing to real medical photos and what have you.

I suppose it really depends on how severe the burn is supposed to be.

I don’t know what it is about that hidden message, but it appears almost everywhere. Proof of the universal constant that defines everything. I even found it in the US Constitution, the Art of War, Superman #1, the manual to toilet seat installation… EVERYTHING!

I saw it mentioned on 2chan not too long ago and there was keen interest. Hard to tell how serious it was… will know soon enough I suppose.

i looked up some pictures myself, can’t really find anything similar… But ionno, i mean it gets the point across, and she is so fricken cute even with it. That it’s fine for me, just it kinda throws me at times since well to me it looks like too smooth of a swollen area, like a giant blister almost.

Odd… those sorts of images poped up for me first. :?:

Here’s a few to save you from searching more. The share the general pattern and whatnot. Still leaning that it’s the artistic liberty (maybe limitation) the illustrator took. As for the cute factor: what would a bish?jo be without the bish?jo? :wink:

Kinda reminds of the deal with Sakura in Sakura Taisen… everyone in the story (especially Sumire and Orihime) said she was “plain” looking and nothing special. Made her whole inferiority complex worst (and then they took time to show Sakura’s mom was a mega hottie). Yet by our standards, she was pretty damn cute. :o

And let’s not forget Tsuki Possession teaches us that acid scars are purplish splotches, that seem to fade in and out of view depending on the situation. :stuck_out_tongue:

Maybe if they get more artist assistance (if they’re looking for it), they could fix any problems people have of it. Lord knows there’s all sorts of ways to draw burn victims…

well it is partially the pattern but really most of what throws me off(just played some more) is that it just seems liked the burned side of her face is just abnormally swollen even for a burn. like that side of her face sticks out a good 1-3 inches more.

sheesh…what’s going on?

sorry boys and girls but i will have to close this thread.