ken Akamatsu -king of harem manga?

Nodoka at least has already gotten that idea herself, and that’s old news even if all you’re reading is the domestic release (like I am).

That’s a greedy but clever answer!

True ,but it seems Negi has started raiding other peoples harem.

HIS harem can’t be complete until he collects the crown jewel. He needs to pactio Shizuna-sensei .Only then will he have accrued the ultimate harem.

[url=]This apocalypse was predicted years ago on 4chan[/url]… sadly no one was able to collect on the bounty.

If allowed to reach puberty, he will control the largest harem in the history of mankind, possibly resulting in a uncontrollable snowballing effect.

So we’re all screwed… or not be getting, as the case may be. :wink: :stuck_out_tongue:

People just have short memory. See Junta in DNA².

I saw this and thought I should let anyone who is a huge Love Hina fan like me know: … vival.html

Apparently Akamatsu did a one off chapter of Love Hina in color. The chapter never has been in a tankoban as far as I know. Personally ,I think it looks way to Negi-ized in terms of characters shape and tone.Also It seems like he went with a very rigid box format,but that may be necessary when dealing with color. :o

I have a poster of that picture of all the girls at the beach that a friend gave me a few years ago. I sandwiched it between a couple of pieces of plexiglas and hung it up in my den. It’s awesome.

I just want to say this: If every girl does not get a pactio by the end of the manga ;I’m going to be a very angry camper.

Also While shirabe was nice , If Negi makes other non-class pactios I want to see Theodora get one.[Nosebleed smiley here since there isn’t one.]

oh lawl thanks xD Didn’t know a one shot was done.

In other news, We’re finally off Namek guys holy shit!!! :shock:

It looks like one of my favorite girls(Chizuru) is finally going to share the spotlight.When the fuck did she become rich though? :expressionless:

Well she has that attitude. Shes either is or not. xD

Also I’m rather disappointed that planet namek had to end cuz I’m much more interested in that than Earth. Alot of new stuff. =(

Well, the manga is over and I’ve finally finished. I was really disappointed at the ending, since there were hints at so many aborted arcs. For instance:

Zazie being a demon princess AND the demon realm being located on Venus/

It makes me wonder though, since Earth and Mars both contain “worlds” and so does one other planet, I wonder if in this universe Akamatsu-sensei has created there exists a heavenly realm or some such analogue. Here’s hoping his new manga is a continuation, and my question gets answered. :slight_smile: