ken Akamatsu -king of harem manga?

Ok how many of you have read his works?

Love Hina was the very first manga I ever read so I may have more than a bit of bias :oops: .

I think one reason it isnt very popular is because the anime adaptations have always been lack luster at best.

also browsing wikipedia I found this ; … ?b=3347486

kodansha made a reprint with some colored pages . Also the english rights have lapsed . It appears Im going to have to work quickly to collect all of the volumes . Nostalgia and all .

I also found this -can anyone explain it?

I thought at first I was looking at the original Japanese volume 10 cover . The kodansha cover also has Naru in a top though. Is it merely an excellent shoop? :?

… Love HIna is a popular manga and anime title, usually tauted as one of the pillars of the harem sub-genre. I don’t understand what you are tyring to say here.

Love Hina and Negima are awsome.

If it has two legs and a female anatomy, she will do anything to shag Negi. Negi Springfield has one of the largest harems known to mankind - and it’s still growing - with each girl a powerhouse of death and destruction. Don’t mess with Negi, unless you have the means to defeat an army of diverse lovely women: from aliens to robots to magicians to vampires to psychics to ghosts to twincest to kung fu masters to…

Plus Negi tends to have More Power Than God¬ô when his harem is in danger.

Fixed Nagi to Negi as OLF pointed out.

…I think you mean Negi, not his father…

Ah. You’re right. I keep getting their name mixed up :oops:

You’re secretly a girl and Izumi Ako in disguise? :wink:

For me, Negima > Love Hina > A.I. Love You.
I’ve bought only the first volume of A.I. Love You but this manga is really dated and weak. I loved Love Hina several years ago but when I’ve been reading it for the second time recently, I didn’t like it that much. Negima, on the other hand, I can read any number of times and I’m always having fun. As for the name of this thread, I agree. Negima is the ultimate harem manga, although not very typical… :slight_smile:

Well, I don’t think there’s any other shounen fight harem manga!


Chachamaru has a fucking KILLSAT for a pactio .

I may be in a minority when I say this but am I the only one who finds Mana inconsistent and well…kinda lame?

I mean Yeah she has awesome magic bullets and gun-fu, but she’s just emotionally childish. I mean, a badass who goes all over the world fighting people should expect to lose some comrades. She loses her boyfriend and becomes all detached and stoic.She also joins a club because the team captain looks like her dead boyfriend. Gendo needs to slap some reality to her.

It’s been epic. :slight_smile:

Don’t forget that the super ultra wizard baddie… got totally pawned by Nodoka when she went godmode on his ass with her book… and she didn’t even attack him!

I like Mao-chan the best. It’s just so weird and goofy. And the omnibus volumes instead of small ones is great too.

So, she’s actually a super-boomer? :wink:

Why not? The harem has every other imaginable thing in it. :stuck_out_tongue:

Mayhap, but to have Genom endorse Chao Lingshen?

…OTOH, mmmmhhhhhh, Chao’s goal was to conquer the world. Hmmmmm, I guess Genom would certainly endorse such a project!

You should read DNA^2 manga. >.>

Fuck yea. Negi proves once again that he’s truly a harem master.

That’s one mystery solved with style. :o

There’s also more of Mana being John Preston again.

With your whole talk about Negima!!, you should post us your favourite characters/girls! After all, I only know of one twin set!

All of them of course! That’s the correct answer to a harem scenario. Why settle for one, when you can get them all? :o

Of course, whoever said quality and quantity had to be separate?